- Have you ever run a distance event or trained for an athletic competition? How did it impact your life and did it teach you anything about yourself?
- Sabrina acts as both coach and mentor for Brandy. Is there someone in your life who needs you in the same way Brandy needed Sabrina? How is your situation different?
- Sabrina has a challenging relationship with her father. In what ways do you think it helped her? It what ways did it hurt her? Do you have a similarly challenging relationship with a family member or friend?
- Both Sabrina and Brandy had very supportive grandmothers. Did any of your grandparents play a significant role in your childhood or in your life as a young adult? What is the difference between the relationship a person has with her grandparent and her relationship with a parent?
- Sabrina deals with very difficult physical challenges. Have you or someone you love dealt with a chronic health issue? How does a person’s physical body affect both their mental and spiritual lives?
- Running is a physical gift for both Sabrina and Brandy. What do you see as some talents or gifts you’ve been given and how do you use them in thanks to God?
- Do you have a Kayla in your life? How do you deal with it? Why do you think God allows Kayla-type misunderstandings between believers?
- Do you have a hero? What is it about that person that makes you admire him or her? What heroic qualities do you think others might see in you?
- Sabrina and Brandy both had life situations that were “not fair.” In your own life, do you feel that your circumstances are fair, unfair, or unfairly blessed? How do you feel about people who fall into the other categories?
- Have you ever felt called to do something or go somewhere—your “promised land”—and then when things didn’t happen as you expected, you began to doubt your call? Was your faith strengthened or weakened as a result?