We are All Capable of Change

IT’S INCREDIBLE HOW MUCH WE CAN CHANGE IN A REALLY short period of time once our minds are set on doing so. We are all capable of turning our personal lives, our work, our health and our fitness around. Really we are. I transformed my fitness in ninety days. This is a totally realistic and effective timeframe to replace bad habits with good ones. It’s enough time to lose a significant amount of weight, to start a business and get clients, to learn a new language, to rewire your brain’s coping mechanisms … and make a few slip-ups along the way. Because that will happen, too, trust me!

When I set up my current business, I had no idea what I was doing, but I started anyway. Of course, I made a fair few mistakes, but ninety days in and I was much closer to where I wanted to be. More importantly, I was finally doing what I loved. Same was true for my fitness. When I started out, running was soooo hard (I had asthma) and there were many, many times I was tempted not to run, but I was committed to it. So I did it. Was it perfect? Absolutely not. Many days, I only ran one mile instead of the three-mile target I set myself, but I still did it. I kept up the good habit, even if it wasn’t perfect. Crazily enough, I now love running.

Human beings are amazing creatures and every day we wake up is truly a new opportunity to change and grow into the person we want to be.