Addison sat next to Marjorie at the kitchen table. “Where were you earlier?”
“I went to see Milton,” Marjorie said.
“How is he doing? Has he been charged?”
“I don’t know. They wouldn’t tell me anything, and they wouldn’t let me see him. Said visiting hours aren’t until eleven. Guess there’s nothing left to do except wait and try again.”
Addison wondered why Marjorie hadn’t stayed there a few more hours and waited it out. “Can we talk about last night?”
“There’s no need. I should have never treated you the way I did. You did what you thought was right. I can’t blame you.”
Addison rested a hand on Marjorie’s wrist. “I didn’t give Milton up. He gave himself up. He overheard the conversation I was having with Lia. She suspected foul play and planned on saying so in her report. I thought she might be bluffing, trying to see what I’d say. Milton obviously believed her and decided the jig was up.”
“Did she say what she plans to include in her report?”
“She didn’t. I believe she’ll help Milton if she can.”
Marjorie made a face like she found the idea of Lia’s assistance hard to believe. “Why would she stick her neck out for him, a man she doesn’t even know?”
“I don’t believe she is doing it for him,” Addison said. “I think she’s doing it for me.”