About the Author

A west coast native, Jenna Ryan grew up reading romances and writing mysteries. Over the years, she has worked in several different industries, including modeling, interior design and travel, however, writing has always been her passion—even if she didn’t go about it in the usual way.

She earned a degree in Creative Writing from the University of Victoria in British Columbia and currently lives in a semi-rural setting fifteen minutes from the city.

She loves the mountains and the ocean, wicked thunderstorms and a good ghost story on a rainy night. She’s been twisting murder plots and blending them with strong romances since the 1980s and has several awards to show for it. She hopes that means she is doing it right. Visit her on her website www.JennaRyanAuthor.com, drop by her Facebook page www.facebook.com/jennaryan.5201, her author Facebook page www.facebook.com/readjennaryan, or tweet her at @JennaRyanAuthor.