The “Code”

Martin Guigui

“The sea of coded information that surrounds him begins to beat at his senses with new urgency.

—Alvin Toffler

Imagination, discovery, and creativity are boundless. What we imagine, discover, and create is why we exist. History has taught us that creativity is the fiber of our spiritual evolution, now becoming a spiritual revolution, to spiritual freedom. When creative beings travel at a similar tempo a frequency convergence occurs. Simply referred to as “good timing,” or “good chemistry,” which is actually all “Tempo”—the contagious connective tissue to the organic foundation of Global Harmony. In its creation, every song, every piece of music or art form has a perfect tempo that births it to stand the test of time. Every living being has a built-in tempo, that when internally discovered connects organically to individual truth—a fingerprint—allowing space and time to fuse, creating timelessness. I was once told that I don’t know what the true value of zero is, which is supposedly the reason I’m always late. True to my tempo, I’d like to think I’m right on time late (also known as “Guigui Time”). And in a moment, it will be later than it has ever been—the future.

Three rules for the future:

NUMBER ONE, there are no rules.

NUMBER TWO, make your own rules.

NUMBER THREE, be prepared to break them because there are no rules…

What will be? How will we be?

As we extend the visions of Verne, Asimov, Bradbury, Atwood, Wells, Kaku, Clarke, Roddenberry, Huxley, Watkins, Haraway, Kurzweil, Tesla, Toffler, and the brilliant visionary minds and spirits of today and tomorrow, as we tap our imagination and activation energy, as we enable innovation, as we cleverly, intuitively, pompously, and nervily predict the future—let us first nurture the present, which is and becomes our future. Critical focus now must be on completing the metabolic journey as a species into a collective state of full global harmony. We will then be prepared for the future that approaches at light speed.

We are embarking on a challenging journey embedded in the genesis and evolution of our DNA as a species, and in parallel with the birth and evolution of the Universe, which contains the CODE for the future. Let’s take that ride, on the wildside, into the future—and crack the CODE.

To evolve “Physically,” capable of outlasting anatomical erosion.

To evolve “Emotionally,” immune to toxic energy.

To evolve “Spiritually,” capable of sensing computer failure prior to stepping on that plane.

To evolve “Intellectually,” capable of effortlessly sending a signal to our vital organs to fend off and dissolve disease and disorder.

With each cognizant moment the present is instantaneously the past. There is no “present moment.” We exist in constant change—the “Now.” The future is the “ever changing now.” With acceptance of this fundamental, foundational and universal complete state of being, we assimilate in harmony into the future.

ACCEPTANCE: Change is our constant.

ASSIMILATION: Traveling in the now without judgment.

HARMONY: To be one with the “Rhythm of the Planet.”

We are all connected from inception to the “Rhythm of the Planet,” its pulsating algorithmic tempo within our solar system, and conversely our system’s interaction with other systems. Every event, every action, enacted by beings within our environment affect cumulatively all actions and reactions of nature within our atmospheric confines, and vice versa. Similar interactions between heavenly bodies outside of our atmosphere affect each other—conversely affecting our emotional state, ability to cohabitate, telepathic communication, and biological stamina to withstand and survive the ever-changing planetary conditions. The “Rhythm of the Planet” vibrationally is energy accessible to an organic journey of discovery and harmony.

Critical focus now must be on completing the metabolic journey as a species into a collective state of full global harmony. We will then be prepared for the future that approaches at light speed.

A minimalistic primal measured example: You wake up one morning and reflect inwardly—“It feels like 7:30 a.m.”

The human form is a perfectly imperfect sophisticated complex creation that cannot be artificially authentically replicated. Independently powered, self-cleansing, reproducing, able to self-heal, option to self-destruct.

You turn to the clock, and there it is—7:30 a.m. This illustrative radiant prototypical moment captures the habitual organic connection to the frequencies of our planet’s core, axis, geometric spin, rotation, and solar revolution via instinct, heat sensitivity, and vibrational tempo within our solar system and beyond. This becomes the foundation of complete being. To be one with “The Rhythm of the Planet” connects us to our origin, the portal to unborn time, energy accessible to the ever changing now. It is the why of why we are still here. This “Awareness” invites “Discovery”—the subconscious constant that stimulates positive growth toward the complete state of being. What we discover creatively is why we are here. Liberated from excess data or overthought processes, intuition on automatic facilitates inspiration, stimulates imagination, inspires creation, engineering, execution, and application, and satiates the needs of the future, which are in the now.

INTUITION: The primal survival solution valve, connective tissue to the first moment in time.

INSPIRATION: Ingenious energy.

IMAGINATION: The infinite source of creation, data, and power.

Intuition feeds Inspiration, feeds Imagination, paves the road as we travel the future now.

The code at this stage is auditory. We don’t need to see, we need to listen.

Sound waves are the physical vessels for emotion and spirit. Tone is the heartbeat.

Just as music is the universal language—the vibration of creation—frequency is the glue that keeps the cosmos together. Pressure and time are the fundamental elements that form the basis of all frequencies, and how they affect matter. I like to call it “Emotional Frequency Response” (EFR). Frequencies are evident in magnetic fields, laser light, and chemical reactions inside nebulas that manufacture amino acids, which yield the building blocks of life. One of these days we need to return the favor and send some amino acids back to Jupiter—I like to think of it as “cosmic karma.”

“The universe is the transformation of vibrations into matter.”

The origin of the universe is pulsating frequencies, the physical birthing Matter.

Which is also its ultimate destiny.


Physical + Emotional + Spiritual + Intellectual = Matter


In the beginning…

Matter in its most primitive physical state is void of intellectual and spiritual capacity. It is pure Emotion. Matter State 1:

Matter = Emotion

Matter transforms via vibrational frequency fusion. Matter State 2:

Matter = Emotion + Spirit

Emotion affects the spiritual state of being and can now compute reason (Intellect). Matter State 3:

Matter = Emotion + Spirit + Intellect

Where there is matter, there is emotion; where there is emotion there is matter evolving. Matter can only reason when its physical, emotional, and spiritual states are in harmony, its complete state of being.

Was that the CODE? Not yet.

We fascinate over the age-old question, Is the universe expanding, contracting, or static? Assuming the universe is expanding, what volume/space is it expanding into, if there is no outside to the universe? Via pure numbers quotients, considering margin of error and variants, on 12.28.09, I stumbled upon a concept and developed a theory addressing the radius of the observable Universe. Post my studies from 1.15.15 to 5.18.17, I found further evidence in which continued attempts to calculate the finite point of the universe yield consistently fluctuating numbers, furthering my “Expansion and Contraction” theory. The universe is matter in various states of being (PESI) with evolving mass expanding (“Expansion Period”). It will eventually, if it has not already, reach its saturation point, at which time it will begin to mature inwardly (“Contraction Period”), eventually collapsing onto itself, only to regenerate and open up again—a breathing-like action, a form of rebirth. A process of billions if not trillions of years. The “expansion and contraction” theory I present is evident at the fundamental level that our Universe and the fabric of space and time exist within a constant balanced magnetic activity that fluctuates. Matter forms and comes together—matter reaches its limit and breaks apart. The universe is breathing, like a lung, ever so slightly growing, and contracting. We exist in an “Infinitude Continuum.” Energy that feeds itself. Perpetually. Enter Artificial Intelligence.

Evolution suggests we will eventually become immune, as our constantly evolving system adapts anatomy to environment and develops self-healing properties and extended life spans. A calming harmonic, yet a potentially spiritually eroding power.

Matter + AI = More Data

More Data = Less Imagination

The human form is a perfectly imperfect sophisticated complex creation that cannot be artificially authentically replicated. Independently powered, self-cleansing, reproducing, able to self-heal, option to self-destruct. Due to environmental factors, natural life expectancy is within a span of approximately 100 years. In addition, multiple disease components, built in to deactivate the anatomical system, affect life expectancy. We often wonder why the miraculous human system is accompanied by mutated cells. Our imperfections, rationalized theologically, are to maintain order—if we could live longer, we would outdo our Maker. Evolution suggests we will eventually become immune, as our constantly evolving system adapts anatomy to environment and develops self-healing properties and extended life spans. A calming harmonic, yet a potentially spiritually eroding power.

The human form will always possess what AI would envy if it were capable of envy—“Character,” springing from billions of years of marinated DNA—“Soul.” Which yields street smarts, the average Joe, the idiot savant, the academic scholar, the Pulitzer Prize, the Nobel.

AI is a computer program able to think, learn, and make decisions via human-like variables, cognition and logic, to form judgment. AI in its purest definition is organically incapable of replicating the human form. Taking into consideration the organic nature of the CODE, how does AI fit into 13+ billion years of evolution? We can sample a piano frequency and program it into a keyboard to give a listener the illusion of hearing a piano, but it will not contain the same EFR (Emotional Frequency Response) as a hammer hitting a string within the harp of a piano. The challenge remains for “Anatomic” and “Artificial” to organically come together as one.

AI is an attempt to accelerate our evolution. The human form has the ability to adapt to AI, and in time, will allow AI to co-exist within its anatomical system, eventually re-cycling, re-engaging, and re-opening an organic-like imagination. Will we then be a “higher” creative being? We certainly will be “different”—change is our constant. Acceptance will play a more significant role as the process of marrying AI with human form will cause a sacrifice in which imagination, originality, and prolific output will pause, in order to assimilate and accommodate an added artificial component to evolution. With perhaps a slight layer of prejudice added to allow our pure nature to filter through.

“Let me see your system number?”

“Please don’t terminate me. I swear, officer, I’m not a robot.”

“I’d like to sit in the non-smoking AI section please.”

“I’m sorry, we only serve robots.”

“And the Oscar for best performance by a humanoid in a supporting role goes to….”

There will be a higher discipline demand for creators, to protect creative platforms and carry the responsibility of pushing innovative limits via imagination.

This demand will be met in the form of “Solitary Thinkers.”

There will be a “Liberator Program” for humanoids who wish and choose to convert back to pure human form—this process will be known as the “Liberator Tank.”

“Liberators” (coaches) will guide great minds and pure souls to become Solitary Thinkers (imagination-based science), void of implanted chip intellectuality and opting out of data processing analysis.

That’s right, therapy and treatment to get rid of your AI headache.

THE CHALLENGE: AI goes against all anatomic principles. Its natural habitat is a click on a grid. The emotional skip of a heartbeat can be sampled, but not organically and authentically programmed. Neither can “Blood, Sweat, and Tears.”

PRINCIPLE FLAW: Everything AI is too perfect. Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, make up 99% of our anatomy (7*10²⁷ atoms in the average human body). It’s a simple enough equation to engineer. However, the spirit and emotion is un-replicable. The human form will always possess what AI would envy if it were capable of envy—“Character,” springing from billions of years of marinated DNA—“Soul.” Which yields street smarts, the average Joe, the idiot savant, the academic scholar, the Pulitzer Prize, the Nobel.

The code is clear. The key to “harmony” in the mismatched marriage is to balance AI with the true pyramidal bulk of human nature—thus conjoining the finest brain with human instinct and heart.

AI requires our species to evolve much more quickly in all states of being. A subconscious borderline suprematic race for control. The emotional, spiritual, and intellectual evolution of our (inner) being is long overdue, here in the ever changing now, and is crucial to the survival of our magical species. With or without technology, with or without AI, the future of the now is acceptance and assimilation of the dynamics of our existence and universal CODE, to develop and activate hypersensitivity within our fragile organisms, to achieve a complete state of being so that we may evolve in eternal global and universal harmony with any and all advancement: in biotechnology, nanotechnology, environmental climate action, new energy source Helium-3, sustainable cities and communities, predicting and averting natural disasters, rejuvenation, single planetary civilization, non-biological intelligence, and new economic systems.

Target Frequency and vibrational treatment tools will be standard treatment for common ailments and most medical procedures (cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease, cancer, diabetes, etc.) eliminating the need for anesthesia.

Frequency therapy will be successfully applicable to the rehabilitation of mental wellness (general practice and psychological disorders, convicted individuals, etc.).

Emotional Frequency Response resonates with glands and nodes in our anatomy, as it does in the equalizing vibrational constant balancing the universe. Much like the frequency 11.5740740e-6 Hz is a perpetual pulse fused to the rotation of the Earth, with this frequency modulating based on heat fluctuation in the planet’s core and adjusting to the climate temperature changes (heat affects tone), Emotional Frequency Response will eventually be the standard measure and basis for all medical care.

Various frequencies of music neutralize, balance, and heal many areas of the brain, including the regions involved in emotion, cognition, sensation, and movement. Frequency, vibrational, and music therapy will improve and maintain physical and psychological health. Further development will create standardized vibrational treatments to begin just prior to conception, continuing through pregnancy and during childbirth. There will be specific frequencies designated to defuse any mutated cell within our human genome as we are conceived.

Here comes the CODE…


It is not dissimilar to recording in the analog, then processing that signal frequency utilizing the HD domain to better the final product. However, we must take into consideration that analog still has a longer shelf life for preservation of data and content. Know what I mean? No matter what, the CODE just keeps creeping back in.

Art is the great educator. It has no boundaries, it is the global language that requires no translation, it enlightens, elevates, and deepens the human spirit. It is alimentation, nurturing toward a complete state of being.

Does AI “Matter”? Absolutely! As a “Matter” of fact, AI is intriguingly fascinating, sometimes can even be engaging and entertaining, however will always be a double-edged sword. And it kinda takes all the fun out of cerebral calisthenics. For AI to cohabitate with humanity, and fit into the CODE, it has to contain programmed evolutionary data to authenticate the birthing process of AE (Artificial Emotion) and AS (Artificial Spirit).

In time … all is possible.

AI: “I’m sorry, I did not understand ‘In time all is possible.’ Would you like me to search the web?”

Martin Guigui—an Abundant World Institute media production partner—is an award-winning filmmaker, music director, composer and Grammy nominated music producer/engineer. As president of Sunset Pictures and in other capacities, Guigui has directed feature films, music videos, has composed music for films and TV, worked on over 100 productions, produced over 50 music albums, toured extensively, and music directs high profile broadcast concert events. Guigui has worked with some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, son of famed symphony orchestra conductor Maestro Efrain Guigui, Martin had an eclectic upbringing in New York, Puerto Rico, and Vermont. A music prodigy playing violin at age four, his concert debut was with the Puerto Rico Symphony at age 12, performing Vivaldi’s Violin Concerto in D Major.

Guigui has shared the stage, recorded, and performed with music greats and icons including Billy Gibbons (ZZ Top), Daryl Hall, Nancy Wilson (Heart), Stephen Stills, Sammy Hagar, Joe Bonamassa, Dave Navarro, Slash, Lyle Lovett, Lemmy Kilmister, James Cotton, Jimmie Vaughan, Sheila E, Robby Krieger, Orianthi, Steve Earle, Susan Tedeschi & Derek Trucks, Warren Haynes, Jose Feliciano, Smokey Robinson, David Byrne, Lucinda Williams, Phish, Robert Randolph, Grace Potter, Robert Earl Keen, Don Felder (Eagles), Richie Sambora, Joan Osborne, Trace Adkins, Lee Greenwood, Bo Diddley, Bret Michaels, and many others. Guigui has received numerous songwriting Billboard Awards, ASCAP Performance Awards, the United Nations World Award, Caesar Award, Golden Spirit Award, Estabrook Award, numerous “Best Director” awards, and was twice honored by City of Los Angeles for artistic contributions to music education. Guigui helped organize and was the Music Director for the “One America—5 Presidents” concert event which raised $45 million for hurricane relief, and made history by bringing together the five living Presidents for the first time to host the event. In addition to being a basketball freak, Martin is an amateur astrophysicist and dedicates time to the study and advancement of the principles of physics as it pertains to realms of theoretical and observational physics.