A Letter from the Author


When I wrote about Kings Meadow in A Promise Kept, I had no intention of returning there for more stories. My calendar called for me to begin a new historical series. But Kings Meadow had gone deep into my heart, and I didn’t want to let go yet. I was especially pleased that reviewers often mentioned the setting with great fondness, one even saying that they wanted to go live there. That’s how I feel about it too. To be honest, I owed Chet Leonard a second chance at a happy ending after the grief I put him through in A Promise Kept.

Second chances. Don’t you love them? I do. My life has been littered with mistakes and wrong thinking or wrong choices, and without the second chances God has given me, the results would be rather sad.

My mom and dad were thirty-four and forty-one when they met. Both had been married and divorced. Because of those failures in marriage, they had a better idea what they were looking for in a spouse. My dad proposed to my mom on their second date. He always said he would have proposed sooner if he hadn’t been so shy.

Is it any wonder I’m a romantic? Love at first sight is in my DNA.

Something I discovered for myself is that the crazy physical feelings that come with falling in love—fast heartbeat, dry throat, dizzy head, roller coaster drops of the stomach—aren’t only for the young. They are the same for the young at heart, no matter a person’s physical age. Thankfully, being in love isn’t quite so hard on a person as the falling in love. The settled comfort that comes with true commitment to a lifetime together is a blessing.

Now that Chet has found his HEA (Happily Ever After) with Kimberly, I hope you’ll join me in Kings Meadow once again in the spring of 2015 for Whenever You Come Around. I’m busy giving grief to another couple who just might get a second chance of their own.

Happy Reading!

Robin Lee Hatcher
