
Table of Contents

MILLY. The moral of this story is —

GIRLS. You mustn’t do this, you mustn’t do this;

MILLY. Or to express it still more pat —

GIRLS. You mustn’t do that, you mustn’t do that.

MISS SIMS. You’ve learned it now without a hitch —

MEN. We mustn’t do what, we mustn’t do which?

MISS SIMS. Well, you have learned it, have you not?

MEN. We mustn’t do which, we mustn’t do what?

PROCTOR. The moral I will now explain,
Just wait while I expound it;
It teaches that we ne’er again
Should try to — oh, confound it!
I very much want to tell you all —
You’d like to hear about it —
But just this point I can’t recall,
So, though it’s most material,
You’d best go home without it.

ALL. You’d best go home without it.