Chapter Twenty-five


Is it supposed to be some sort of cruel irony that the full moon falls on Christmas Eve?” Boris demanded.

It can’t be that bad,” Kalia replied, though she, too, looked anxious.

They had spent the entire day trying not to bring up the subject. Kalia’s worried glances toward the door in the poorly used sitting room let Alex know she was still concerned about her father overhearing. The werewolves had been too restless to do anything remotely close to sitting.

It is that bad, Kali. It’s not like you know,” Boris spat. At Kalia’s hurt expression, Boris sighed. “Look. I know you’re caught in-between and all,” he said, waving his fingers. “But for those of us real werewolves, it’s hard to think of anything but phasing tonight. Right, Alex?”

Alex wasn’t sure Boris’ explanation had helped Kalia feel any better. He gave her a forced cheerful smile. “There are benefits to not being able to stop moving. I fixed the squeaky door.”

Alex opened the door to the closet and shut it again for emphasis. It gave a louder squeak than it had when he started.

Kalia rolled her eyes. “You took off the hinges, cleaned them, checked the alignment, refastened the screws, and it still squeaks. Did you think of greasing the hinges first?”

As if on command, Henry came into the room carrying a bottle of grease on a fancy silver tray that looked as if it should be used to carry fine Hors d’oeuvres or wine in fancy glasses instead. He offered it to Alex with a flourish.

Alex sprayed the grease on the hinges, then opened and shut the door again. To his dismay, it was completely silent. He sighed at Kalia’s satisfied expression. “Okay, so the entire day was wasted.” He gave Henry a weary smile. “Thank you for bringing the grease.”

You’re welcome, sir,” Henry replied before leaving the room.

He apparently likes you,” Boris noted, flinging himself into a corner couch with enough force to make it tip on two feet before it fell with a thud back to the floor.

Alex glanced to the shut door uncertainty. “He said he was a manservant and is doing his job.”

Boris smirked. “Do you see any servants following me around? Our servants avoid Kalia and I like the plague until they absolutely have to be around us. Henry seems to actually like your company. It’s odd.”

Alex walked to the bay windows as he had done a million times that day. The sun was setting. Relief that he would soon be able to run in the moonlight filled his chest, then a nagging thought touched his mind. He turned slowly. “Where do you go during the full moon?”

He had a sudden cringing image of phasing in his bedroom and spending the whole time locked within the walls of the Dickson household afraid to make a sound in case the servants checked on him and were terrified out of their minds. The worst would be Mr. Dickson. For all he knew, the ex-Extremist still had weapons that would no doubt render a phased werewolf into a nonentity.

We have chains in the basement,” Boris said with a hint of dread in his voice. “Dad’s too worried we’ll kill the servants or terrorize the neighborhood. It’s his requirement when we’re home during the full moon.”

Alex tried to keep his voice steady. “Even you?” he asked, meeting Kalia’s gaze.

She nodded, her light blue eyes serious.

The dread in his stomach tightened into a knot at the thought of chains around his neck and wrists. He had heard of Jet and some of the other professors suffering such things, but never imagined he would also.

Something flashed in Kalia’s gaze. It took him a second to recognize it as laughter. He glanced at Boris. The Alpha was watching him with an almost-straight face. Suddenly, Boris’ grim expression dissolved into a huge smile.

Gotcha,” he crowed.

Alex looked at Kalia. She was smiling as well. For the moment, it looked as if the brother and sister were extremely pleased with their joke.

You know that was mean,” Alex said.

Boris laughed. “Yeah, but you should have seen your face. You tried to keep calm, but I could tell you were close to panicking.”

Kalia grinned. “So close.”

Alex hesitated, then nodded. “I was close.”

I told you,” Boris hooted. “He’ll believe anything.” He gave Alex a closer look. “You must really think things are horrible here for us.”

Alex forced a nonchalant shrug. “I don’t know. Your siblings avoid you. Your parents blow up if you mention a word about werewolves, and you said yourself that you’ve hated what you are since you saw the disgust on your father’s face the first time you phased.”

He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. Sometimes being honest wasn’t the most pro-life choice. Boris looked at his sister. Kalia’s eyes were wide. Alex doubted she had ever heard Boris voice anything like that. He wished he realized Boris had spoken the words in confidence.

Alex’s muscles tensed, ready to defend himself. It was so close to the full moon that he could feel the wolf pulsing beneath his skin. He could imagine the fur running up his arms. The sensation of his ears wanting to grow and become pointed tingled through the sides of his head. He could imagine his nose elongating, smells flooding it with so much information that to breathe was to understand life.

Alex?” the note of panic in Kalia’s voice brought him back.

Alex shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He realized both Boris and Kalia were staring at him.

Sorry,” Alex apologized to Boris. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

Boris shook his head without taking his eyes off Alex. “It’s not that. You changed, uh, phased, but only part way. We were watching you and you became something different. It’s like you were a wolf, but still a man.”

Alex looked at Kalia for confirmation. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” she said. There was the slightest tremble of fear in her voice.

I thought I was imagining it,” Alex told them, wanting to take away their worry. “I was afraid Boris was angry about what I said and might attack me.”

Wonder what gave you that idea,” Boris replied with derision at himself. “But you didn’t have to go all weird beast like that.”

I don’t know what I did,” Alex said honestly. “It didn’t feel strange, just different.”

You had wolf ears,” Kalia told him, the fear gone from her voice. “Your nose was bigger, and hair was starting to grow on your arms.”

Fur,” Boris corrected. “Gray fur, like when you’re a wolf. Only, you weren’t.”

Alex shook his head. “That doesn’t make sense.”

Boris glanced at his sister. “I guess we’re lucky we weren’t at dinner.”

Kalia gave a half-smile. “Though I would give anything to see Mom’s expression if he did that during chicken manicotti.”

She gave Alex a hopeful look.

No way,” Alex protested. “Whatever just happened, I’m not doing it in front of your parents. They’re ready to kick me out as it is.”

Probably not the best idea,” Boris added. He and Alex had agreed not to tell Kalia about Alex’s bodyguard trip with Mr. Dickson. With her headaches, they didn’t think she needed another stressor. Instead, Boris shrugged. “Anyway. Just don’t do that again, whatever it was.”

I’ll try not to,” Alex replied, though it came out sounding more like a question than a statement because he didn’t even know what he had done to make it happen.

And to answer your question, we can do whatever we want,” Boris replied. “The servants know something’s up with us, well, me, but they don’t know what. As long as I keep it that way, Mom and Dad prefer not to take an interest in what I do during full moons.”

So what do you do?” Alex pressed.

A smile crept across Boris’ face that Alex was certain meant nothing good. “I’ll show you when it’s time.”

Alex left them in the sitting room when it came closer to phasing time. His skin itched. There was no fighting the pull of the full moon, and he didn’t want to. He longed to run in the night lit by the bright shimmering reflected light. His body ached for the rush of leaping logs and dodging trees intent on the scent of a deer or rabbit. He wished for the laughing of the brook that traveled through the forest to Dray’s greenhouses that amazingly enough hid Mouse’s helicopter. He wanted to follow the rise of the forest floor to the peak of the cliff that looked over the Academy, the same cliff Tennison had almost jumped off.

A shudder ran through Alex’s skin, but it was different. He felt the same tingle that he had in the sitting room. His senses felt sharper. He could smell the oily scent of shoe polish applied too heavily to the spare penny loafers in the wardrobe. The whispered swish of a socked foot sounded rooms away as one of the inhabitants of the Dickson manor prepared for bed. There was a scent in the air he hadn’t noticed before, a lemony pine that lingered on the bedframe as though used to shine the mahogany months before they started applying an orange-based cleaner instead.

Alex’s head jerked up. He stared at his reflection in the mirror across the room. Familiar dark blue eyes looked back at him, the same color as Cassie and Jet’s; but that was all he recognized. Instead of his normal ears, large, pointed ears with gray fur poked through his wavy black hair. A muzzle took the place of his nose and mouth. The nose twitched, and he smelled the scent of the boysenberry candle a servant had placed in an alcove further down the hallway.

Alex’s heart stuttered. He grabbed at his chest. He winced and stared down at thick black claws that took the place of his fingernails. His knees gave out and he collapsed to the floor.