I’m bringing him home this afternoon, Grace.”
She was sitting in her backyard, drinking coffee as she talked on the phone. Staring at the morning light. She pictured his smile.
“I’m here.”
“You’re not saying anything.”
“I’m listening to you be happy.”
“Yes. Really, amor.”
“You haven’t called me amor in a long time.” He paused, then whispered, “I love you, Grace. I always have.”
“I know, amor.”
“Liz and I are doing the right thing.”
“Yes, you are.”
“Is there something wrong?”
“Mister, have you been talking to Richard Garza?” She stopped herself from saying anything else. Already she’d said too much.
Mister listened to her silence. There was something wrong.
“You’re bringing a son home today, Mister. We shouldn’t be talking about me.”
“When you and Liz get settled in with Vicente, we’ll talk.”
“You mean it?”
“You promise?”
All that hope in his voice. “I promise.” She could picture his smile. She shook her head.
“Coming over tonight? Liz and I want you to come.”
“To see my new grandson? Of course, amor.”