Accenture, 46
Adelson, Sheldon, 178
Admati, Anat, The Bankers’ New Clothes, 162
Affordable Care Act, 196
Age of Enlightenment, 138
The Age of Turbulence (Greenspan), 120
Allegretto, Sylvia, 34
Alperovitz, Gar, 15
Al-Rahman, Abd, 217
Amazon, 186
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 119, 150
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 183
Anderson, Norman F., 183
Andreessen, Marc, 82
Angola, GDP and poverty in, 21–22
Anholt, Simon, 144
antipoverty programs, 18
Argentina, 11
assembly line, 81
AstraZeneca, 54
AT&T, 51
Atlas Shrugged (Rand), 136–137
Audubon Society, 108
austerity solution, 119
Australia, business startup in, 89
authoritarian capitalism, 7
Ballmer, Steve, 36
The Bankers’ New Clothes (Admati), 162
Barclays, 47
Barnes, Peter, Capitalism 3.0, 110
BASF, 110
basic income, 72
Big Politics, and Big Business, 30
Blood Sugar Solution (Hyman), 190
BMW, 110
Boeing, 222
Bombardier, 110
bottom-up planning approach, 25
Bowles-Simpson Deficit Commission, 152
Bowling Alone (Putnam), 140
Branson, Richard, 187
Bush, George W., 45
businesses, in capitalism, 7–8
California, minimum wage, 68
Canada, business startup in, 89
capital, for entrepreneurs, 89
capital gains taxes, 30, 52–53, 159
Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty), 2, 31
constituents of healthy, 223–224
improvements in modern, 12
Marx on, 63
and militarism, 83
qualities, 9
shortcomings of, 12–15, 225–226
short-term orientation, 181–187
A Capitalism for the People (Zingales), 161
Capitalism Papers (Mander), 10
“capitalism with a heart,” 5
carbon credits, 97
carbon emissions, taxes on, 97
Caribbean, 176
Carney, Mark, 165
Carson, Rachel, Silent Spring, 108
cartels, 102
Casino Capitalism, 40
Caslione, John, Chaotics, 121
Cathay Pacific, 82
CEOs, see senior executives
Chaotics (Caslione), 121
children, in poverty, 19
Chile, 11
markets, 3
restrictions on childbearing, 20
state-owned investment funds, 128
Christensen, Clayton M., 124
Citicorp, 159
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 56, 171
and energy needs, 107
Clinton administration, 25–27, 45
closed shop union, 66
coal, 107
Coalition of Immokalee Workers, 65
cod fishery in North Atlantic, 112
co-determination, 73
cognitive computing, 85
cognitive digital control systems, 82
Cohen, Daniel, 211
coincident indicators, 118
collective bargaining, 66
collectivistic society, vs. community-minded, 140
Collier, Paul, The Bottom Billion, 23–24
colonialism in Africa, 22
community responsibilities, 15
ecological practices, 106, 109–110
headquarters location, 46
compensation, ratio of executive to worker, 50–51
consumer debt, 149
consumer demand, 117
consumerism, changing culture of, 204–206
reducing, 221
contraction period in business cycle, 116, 117–118
contracts, 7
Cook, Tim, 35
corporate social responsibility, 142–144
Corporate Social Responsibility (Lee and Kotler), 143
corporatism, 102
Corruption Perceptions Index, 175
cost barriers to market entry, 101
Cote, David M., 35
Cultural Revolution, in China, 6
of companies, 15
business knowledge of, 8
empowerment, and turbulence, 131–132
Dalio, Ray, 35
Daly, Herman, 203
D’Aveni, Richard, Hypercompetition, 127
de Blasio, Bill, 44
De Soto, Hernando, The Mystery of Capital, 20
dead capital, 21
demand for products, and worker pay, 68
Denmark, minimum wage, 43
Detachers, 206
Dharavi, Mumbai, 18
Dickens, Charles, 63
Oliver Twist, 18
digital infrastructure, 184
digital retail sites, 82
diminishing returns, law of, 49
disaster capitalism, 11
disruptive innovation, 124–125
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform rules, 163
Dorff, Michael, 35
dot-com boom, 117
drones, 82
Drucker, Peter, 133
dual planning, 181
Dubai, state-owned investment funds, 128
Dudley, William, 165
Dust Bowl, 106
earned income tax credit, 18, 55
Easterlin, Richard, 212
Easterly, William, The White Man’s Burden, 24
Eaton Corporation, 46
Ecoimagination, 130
The Ecology of Commerce (Hawken), 109
economic growth
vs. development, 21
forces dampening, 87
in U.S., 1945 to 1970, 148
Economic Policy Institute, 71–72
economic systems, types of, 5
economies of scale, 8
economies of scope, 8
on healthy food choices, 197
Egan, Timothy, 71
Egypt, 22
Einstein, Albert, 199
elections, influence on, 56
employment, minimum wage and, 71
The End of Work (Rifkin), 84
energy needs, and climate change, 107
Engels, Friedrich, 12
entrepreneurship, encouraging, 89–90
top ten concerns, 113
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 108
equilibrium, 121
ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan), 73
ethical egoism, 136
Etzioni, Amitai, 141
Europe, redistribution and, 134
European Commission, 51
European Union, 76
expansion, in business cycle, 117
Exxon Mobil, 59
Farr, David N., 35
Favelas, Rio de Janeiro, 18
federal debt, interest payment on, 151
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 163
Federal Reserve System, 67
financial crisis, 165
financial sector, 153
jobs, 154
Forbes, 55
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, 47
foreign aid, 24
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 176
foreign earnings of U.S. companies, taxes, 53–54
foreign trade policies, 177
The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid (Prahalad), 25
Foster, John Bellamy, 106
The Fountainhead (Rand), 136
fracking, 108
Francis (pope), 40
Franklin, Benjamin, 115
free market capitalism, 8
Freeman, R. Edward, 142
Friedman, Milton, 2, 7, 9, 103, 138–139
Fukuyama, Francis, 168
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 176, 214, 220–221
Gates, Bill, 22
GDP (gross domestic product), 8, 155, 199–209, 214–215
Gemeinschaft, 141
General Motors, 149
Gesellschaft, 141
Gingrich, Newt, 178
Gini index, 39
Giving Pledge, 30
Glass-Steagall Act, 67, 159, 162
globalized capitalism, 3
Good Country Index, 144
Good Works!, 143
government policy, and recession, 119
government role, in capitalism, 9–10
Grain Brain (Perlmutter), 190
The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck), 64
Great Depression of 1930s, 118
Great Recession of 2007–2011, 25–27, 33, 51, 68, 150–152
green movement, 129
The Age of Turbulence, 120
gross domestic product (GDP), 8, 155, 199–209, 214–215
gross national happiness (GNH), 215–217
Grove, Andy, Only the Paranoid Survive, 121
guaranteed minimum income, 72–73
and income, 213
and income inequality, 222–223
Harvard Business School, 3, 39
Hawken, Paul, 106
The Ecology of Commerce, 109
hedge fund managers, 2011 incomes of, 35–36
helping others, 219
Hester, Stephen, 58
Hofstede, Geert, 139
holidays, 76
Hollande, Francois, 48
Hong Kong, 89
HSBC, 47
Hsieh, Tony, 75
Huffington Post, 56
Hugo, Victor, 14
Human Development Index, 21
hypercompetition, 127
IBM, 47
Icahn, Carl, 35
Iger, Robert A., 35
imperialism in Africa, 22
Inclusive Capitalism Conference (2014), 41–42
growth, 31
and happiness, 213
indicators of economic activities, 118
individual rights, 144
Industrial Revolution, 17–18, 64
inflation, 152
information, capitalism and, 95–96
information revolution, 122–123
ING, 47
innovation, 201
Instagram, 86
Intel, 121
interest rate, 119
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 105
International Labor Organization (ILO), 65, 79
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 48, 161
invisible hand, 9
Jackson, Tim, Prosperity Without Growth, 110
Jenkins, Antony, 58
creation, automation and, 79–93
training, 92
Jobs, Steve, 189
Johnson, Lyndon, 18
Jones, Med, 216
Jorgenson, Dale, 97
The Jungle (Sinclair), 64
Keynes, John Maynard, 10, 84, 147
Kibera, Nairobi, 18
Kindleberger, Charles, 118
Klein, Naomi
This Changes Everything, 111
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, 58
knowledge workers, 84
Krugman, Paul, 36, 60, 71, 151
Kuwait, state-owned investment funds, 128
labor force, worker dropout from, 40
Lafley, A. G., 36
Lagarde, Christine, 48
lagging indicators, 118
laissez-faire capitalists, 7
Lampert, Edward S., 36
Latin America, crime rate, 41
leading indicators, 118
Lee, Nancy, 143
legal system
barriers to market entry, 101
and capitalism, 7
Lessig, Lawrence, Republic, Lost, 171
Liberalism (Von Mises), 138
The Limits to Growth, 20, 108, 202
The Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update, 111–112
living wage calculator, 67
living wage, proposals for, 72–74
Locke, John, 138
Lockheed, 173
Los Angeles, smog, 106
lottery tickets, 156
Luddites, 80
Luxembourg, 47
Malthus, Thomas, 20
Mander, Jerry, Capitalism Papers, 10
manufacturing, 79–80, 90, 153–154
Mao Zedong, 6
Market Your Way to Growth, 144
marketing, 2, 221–222, 223–224
Marx, Karl, 63
Das Capital, 11
materialism, 194
McGuire, William, 36
McNerney, James, 222
Meadows, Dennis L., The Limits to Growth, 20, 108, 202
Meadows, Donella H., The Limits to Growth, 20, 108, 202
means test, for transfer payments, 55
median income, 32
of top households, 38
Meltzer, Allan, 7
Mian, Atif, 119
and income inequality, 39
migrant workers, 64
Milanovic, Branko, 60
Milibrand, Ed, 4
military spending, 83
Millennium Development Goals (MDG), 19
Mindless (Head), 81
Minsky, Hyman P., 184
missing markets, 160
The Missing Wealth of Nations (Zucman), 46
mixed economy, 4
mobility, 95
moral obligation, 142
Morrison, Shiloh, 95
debt, 156
interest as tax deduction, 53
shared responsibility, 119
motivation, of corporate executives, 49
Mubarak, Hosni, 22
Mugabe, Robert, 24
Muir, John, 108
Murdoch, Rupert, 35
The Mystery of Capital (De Soto), 20
Nair, Chandran, Consumptionomics, 202–203
Natale, Patrick, 183
National Downshifting Week (U.K.), 221
national parks movement, 108
National Rifle Association, 191
natural monopoly, 101
Natural Resource Curse, 23
negative externalities, 96, 97, 98
negative income tax, 72
neoliberalists, 10
Netherlands, 47
New Economy Movement, 15
The New Financial Order (Shiller), 160
New York Times, 38
New Zealand, business startup in, 89
nuclear bombs, 83
nuclear energy, 109
“nudging” strategy, 196
Obama, Barack, 39, 50–51, 56, 150, 185
objectivism, 136
oil subsidies, 59
Olson, Rob, 187
Only the Paranoid Survive (Grove), 121
open shop unions, 65
opportunity from turbulence, 121
Orangi, Pakistan, 18
overpopulation, and poverty, 20
Oxfam, 32
Pareto, Vilfredo, 30
Patagonia, 109
Patriotic Millionaires, 30
pay-cap policies, 51
payday industry, 158
peak in business cycle, 117
performance, pay for, 35
Perkins, Tom, 58
person, corporation as, 56
Pew Research Center, 33
Pfizer, 54
Phelps, Edmund S., 102
Piketty, Thomas, 59
Capital in the Twenty-First Century, 2, 31
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 144
Plato, Republic, 179
political campaign funds, 163
bribery and corruption, 172–176
and economics, 61
government regulation, 176–177
wealthy and, 50
Polk, Sam, 36
pollution, 96
population stabilization, 204
Porter, Michael, 3
Portland, Oregon, minimum wage, 69
positive externalities, 99
The Post-American World and the Rise of the Rest (Zakaria), 125–126
poverty, 34
impact, 41
recommended approaches to, 23–25, 27
Prahalad, C. K., The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, 25
Pravda (USSR newspaper), 6
private monopoly, 102
private property, 7
private sector, and poverty, 27
privatization, 11
Procter & Gamble, 8
productivity, 81
professional sector, 154
profit, 9
proletarians, 11
property rights, 20
prosocial behavior, 219
prosperity, need for strategy, 3
Prosperity Without Growth (Jackson), 110
public education, 195
public goods, 96
public welfare, 4
public-private partnerships (PPPs), 185
publicly traded companies, short-term planning, 182
Pullman Strike, 66
Putnam, Robert, Bowling Alone, 140
quality of public goods and services, 195–196
Al-Rahman, Abd, 217
Rand, Ayn
The Fountainhead, 136
rate of return, to capital, 31
recovery, factors contributing to, 118–119
Redford, Robert, 105
redistribution payments, 39
refundable tax credit, 73
Republic, Lost (Lessig), 171
Republic (Plato), 179
retail sector, automation and, 82
return on investment, from lobbying, 171
Rifkin, Jeremy, The End of Work, 84
risk, in business decision making, 115
Rivkin, Jan, 3
The Road to Serfdom (Hayek), 138–139
robotics, 81
Rometty, Virginia, 57
Roosevelt, Theodore, 108
Rubin, Robert, 159
rule of law, 7
ruling elite, greed and poverty, 21
Russell Sage Foundation, 55–56
Sachs, Jeffrey, 34
The End of Poverty, 24
Salt Sugar Fat (Moss), 189
Samsung, 110
Samuelson, Paul, 2
Sane Consumption Group, 200, 201–203
Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 164
satisfaction, 30
Scandinavia, tax philosophy, 47–48
Schultz, Howard, 187
Schumacher, E. F., Small Is Beautiful, 220
Schwarzman, Stephen, 58
scientific management, 81
Sculley, John, 79
Seattle, minimum wage, 69
The Second Machine Age, 85
securitization, 160
compensation, 31, 36, 57, 149, 186
pay ratio to worker pay, 50–51
severance pay packages, 36
shared responsibility mortgages, 119
Sheth, Jagdish, 221
The Shifts and the Shocks (Wolf), 165
Shiller, Robert, The New Financial Order, 160
The Shock Doctrine (Klein), 10–11
short-term orientation of capitalism, 181–187
Siemens, 110
Silent Spring (Carson), 108
Simons, James, 35
Sinclair, Upton, The Jungle, 64
Slim, Carlos, 91
slums, 18
small house movement, 221
Small Is Beautiful (Schumacher), 220
The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 138
The Wealth of Nations, 15, 138
social responsibility, vs. individual rights, 141
social wages, 92
socialistic market economy, 4
Socrates, 211
Solow, Robert, 2
South Africa, crime rate, 41
South Dakota, dynasty trusts, 58
sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), 127–129
Spain, 60
stakeholders, 15
Stalin, Joseph, 6
Standard Chartered, 47
standard of living, 21
Starbucks, 187
state-owned enterprises (SOEs), in Africa, 22
Steady-State Economy Group, 200, 203–204
Steinbeck, John, The Grapes of Wrath, 64
STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) skills, 87–88
Stiglitz, Joseph, 29
stimulus spending, 119
stock markets, 182
stock options, 57
strategic framework for businesses, 133
Stravinsky, Igor, 14
strict socialism, 5
strikes, 66
student loan debt, 41, 90, 156–157, 194
Sufi, Amir, 119
super-rich, 32–33, 34, 178–179, 223
sustainability, 110, 114, 207–208
Taiwan, 109
tax evasion, 46
on carbon emissions, 97
on unhealthy items, 196
U.S. corporate rate, 90
Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 81
and information revolution, 122–123
teenage workers, wage for, 71
Thatcher, Margaret, 10
The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith), 138
Thoreau, Henry David, 108, 135
3M, 114
Timberland, 109
Ton, Zeynep, 75
top-down planning, problem of, 25
total cost, 97
tradable assets, poor lack, 20
tragedy of the commons, 96, 100
transfer payment programs, 54–55
Transparency International, 175
“trickle down” theory, 29
trough, in business cycle, 116
UN Food and Agriculture Organization, 112
uncertainty, in business decision making, 115
underemployment, 151
unemployment benefits, 43
Unilever, 208
United States
business startup in, 89
and climate change, 114
corporate tax rate, 45
economic growth, 1945 to 1970, 148
energy and materials consumption, 111
financialization of economic system, 158–161
Gini index, 39
Internal Revenue Service budget, 47
median wealth, 32
minimum wage, 43
national security spending, 83
physical infrastructure, 183
plan for reducing world poverty, 18–19
problems in, 11
public education, 33
redistribution and, 134
tax rates in 2013, 44
universal savings plan, 73
unregulated capitalism, 5
U.S. Congress, and tax rates, 49–50
value, labor theory of, 63
Veblen, Thorsten, 213
vetocracy, 168
Vidal, Gore, 137
Virgin Group, 187
Volker, Paul, 162
Von Mises, Ludwig, Liberalism, 138
vulnerability from turbulence, 121
Wall Street (movie), 137
Wal-Mart, 68
Walton, Sam, 34
Wangchuck, Jigme Singye (king of Bhutan), 215
War on Drugs, 84
War on Poverty programs, 27
The Wealth of Nations (Smith), 138
wealthy, 33
dominance, 31
efforts to cap accumulation, 59–60
Piketty on, 31
and politicians, 50
reaction to higher tax rate, 48–49
taxes on, 44
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, 18, 140
Welch, Jack, 36
welfare economy, 4
welfare view, 10
well-being, assessing, 213
wellness areas, 216
Whitman, Walt, 108
Wolf, Martin, The Shifts and the Shocks, 165
Wolff, Richard, 170
Woodward, Helen Beal, 137
Wordsworth, William, 217
work projects, 72
incomes since 1940s, 67
living wage proposals for, 72–74
Marx on, 11
in Soviet Union, 6
Workers’ Self-Directed Enterprises (WSDEs), 73
working parents, 40
workweek, reducing, 91
world population growth, 112
World Resources Institute, 112
World Trade Organization, 98
youth unemployment, 39
Zak, Paul, 75
Zakaria, Fareed, The Post-American World and the Rise of the Rest, 125–126
Zappos, 75
Zimbabwe, 24
Zingales, Luigi, A Capitalism for the People, 161
zoning laws, 101
Zucman, Gabriel, The Missing Wealth of Nations, 46