Of course, we all know Squat, Deadlift, Lunge, Bench, Shoulder Press, Row, Pull-up, etc., but we, as an industry, seem to lack consistency in the mobility and warm up section. Therefore, I promised myself for this book I would not leave any dedicated athlete and/or coach out to dry going to YouTube trying to decipher what my uncommon exercises are. Here is a detailed list with quick descriptions of the exercises I believe to be uncommon. You can also check out our YouTube channel at GetFit-Now.com to see quick 10–15 seconds clips of each.
Wall Half-Kneeling 3-Way Ankle Mobility
Get into a lunge position facing the wall or power rack with your back knee resting on the floor. Position your front foot a “thumbs-up” distance from the wall or power rack. Drive your front knee towards the wall left (over the big toe), center, and right (over the pinkie toe) while keeping your heel flat.
Toes Up PVC/Barbell RDL
Elevate your toes (as though onto a lifting platform) and push your hips back. As you do so, lower the PVC or barbell like you would during an RDL. Rotate your toes in, out, and neutral every 2 reps.
Lunge Yoga Rotations
Get into a lunge position. Place the opposite hand from your front knee on the floor. Place the same fist as the front knee on your temple. Hold a lunge position while you rotate your elbow up to the ceiling and down to the floor.
Linear Banded Lunge Active Stretch
Securely anchor a band to a power rack. Step into the other end and loop it around your hips, right at the bottom of your glutes. Facing towards the anchor, get into a split squat position. Activate your glutes on the band side and slowly push your hips forward for an even greater stretch.
Lateral Banded Lunge Active Stretch
Securely anchor a band to a power rack. Step into the other end and loop it around your hips, right at around your mid-thigh. Facing perpendicular from the anchor, get into a split squat position. Place the opposite hand (from the front foot) on the floor next to your front foot and reach with the other arm to the ceiling, rotating through the mid-spine.
Couch Stretch
Start on all fours in front of a wall. Bend a knee and place it at the base of the wall with your shin flat against the wall. Pull your other knee up into a split squat position. Kneel tall and activate your glutes on the same side as the shin on the wall.
Walking Lunge with Rotation
From standing, step forward with your right foot and decelerate your body into a stationary lunge position with your right knee off the ground and your left knee up. Exhale, rotating your torso towards your front leg. Without pausing, drive your right heel into the floor to push yourself up and take a step forward with your left foot. Decelerate your body with your left foot as you move into another stationary lunge position.
Cossack Squat
Start with feet stretched wide, like during a groin stretch. Squat to one side with your arms held in front for balance while you rotate your opposite foot onto the heel and point the toes up. A TRX or rings are optional here and may help with balance.
Pigeon Stretch
This stretch is best done on an incline bench at 45 degrees. Place your right foot on the bench at the crease of the seat. Lay your right lower leg on the incline portion of the bench while bending the right leg and reach your left leg back into a traditional pigeon pose. Manipulate the upper body to best feel the stretch in your outer hips.
Floor Medicine Ball Thoracic Rotations
While lying on your side, flex the top hip/knee to 90 degrees and pin that knee to the floor with a medicine ball or foam roller and your opposite hand. Grab the armpit area with the same hand as the knee that is flexed. Rotate away from the top knee by pulling your elbow away and towards the floor.
Kneeling Thoracic Rotations
Rest your glutes on your heels while kneeling. Place your fist on your temple and rotate while resting your opposite hand on the floor for balance.
Medicine Ball Thoracic Extension
Sitting on the floor, knees bent, feet flat on the ground, place a medicine ball behind you on your mid spine (thoracic spine). Place your hands behind your back and arch your chest backwards.
Bretzel Stretch
Lie on your right side with your left knee up on a foam roll. Keep your hips stacked and head supported by a foam pad. Take your right hand and grab the left knee on the foam roll. Bend your right knee and grab the ankle of your right leg with your left hand and pull the ankle to your glutes. Initiate the stretch by exhaling and rotating your shoulders away from the left leg.
Dumbbell “T” Balance
Combines the Single Leg RDL with a Superman Raise. Perform a Single Leg RDL while raising your arms overhead at the same time.
Banded Hamstring Active Stretch
Lay down on a bench with one foot on the ground, with that knee at 90 degrees. Wrap a band around the other foot and pull that knee to 90 degrees. Isometrically activate the hamstrings of the leg on the ground by clawing the foot towards your glutes while keeping the entire foot on the ground. At the same time, straighten the other leg against the band to achieve a mild stretch in the hamstring.
Band Overhead Squat Pattern
Anchor a strength band at the bottom of a Squat Rack. Grab that band with an overhand and shoulder-width grip. Squat to parallel and raise the band overhead with your arms in a “V”.
PVC or Barbell Overhead Squat
While holding a PVC bar or barbell directly overhead, with elbows directly in line with your ears and your shoulder blades pulled down and back, start the movement by pushing your hips back with a neutral lower back, allowing your knees to bend naturally.