DAY 14,000: Make a duck-it list
People who have bucket lists are often the type of people who want to tell you all about themselves all the time. I don’t want to hear it, any more than I want to hear about their trip to Peru.
Even if you did accomplish everything on the list, you set yourself up for failure. Let’s say you finish the list but you’re still not dead. Is it time to die? What do you do with all that time? Make another bucket list?
What about people who can’t afford to have a good bucket list? Do they just make do with a mediocre one? “I’d like to go to Beaverton someday.”
Sitting and reading a good book, drinking tea, taking a walk with you. For me, those were life’s best moments. Better even than seeing the Taj Mahal or sailing the fjords or skiing in Switzerland. Sitting around just talking about . . . stuff. That’s what I really miss.