
Chapter Fifteen



Cracking my knuckles, I reach out to the draw in the coffee table that’s in front of me matte black with red handles the devils colour. Picking up a packet of cigarettes and light I pull one out placing it between my lips rolling the lighter a bright flame illuminates the dark space that I like to sit in no bright fake lights nothing but blackness and the soft blue huge of the lead lights that run around the whole bottom of the wall in my office and the red ember glow of my smoke. Closing my eyes taking a long drag sucking the smoke deep into my lungs my head falls back as I enjoy this moment.

Stripping my mind of all the outside world I hear her before I feel her. she tiptoes into the room quite as she’s well aware of the battle my mind is taking the preparation needed to take me to the dark place I need to be in. her cool longer fingers begin caress my naked shoulders kneading out all the knots taking the tension away with long calculated movements sliding down over my torso her assault continues a low groan leaves my throat a rumble ripping up my body up and down she goes not leaving one muscle on my chiselled body left out she works me like no other careful to stay away from the scars on my chest and sides leaning forward as on cue her hands find the base of my neck and move torturously slow down my spine rubbing each bump in my spine and back up again squeezing slightly as she kneads my neck and shoulders again her sweet cool voice finds my ear as she chants “ With the blood of a half Demon” I suck in a deep breath as she digs the sliver dagger into the underside of my wrist the twang of blood hits my nose as my mouth waters the thirst tipping on the edge of my senses. “And the tear of a dark Angel I call upon the Demon of death, with the rain from the heavens and the ashes of hell unleash the beast fill my veins with the devil and kiss my human form goodnight. Reborn for this task alone with the black Demon in my soul and the dark angel at my side I shall bleed a crimson river and feast upon the dead.” Her sweet salty tears hit my shoulder burning into my skin as the demon begins to take over my thoughts turn black and wild my skin ripples with the need to kill a shiver slips over me and a growl leaves my throat Saskia’s hands find my ribs digging her nails into my skin biting the surface as her lips kiss the side of my neck my hands form fists the cigarette stabbed out into the palm of my skin the lush sting from hot tip seeping through me standing cracking my neck she’s at my side at once as we both move to the elevator that will lead me down into my asylum the home of death and the resting place for the scum I kill. 

My eyes glass over as I watch my appearance change in the mirrored door of the elevator I feel him the Black Demon has in my veins bleeding into my pores and taking over my soul as we speck Saskia’s hand finds mine lacing her long lean fingers through mine. “I’ve miss you, sir,” she coos out, her eyes burning into my skin.

“I’ve missed this,” I say, cool and cold. I have Timberly and I want to keep it that way. Saskia is my right-hand woman when it comes to the horror of the dungeon. Granted she can fuck like a crazed mad woman on fire but I have made the mistake of taking her to my cock one to many times and the lines get blurred.

Pulling my hand from hers as the door pings open, I can hear the disappointment in her breath as she lets it out and the glare of a devil dressed in angel’s clothing stabbing into my back.

A low chuckle leaves my body. “Tsk, Tsk, Saskia baby, you know the fucking rules, so why with the death stare?” I say turning on her and grabbing her cheeks in between my fingers, squeezing tight till her perfect Botox lips form an O.  “Baby, you know we work better this way.” Her eyes glaze over as she nods.

“I can't love you the way you need me. I can give you this though, death and blood the love of a kill and the hunger of the devil.” Her eyes show me the pain in her soul.

“I can't fix your daddy issues, we tried, babe.” Pulling her into my stone-cold body, I kiss her lips, her tongue darts out as I bite down hard on it, popping the flesh. Her legs wobble as I send the pure bliss of pain she desires shooting through her body. My dick hardens at what I can do to her and just how much she loves it.

Walking into my dungeon, the lights are low, the room screams red and pain; just the way I need it. Mike walks from the pit. The sacrifice... ha well, I should say the dirty scum bag chained to the wooden cross by his ankles and wrists in the middle of the black marble floor that leans down towards a drain hole for easy cleaning sending him a wink he shakes my hand.

“He ready, Boss.” His voice is always low, never above a whisper.

“Thanks, Mike.” Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the $100 bill and place it in his palm; a nice tip. He nods and walks out of the room.  

The sound of Ramstein – Engel sounds out around me Saskia’s hands find my back as she slips my switch blade over my shoulder and her other hand snakes around my torso the cool steel of my blow torch burning my skin like dry ice.

Her lips find my ear as she chants in Russian to me:

Ангелы можно увидеть в небесах. Дьяволы нашли в сатанах тепло. дайте мне вашу душу, чтобы накормить моего демона, потому что мы питаемся вашим страхом и хаосом, который мы совершаем. ваш номер вверх и его ворота, которые вы теперь держите. Демон придет для вашего сердца, и он будет пировать. так что вы, я и дьявол делаем три готовы к смерти, я вижу вас в аду, потому что я являюсь носителем сатаны.

(Translation: Angels can be seen in heavens keep. Devils found in Satan's heat. give me your soul to feed my demon for we feed on your fear and its chaos we create. your number is up and its hells gate that you now keep. The demon is coming for your heart and he shall feast. so you, me and the devil make three ready for death I am see you in hell for i am the bearer of Satan's whispers.)

Stepping forward, she removes the black sack over his face and his scared eyes bug out when he sees me standing there bare chested and black jeans and my trademark Cherry Red Doc Martians.

“Yes son,” I mouth to him.  “I am real.” Saskia walks over to him and slices a clean line across is torso blood spilling from the wound onto the blade walking back to me she smears his blood across my cheeks the blood warm and sticky drying within seconds of hitting my skin the smell sends a quiver over my body my head falls back as I open my mouth and the demon roars from deep sending a chill through the air and bouncing from the walls the kid chained to the cross pisses himself the smell floats around us as his skin pales he shutters out a piss poor sentence that I know all too well they all say it

“Shit mannnn, you’re the executioner.” Reality sits in as I step into his space looking into his scared eyes and seeing the women he had attacked stare back at me their souls and innocents trapped inside the black irises of this rapists’ eyes.

“No shit Sherlock,” my words cold and calm. “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” I breathe out toying with my switchblade. His eyes follow the silver as I turn it through my fingers. “Pity for you I am the evil.” Flicking the blade open in one swift movement, Saskia gasps in air as the rush hits her and fear ripples from this scum’s veins.

“I’m dying, aren’t I? Word on the street is once the Reaper comes, you’re done.” his body bucks and shakes as I take my blade to his skin and begin to slice my way through the flesh. The feeling of the skin parting under my weight sets my dick hard.

“Dying, yes, right now, no. My Demon wants to play first.” Stepping back my hands slams out as my finger lock around his throat in a vice like grip and his eyes bulge as I feel the pop of a fracture break out over his windpipe and a strangled Arghhhhhh leaves his throat. I can feel it trying to slip past my grip. My cock jerks as Saskia’s eyes meet mine over his shoulder. Her painted nails sliding down my body as her fingers find my forearm.  She glides them up to intertwine with mine around his throat she applies her own pressure and the kid bucks.  I lick my lip pulling my lip ring in between my teeth sending a surge of ecstasy laced arousal between us both. She is a dirty little play toy and she gets off on this cat and mouse game we play when it come to this and her. I’m not blind she is the one who really gets me and before I laid eyes on Timberly she got me so hard. Oh did she get me hard I feel it now pumping through me my cock growing hard straining against the zipper of my jeans. I’ll cum by the end of the night either right here in this kill room laced with red or out there where I want to be balls deep in Miss Roe with the glass blue eyes that mirror my own hell.

He watches us as we dance this dangerous dance teetering on the edge of psychotic dementia. “What bro? Wait na man,” he gasps out, his voice box restricted by the hands of a devil with his very own dark angel by his side. Winking to her she runs her sweet tongue up the side of his face stopping at his temple, and on cue she laces a sweet dark series of kisses embedding death as my blade stabs into his side stopping as it pierces his kidney.

Twisting and pulling it out his body goes rigid against the pain, sweat is pooling down his spine. Saskia runs her long red nails up his spine dragging the sweat back up to the tip of his shoulder blades, she flicks her painted red nails back down and watches as the sweat runs down his now quivering skin. Her eyes are glazed and hungry, her nipples are hard, straining against her blouse. Her top two buttons are undone and her breasts round and plumb press tight inside her black lace bra. My mind flicks to a time when in one swift movement I could pop all the buttons and have her tits out and bent over my dick. I watch with bated breath as she slowly and painfully stalks around his body her hands drawing patterns over his bare skin lightly covered in a sheen of sweat from a fear laced in pain that death is imminent.

His body is still rigid, straining against the chains he is bucking and pulling trying to escape. A sick evil laughter erupts through my body as I feel the demon awaken and start to stir deep down. Pacing back and forward I ready my blowtorch before turning the gauge as the smell of gas hits my nose. The surge of excitement jumps through me as my cock strains in my jeans. As I flick my lighter lowering it to the end of my blow touch a smile licks my lips. I watch the hot blue-orange flame come to life, before turning the gage so a hard-straight flame burns at the tip. Saskia runs her fingers down his side as the blood trickles from his wound, painting her face with angry red streaks before she sucks the remainder from her finger. Fire burning in her eyes she nods at me and a power surges through me. As the chorus kicks in his eyes beg me to not do it.

“Don’t, Nooooo, pleaseeee Nooooo,” he screams, helpless.

“Scared?” I raise my brow at him as I run the blowtorch down his skin. “Panicking, are we?”

He screams out as I roll the flame over his body, circling him, lashing his skin with burning welts. The smell of his flesh has the demon jumping up and down. “Not yet, Demon, let me play a little while,” I say quelling his stampede up my spine.

Taking my blade to his limp body as drips of sweat run down his clammy skin and the unbearable pain washes over him, sets me on my course. Saskia stands to my right licking her lips, her arms wrapped tightly around herself, wrapping her body into some random form of control. Her eyes dart over his frame and I see the war in her eyes, the need for release. She is so dead inside to care about anything. This is why we work so well, we both feed on the pain, the torture and the horror that comes with being in this fucked up place. The world killed us and now we both breathe for a kill and bleed for our lost souls.

My mind goes to the one place that hurts the most. Falling down beside them, laying on the bed together wrapped in their sick embrace smiles licking their lips that spoke so many lies. They slipped so far away their game wicked I was their pawn and that cut deeper than anything else. I begged them to not do this to not leave but they were gone and it’s me who had to stay here and bleed for them for me for all the dark secrets they had and gave me to be the keeper of, I wish some days when the dark is too much that I died with them.  Today is one of them fucking days, I’m falling in love with an angel and she runs from me seeks out her own dark I have to my right a woman you rely on me and my dark to keep her safe and her desires feed. Then there is this muppet, a sick puppy that the world feed me only after he places his dirty seed into innocent souls with that new-found spike of anger.

I step forward stabbing my blade into his groin and sliding the sharp sliver up through his skin stopping just at the hollow of his neck his eyes bright with pain as his shitty life flashes before him my other hand holds out my blow torch to Saskia her cold fingers take it from me she steps into my space her scent taking over my senses as her other hand finds my now empty hand raising it forward we step together moving in unison till my bare chest is touching his blood dripping chest the warm sticky blood assaulting my over sensitized skin my cock twitches as her hand lowers mine and hers towards his balls and cock wrapping her hand around his flaccid cock she begins to pump it her long cool fingers intertwined with mine sliding up and down his balls tighten as her words find my ear cool and needy “ Let him out Ghost let him feed let me get off on the smell of death” falling to my knees as the music picks up its beat wild needy matching my breathing my head lolls back on my shoulders as I feel the demon clawing his way out his descent from the depths of hell long and hungry up through me Saskia’s hand moves faster pumping this kid milking his cock as her painted red lips find his she kisses shim working him awake with arousal it’s a beautiful sick sight one that’s not for the faint hearted it’s a dirty little game we play.

His eyes church mine as his body takes over all thought process precum glistens on the tip of his hard cock as the demon flies from my body falling down into the fetal position weak I watch as Saskia takes him in her mouth and sucks him dry stepping back to me she nods to the demon who does what he does best destroys. My morals, my self-respect and humanity dismissed along with the lady in red, my very own she-devil. She cradles my head in her lap her hands finding my hair pushing the sweat lace strands back cooing sounds leaving her as we both watch in awe as the demon makes quick work of the not so alive man chained to the cross of death in the room of unthinkable pain.

Gnawing along his limp unconscious body he takes his skin from the bones crushing them between his grip bleeding him out and ripping each and every organ from him the dark devil of death taking his soul to the fiery pits of hell and my demon taking his heart in his teeth he turn’s a wink leaves his greedy and pleased face is white teeth bared around the heart still slightly beating Saskia stands lowering my head to the floor I gather myself up on my hands and knees and crawl over to the blood pool on the black marble dipping my fingers into the sticky mess I bring them to my lips and suck the warm metallic taste from the tips a low growl of satisfaction leaves my body my eyes fall to Saskia she stroking my demon back to the now the heart gone and he is sucking in deep lungful’s of air her other hand is kneading her pussy the movement fast and hungry for release.

My eyes gaze up her tight and sexy body landing on her grass green orbs. Running my tongue over my lip playing with my lip piercing and fisted my hand inside my jeans is all my sweet Saskia needs to come undone her grass green eyes glaze over with pure arousal as an orgasm rips through her, her head falls back as she strokes the last few quivers from her wet pussy. Her hand leaves the demon and twists and pulls at her pebbled nipples through the thin fabric of her blouse moaning my cock dances inside my palm and on instinct alone I pad the throbbing shaft my mind flicks to Timberly in that moment before release comes drawn out by my dirty deceiving hand. All I want to do is skink balls deep into her lush pink pussy. Standing I pull my cock from my grip walking over to Saskia I kiss her forehead.

“Get Mike to dispose of the remains and clean this shit up!”

Waking through the dark room I stop at the door the whimpers from her sweet mouth pinch at the last part of me that is still human. “Babe, don’t” I say pushing out through gritted teeth. I can’t give her what she needs I belong to Timberly even if she doesn’t know it yet shit she doesn’t even want it or me but tonight I will fix that I won’t leave her till she knows just how much light she feeds my dark soul. I fly high with her and I know it’s not the drug high either. Pushing my hands on the cold metal door I open it “Go see Ellis let him hurt you the way you need, the way I can’t anymore.”

“Demon, back!” I snap my fingers and he obeys my body staggers back I grip the door frame as my breath is taken away as a hot trail burns down my spine the crack and snap of bones shifting moving accommodating the demon and the hate we both possess he skinks back down to the depths of the dark hell we created to survive in this fucking place. Cracking out my neck the snap on either side sends a heat through me placing my hand on the door handle I grip it tight as I lean back and snap my spine pop, pop, pop with each arch the pop of my spine aligning reminds me that I am still fucking human.


Stepping out into the crisp inky night. I pull a cigarette out from the packet and my Zippo from the breast pocket of my leather jacket flicking the lid from. The Zippo I roll the pad of my thumb down the flint and a blue orange flame greets my eyes sending a hue out into the black night. I place the cigarette to my lips and inhale the flame setting the top alight and a draw in the smoke into my lungs the burn of smoke filling my lungs a welcome feeling to my dead soul. Looking up at the moon as the clouds dance over the sky. I know where I need to go. OK my cigarette to the ground by stomp it out with the toe of my black combat boots I straighten my bike and Kokoda life the roar and rumble setting me hard all over again as I pull out and head to the Bronx, to the part of town that haunts me in my sleep, that holds so many horrific dark and damaging memories, that holds my woman. If she wants it or not she will be mine by the end of tonight.


Taking the steps to at a time my heart is racing my palms are sweating in my knees are knocking I have a sense of urgency washing through me like something I've never felt before it's like time is walking past me at lightning speed. Sticky over the drunks that are passed out all over the hall shaking my head I pull my hoodie deeper over my face my skin crawling as a knowledge that I used to live this way with them I was this. Bile rises up in my throat burning punching my hands into my pocket as water pricks at the back of my eyes.

Shutting my heavy lids down blinking back the tears that threaten to break free. I am Ghost, I don’t show emotion, this shit is insane. Taking in a deep breath slowly letting it out and allowing my body to just step one step at a time all I need to do is get to the end of the corridor. I don't want to be here as the nightmare of my past begins to walk my mind, taunting the demon who is now fucking pacing and rage rising up my spine as all the hurt and anger from a past I legit burnt from my life is jack hammering back through the cement walls fuck I hope I'm strong enough for this.

Reaching her door, I wrap my knuckles over the dirty wood no way am I just going to burst in she’s passed out at my expense enough and today’s reaction from my little fisticuffs with the drug fucked douche bags that hole themselves up in a place that is meant to be her home where they think it’s ok to hurt her has me not wanting to go in guns a blazing calmly I will win this battle. Well as calmly as I can manage I am the Hooded Executioner after all here in these streets no-one sees my face they just see my Reaper and know and can’t let my street cred slip. A small chuckle rises up through me as I stare at the dirty once blue door with its numbers peeling.

No answer. I knock again, louder this time. I wait a few painful seconds but the longer I stay out here the harder it is to kill the haunts for a past I tried to bury. Finally, the anger becomes too much, and I slam my knuckles into the wood, knocking feverishly. Bang, bang, bang, bang. My knuckles are burning red as pain ripples through them.

“Timberly?” I call out my voice bouncing back at me. “It’s Ghost, Poppet, please open the door.” Still nothing not even a sound of footsteps inside. Panic rushes through me, what if they have hurt her because of me and my actions?

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I spit out as I run my now shaking hands through my damp hair my hoodie falling from my face and exposing me to the world I left behind the world I hate yet I run to in my dreams the world whose drugs killed what was so close and that I thrive to taste daily.  Fuck it all I don’t even care who sees me, who hears me or who knows I’m here begging Il walk over hot stones for my girl with the glass blue eyes it’s them eyes that pull me back from the brink of insanity.

Turning my back on the dirty door I slide my cold body down despair and exhaustion wash over me pulling my knees up to my chest I place my elbows on my bent knees and slump back open my soul up rip off the band aid that is barely holding shit together.

“Tim poppet, please open up, I’m sorry, baby I’m so fucking sorry.” My words break, and a lump forms in my throat. “I’m not this kind of man but babe you have me here on the floor begging so please open up let me show you that you deserve so much better than this shit hole let me take you away babe let me fucking love you they only way I know how, that may be hard and intense but it will be love no the less” Banging my head back on the door the hollow thud sounds out around me the hall empty bar a few passed out and broken men their lives taken by the cruel addiction of drugs and drink.

On thinking that as my eyes watch the shallow rise and fall of the bodies my fingers reach for the bag that sits heavy like a rock in the bottom of my jeans pocket saliva forms on the tip of my tongue and my heart sinks I hear a sound on the other side of the door my palms start to sweat and just like that as I turn my head slightly the door whips open and I fall backwards my head ricocheting back off dirty floorboards not even carpeted looking up and shock I’m greeted by the eyes from my past I fuck. Eyes I haven’t seen since I said goodbye to them they day they all died.

“She’s not here, cade.” The voice of a man I once used to know shoots through me like a live wire jumping to my feet ready to attack not knowing how Spike will react to seeing me last time we seen each other let’s just say it wasn’t on very good he’s a past that I wish to forget, and he’s stuck in a past he doesn’t want to move on from. Shit the years haven’t been kind to him and it looks like he’s in the most hellish addiction to drugs.

I take a step closer to him and he shoulder barges me taking me by surprise the wimpy shit and clicks the door shut and shutting me out like Tim had done earlier at my shop.  I grab his shoulder and shove him to the left and try the handle.

“Fuck, open the fucking door, Spike.” I holler. He looks at me his lips crack open to a rotten toothed grin from years of meth abuse, cocaine addiction and heroin laced with oxycodone and Diazepam no doubt his drug taste wouldn’t have changed over the years; I know that much for sure.  Shaking my head, I just look at him as another grin kicks up at the sides of his mouth and he speaks with such anger and animosity.

“What will you do, traitor?” he spits at me and it hurts the pain I see in his eyes my best friend from a past that I choose not to remember.

“If she in there, Spike, upset or worse, hurt, I fucking swear I’ll fuck you up.” I spit the not fucking joking tone sounding off around us as I grip his shoulder and slam his drag fucked body up against the door and my skin quivers as I can feel his bone protruding from his body under my grip snapping my hand back I slam them down into my pockets.

“She who? Cadie boy, who are you looking for brother, the mother, or the hot as sin daughter?” Clenching my jaw down hard the crack a welcome relief from an anger that even I didn’t know awakens inside me.

“Don't you fucking dare play dumb, Spike, you know who I'm asking after and don’t talk about her like that.” My voice rampant as my hands find his shoulders again pinning his mug face back hard. He just shakes his head and tries to pull away from me.

“My patience is wearing thin, bro.” I search his eyes.

“Don’t bro me, Cade.”  He snaps out his rotten broken teeth clenched flicking his arms up fast breaking my hold.

“No one’s in there are all gone but hey for a baggie I’ll tell you where the dark angel you seek is.” He licks his lips.

My stomach coils and fear radiates from every pore as pain jumps down my spine my arms slacken as I step back letting them fall my fingers seek the bag of white powder that lies like a lead weight in the bottom of my jeans pocket this bag would last me a week but someone like Spike well he will take it all in one hit he is greedy like that and with any luck he would slip away from this painful world overdose and go out happy and high looking at him now the state he is in he’s a shell of the person I knew when we were kids he needs it, he needs this hit, he needs the escape from the devil that has him in his fiery grip. This is what addiction at its finest looks like this is what an addict seeks the pure euphoric feeling of snorting cocaine the feeling of a hit shooting through your veins as you inject it. In my back pocket of my jeans is a bag of pills holding them up to Spike he licks his lips I light flicks through his dead empty eyes my tone is harsh gritted through clenched teeth.

“Where is she, Spike? I know you know something, why else are you, out of all people, here.” Gritting out dangling both bags in front of him teasing his drug fucked soul he struggles to stay still he lunges forward his dirt covers hands reaching for the bags his eyes wide and hungry. “Not happening,” I snap stepping back on my heel taking two small steps out of his reach he stumbles forward amped up jittery and on edge. My free hand pushes him back into the wall dancing the same dance again. “Spike, tell me where the fuck is she then the bags and the overdose that surely will come from you taking the whole hit in one go all yours.”

I watch Spike as a slowly looks up and down the corridor his eyes meet mine he leans in the pungent smell of his breath assaults my nostrils I move my head back has voice quiet a mere whisper.

“The guys you rolled in on this morning and well gave them a swift fist to the face.” Nodding at him as he stops his eyes scanning the empty corridor again “Well they kind of took her there was a black bag over her head and blood dripping from under it see those droplets down there that go all the way down that’s from your little lady” he points at the tiny red droplets of my Poppet’s blood some drops smudged from footsteps.  “I was slumped over in the hall waiting for the right time to go in and get my fix after I seen her come home she looked more on edge than normal and the mood that you left the guys in this morning I was biding my time. I must have dozed off on the nod ya know and before I knew it they were walking out three off them carrying ya lady her body limp. After the left I jumped up and watched them out the window loading her into a white van plate number ROUGE21. Uncontrollable anger rages through me like white rapids. My fists grab onto his manky dirty shirt pulling him closer to me my nose meeting his and his eyes bug out of his shitty face “That’s all I got.” he says holding his hands up. “Cade, I swear man, that’s it.” His voice a whisper. He’s seen me, but he’s never seen me this mad.  

“That’s it, Spike?” I question. “That’s all you got? You get a plate number and nothing else, fucken hell, Spike.” I scream at him. “You sure?” my tone pleading. “I need more info I need more answers, why the fuck? Who the fuck? What the fuck?” I holler out, my head falling forward.

“I’m sure all I want to do now is get high and forget what I seen because at end of the day she’s a nice little lady and she don’t deserve what’s coming to her those men they are nasty you thought you were bad where they would be taking her it would be even worse than what a man like you can do to a soul.” Slamming my forearm and to his throat has head snapped back on the wall I feel the pressure building from crushing has one pipe the air begging to be freed. “You know where they are taking her Spike.” Applying more pressure.

“No man” he tries to spit out his wind pipe restricted. “Let up bro.” His voice a rasp. I ease up the pressure on his windpipe and look him dead in the eyes.

“Don’t lie to me, Spike.” Raising my eyebrow.

“Cade, would I lie to you, bro? I promise I ain’t. I been following them for a while now, you know, trying to get info for like drugs but they are sneaky bastards. They be like... you know, gutter rats, slip in slip out, but Cade, brother, I knew you would come sooner or later so that’s why I’m here. I’ve been watching you and so has someone else that I ain’t ever seen on the streets before but every move you make, he makes. It's like he’s your shadow. I’d watch out, Reaper, for you may just become the hunted.”  

Lowering my fore arm his hands go up to his throat as he coughs I shut my eyes. I’m done, I have nothing else the old spike I know wood never lie to me.

So let’s hope there’s a bit of the old spike still left in there. His grubby hand finds my shoulder squeezing it “I do hope you find her and she’s like ok and shit Cade coz well she’s nice and all.” His tone is warm when he specks of Timberly. “Oh and brother it was nice to know you.” My fingers drop the bags into his palm he turns and I slowly watch a friend from my past walk away no doubt for the last time I won’t see Spike again I haven’t seen my old self in years and it takes someone like him to bring it bubbling back to the surface fear runs deep through me for the first time in years it washes back into my veins down into the depths of my soul where the old Cade Morrow is. The reaper in me, the executioner, the demon that I am, is ever present daily; it’s who I am now.

Shit though now I need to pull on the old me, Cade Morrow and the connections and Ghost’s the VP to the Reapers Reign I need to find my girl before the Devil finds her and relinquish her to the depths of Hell.