Provider-specific attributes that derive from this class identify
custom security attributes for certain actions. This is how it works:
by default, .NET code has full access to attempt any actions using
managed providers. However, using the .NET Framework Configuration
tool (installed to the Administrative Tools group), you can modify
these permissions. Currently, there are only two additional
restrictions you can impose: denying the right to use blank passwords
in a connection string, and restricting the allowed OLE DB drivers
that managed OLE DB provider can use. (These settings are translated
to specific entries in the machine.config file for your computer.) If
you use impose these restrictions, you may want to identify an area
of your code that requires a certain permission (such as the ability
to use a blank password). You identify these areas using an attribute
derived from DBDataPermissionAttribute
. By
identifying these areas, you ensure only one thing: if the required
privilege isn’t allowed, an exception will be thrown
before .NET attempts to run the identified code.
You can apply an attribute derived from
to an assembly, class,
struct, constructor, or method.
public abstract class DBDataPermissionAttribute : System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute {
// Protected Constructors
protected DBDataPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction action
// Public Instance Properties
public bool AllowBlankPassword{set; get; }
public string ConnectionString{set; get; }
public KeyRestrictionBehavior KeyRestrictionBehavior{set; get; }
public string KeyRestrictions{set; get; }