“Don’t be afraid to reach for the stars . . . ”
—Ellen Ochoa, first Latina astronaut, La Mesa, California
“All the boys on Hero Street could hardly wait to serve our country.”
—Sonny Soliz, Silvis, Illinois
“Victoria Soto was one in a million.”
—Police Chief Gary MacNamara, Newtown, Connecticut
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Text copyright © 2014 by Juan Felipe Herrera
Pictures copyright © 2014 by Raúl Colón
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Herrera, Juan Felipe.
Portraits of Hispanic American heroes / by Juan Felipe Herrera ; pictures by Raul Colon.
pages cm
Summary: “Twenty Hispanic American artists, scientists, athletes, activists and political leaders are profiled in this stunning picture book, complete with inspirational quotes and distinctive expressionist portraits”—Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978-0-698-17920-2
1. Hispanic Americans—Biography—Juvenile literature. I. Colón, Raúl, illustrator. II. Title.
E184.S75H486 2014 920.009268—dc23 [B] 2013044661
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The illustrations are done on watercolor paper and combine watercolor washes, etching, and the use of colored pencils and litho pencils.