Self-Worth Enhancement

Self-worth is impacted by what we think about our successes and failures, the experiences we have in life, and the influence we have on them. Self-worth is affected by many factors, such as thoughts and perceptions about the self, how others react to us, illness, culture, and past experiences at home, school/ work, and other settings. Individuals along the histrionic spectrum are likely to have a very fragile and low sense of self-worth.

Early relationships with caregivers and other important individuals often lay the foundation for later pathology, and they are also critical in designing the frame for self-worth. Many beliefs clients hold about themselves reflect messages they have received from these people over time. Many individuals on the histrionic spectrum received mostly negative feedback from these early relationships and were often criticized, teased, or devalued, and are highly likely to struggle with low self-worth as a result. Psychopathology and self-worth are not mutually exclusive. If you enhance your client’s sense of self-worth, you can lessen the adverse impact of maladaptive patterns and related psychopathology.

Next Steps

The Self-Worth Enhancement Worksheet will aid in identifying troubling situations, negative emotions, positive and negative thoughts within these situations, factors related to managing these situations, self-worth enhancing emotions, and alternative behaviors your client may identify to build his or her sense of self-worth. This is an excellent worksheet to use in multiple times in session to gauge the progress and growth of self-worth.


Self-Worth Enhancement

Directions: List three situations that you feel lessen your self-worth or make you feel bad about yourself. This can include situations when you feel judged, forgotten, not the center of attention, etc.

Situation 1: _________________________________________

Situation 2: _________________________________________

Situation 3: _________________________________________

Circle which emotion(s) fit the corresponding situation that lessens your self-worth. (Circle all that apply.)

Situation 1. Anxious Grieving Unsupported Humiliated Other:
  Worthless Confused Conflicted Overwhelmed _________
Situation 2. Anxious Grieving Unsupported Humiliated Other:
  Worthless Confused Conflicted Overwhelmed _________
Situation 3. Anxious Grieving Unsupported Humiliated Other:
  Worthless Confused Conflicted Overwhelmed _________

List your positive and negative thoughts and self-talk while you are in each of these situations:

Situation 1: _________________________________________

Situation 2: _________________________________________

Situation 3: _________________________________________

List the outcomes of how these thoughts help or hinder you in managing these situations:

Situation 1: _________________________________________

Situation 2: _________________________________________

Situation 3: _________________________________________

Circle which emotion(s) fit the corresponding situation that would help enhance your self-worth. (Circle all that apply.)

Situation 1. Compassionate Calm Worthy Valued Other:
  Kind Optimistic Forgiven Self-Respectful __________
Situation 2. Compassionate Calm Worthy Valued Other:
  Kind Optimistic Forgiven Self-Respectful __________
Situation 3. Compassionate Calm Worthy Valued Other:
  Kind Optimistic Forgiven Self-Respectful __________

List what you could/would do differently in these situations to enhance and encourage the emotions that build your self-worth:

Situation 1: _________________________________________

Situation 2: _________________________________________

Situation 3: _________________________________________