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Please don’t be irritated by another strange ending, as this way allows me the possibility of writing more books in the series that take place twelve weeks and twelve months after the Rapture. I doubt I can do twelve years since the Rapture comes before the seven-year Tribulation, and we’re not told how much time passes between them.
When I finished writing the first book, I was adamant about not doing a sequel. But the Lord always provides—and this time it was amazing because once I was committed, the story took me only six weeks to compile instead of the thirty-plus years the first one did. It’s all about God’s perfect timing, isn’t it?
Now, reader, please note this is a work of fiction; it’s conjecture of what I think could or might happen if the Rapture occurs right now (and it may or may not), yet I’m not declaring any specific date. The Lord said in Matthew 24:36, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”
The Rapture may not happen now or in twelve weeks, months, years, decades, et cetera. But it will happen! And as Matthew 24:44 says, “Therefore be ye also ready; for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man cometh.” God instructs us to be ready and anticipate Jesus calling us up in the clouds if we’re alive at that time.
Also, pastors today have different theories about the Rapture and afterward. Some think the Rapture begins the seven-year Tribulation timeline, but it’s not mentioned as its start in the Scriptures—only that it comes before it. There is nothing in the Bible that needs to be fulfilled for the Rapture to happen. Nothing.
While the standard belief has all believers being taken up in the air in the blink of an eye, one well-known teacher suggests the possibility of us instantly changing into our glorified bodies, and then we slowly go up, with those left behind watching us ascend. He may be right; we don’t know. However, the Greek word for caught up is harpazo, meaning to seize, catch, pluck, pull, or take (by force), so one would think the event will happen quickly.
The same is said for the idea of a virus versus an alien abduction—pastors consider both viewpoints, but neither is mentioned in Scripture.
So please forgive me for the many wrong conclusions I’ve made or erroneous speculations in my writing. Like Heaven, the Rapture will be different than any of us expect or anticipate.
The main reason I’ve been compelled to write these two novels (so far) about the Rapture is that I feel it’s my ministry to help unbelievers and believers think about their relationship with God. Getting you, the reader, to contemplate, discuss, or debate the topic of the Rapture and what happens after it is my goal, and I hope I’ve achieved it.
During writing, I felt the Holy Spirit guiding me on each page, giving me ideal scenarios that flowed smoothly together. To God be the glory!
I want to thank my husband again for his love for our Savior and me. Having been married for over forty-five years, we both know God brought us together, and we thank Him for the privilege. My husband’s medical input and perfectly suggested synonyms are deeply appreciated.
My thanks also go to two dear friends who prompted and pushed me to write this sequel. Kitty and Debra, you were monumental in your love and consistent encouragement to get me enthusiastic about writing again.
In addition, I want to thank Scott Townsend, not only for his Rapture Kit, which has a plethora of Biblical information about the Rapture and Tribulation and can be given to those loved ones left behind, but also for his internet/computer knowledge that kept my facts straight.
Finally, and most importantly, I give all praise and love to Jesus Christ, my Savior, who died on the cross, shed His blood for all sin, and rose on the third day.
And, reader, thank you for your time. If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, pray and talk to God about it. Unfortunately, some will refuse to believe now and after the Rapture happens—and God knows who you are. II Thessalonians 2:1-12 says, “And with all deceivableness of righteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie; That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
Yet, I believe most of you who have read this second book are Christians. Time could be short, so please do all you can to tell your loved ones about the Rapture as it could happen at any moment.
I hope to meet you in the air soon. Maranatha!
The End.