This class represents a forward-only, read-only cursor that reads
data from an OLE DB data source and allows you to access it one
record at a time. For information about the basic
methods and properties, refer to
the reference for the System.Data.IDataReader
interfaces, which
public sealed class OleDbDataReader : MarshalByRefObject, System.Data.IDataReader, IDisposable, System.Data. IDataRecord, IEnumerable { // Public Instance Properties public int Depth{get; } // implements System.Data.IDataReader public int FieldCount{get; } // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public bool HasRows{get; } public bool IsClosed{get; } // implements System.Data.IDataReader public int RecordsAffected{get; } // implements System.Data.IDataReader public object this[stringname
]{get; } // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public object this[intindex
]{get; } // implements System.Data.IDataRecord // Public Instance Methods public void Close( ); // implements System.Data.IDataReader public bool GetBoolean(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public byte GetByte(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public long GetBytes(intordinal
, longdataIndex
, byte[ ]buffer
, intbufferIndex
, intlength
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public char GetChar(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public long GetChars(intordinal
, longdataIndex
, char[ ]buffer
, intbufferIndex
, intlength
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public OleDbDataReader GetData(intordinal
); public string GetDataTypeName(intindex
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public DateTime GetDateTime(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public decimal GetDecimal(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public double GetDouble(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public Type GetFieldType(intindex
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public float GetFloat(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public Guid GetGuid(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public short GetInt16(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public int GetInt32(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public long GetInt64(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public string GetName(intindex
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public int GetOrdinal(stringname
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public DataTable GetSchemaTable( ); // implements System.Data.IDataReader public string GetString(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public TimeSpan GetTimeSpan(intordinal
); public object GetValue(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public int GetValues(object[ ]values
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public bool IsDBNull(intordinal
); // implements System.Data.IDataRecord public bool NextResult( ); // implements System.Data.IDataReader public bool Read( ); // implements System.Data.IDataReader // Protected Instance Methods protected override void Finalize( ); // overrides object }