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Stopping at the door holding my hand on the handle a smile coming to my lips as I hear Lilly babble on about nothing to Timberly, I bet she’s sitting there like a deer in fucken headlights shaking like a leaf. Pushing through the door I'm greeted by a sheet white Lilly who now is panicking in front of a shaking, scared Timberly, taking long strides in my docs that now seem so fucken heavy it feels like forever till I reach her, placing my hand out to reassure her it’s all good I feel her go under my touch to the place that she likes to hide in the dark.
Seeing fear in Lilly’s eyes, I scoop her into me “It's ok Lil this is normal, she has these intense panic attacks” running my free hand through my hair I think of what to do, sitting down next to her I pull her into me laying her head on my lap I run my fingers over her pasty skin that is so white, shaking my head “Lill get some water” looking up at her, she just stares, shaking biting her fucking nails. “Lilly” I bark “Stop chewing ya nails Lill” she always does that when she's freaking the fuck out. “Hey” I snap clapping my hands in front of her.
“Yep__ Errrrr____I'll get a cold washcloth” she stammers out great she ant strong enough for this shit I feel see it in the way she just reacted.
I bring my eyes down to Timberly watching the rise and fall of her chest, bringing back the washcloth and the water Lill sits down on the edge of the coffee table watching just watching as I run the cloth over her forehead waiting for her to open her eyes.
“So, what’s Bray’s plan” Lilly asks me, pulling me from my thoughts, doing what Lilly does best divert the white elephant in the room to something else.
“Oh, you know Bray Lil fuck all at the moment sit and wait it out” rolling her eyes at me.
“You mean hide, bury it, drink it away forget nothing’s happened” leaning over to touch her cheek, she’s so beautiful a white angel my heart has so much love for her pure sweet soul that has been tarnished by this big bad biker world.
“He’s drowning Lill I'll sort it, I got people on it watching my people you know that” looking away I see her eyes pool with tears.
“Well we all are drowning in our own way aren’t we Ghost” shaking my head I hate that this pretty lady is hurting, she’s my heart that one, my little sister, our MC princess if she likes it or not.
“Lill I got you” standing as Timberly starts to stir I watch her walk to the window.
“You can’t be everywhere Ghost” looking down as Timberly eyes flutter open her big blue pools looking up at me and digging right in my soul.
“Hey poppet” smiling at her, she tenses in my touch going stiff I feel her heart rate pick up as her breathing quickens I watch the vein in her neck pop out. “Poppet breathe you’re safe,” I state. She looks around nervously as Lilly walks over sitting back down on the coffee table.
“Hey, you scared me,” Lilly says as she leans in close picking up my hand that daggles of the couch my head in Ghost’s lap.
“Mmm, umm sorry” I sputter out looking around I feel my cheeks go red as I pull my eyes shut and count the beats of my heart, 1,2,3, breathe 4,5,6, breathe, 7,8,9, open your eyes, 10,11,12, you’re ok, 13,14,15, blinking my eyes open I gaze into his sea green irises that have a sense of anchoring me to this place in time and a feeling of nothing but safety, “Sorry I- um- I passed out didn’t I?”
Looking over to Lilly she nods, “It’s ok though you got something dark going on in there, doll.” shock washes over me.
“I'm that readable, am I?” I ask, shocked and ashamed. Shuffling under Ghost, he pulls me up a bit so my head is now in his chest and his chin rests on the top of my head. One of his strong tattooed hands wrap around my waist, anchoring me to him.
“You can talk to us, Timberly,” He says, running his hands through my hair and shoulder.
Sitting up, I look down at my drink that has spilled on the white rug and the shards of glass mixed with melting ice cubes.
“I’m sorry, I'll clean that.” I jump up. I have to get away from their stares and the weight of his touch. Dizziness blankets m. I got up way too fast and too soon after passing out.
I'm just not strong enough to tell them my horrors. Counting the steps to the kitchen 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, I reach the long bench in this open plan huge massive room, just as I feel him behind me. It took just six of his long lean strides to reach me and I feel him pull me into his strong hard chest.
I stiffen as his six-foot god no what frame towers over me his muscle alone is enough to engulf your whole soul, I do feel safe with him though like I now can be me with him after what happened at my house tonight and the last month, I can be me. I just hope he likes the, me he will soon find.
“Poppet,” he breathes into my shoulder as he leans down into me.
“I'm tired, Ghost, can you take me back to my place please.” I breathe out so quietly I worry if he heard me as it seems like a million heartbeats before he answers me.
“Poppet,” pulling me around, he looks deep into my eyes, waving his hands around. “This here is now your home this place, my place, the shop, no fucken way are you stepping foot back in that shit pit again.” I go to speak he brings his finger to my lips, “Sshh baby, this is not up for discussion, like ever.”
Thinking I square my shoulders and take a step back mentally I put on my big girl pants and my best resting bitch face I have seen that on the TV last week a lady on Jeremy Kyle had done it see locked up in Hotel Horror was good for like the things I learnt from them crazy bitches on Jeremy Kyle.
“You don’t get to tell me what the heck to do” I snap trying to sound tough and forceful, I see a smile form over his lips. “What” I snap I hate being made a fool of like for real I pull on all the sass and bitchiness I had when they had me locked up, stolen, lost and fucking alone. I got this... Hahahaha....um no, no you don’t the dark angel pipes up “shut up” I snap mentally at her...
“You’re freaking cute, Poppet,” he states turning to look at Lilly who is walking over to us, “She’s cute ain't she Lill” smiling she steps beside me.
“You tell him, Tim, no man can tell us, strong women what to do” winking at me I see the vein form in the side of Ghost’s rather large neck, smirking I like the way I feel right now strong.
“Well yes because of you going in there like freaking Ail what was it like a month ago is that how long it’s been? They fucking hurt me, beat me, broke me and wanted to make me into a sex toy a play toy for the rich but that man with the snake eyes saved me wouldn’t let them touch me because of you Ghost but you being the Reaper that they are all scarred of didn’t save my mother no it sure didn’t. She's in the back of a van dead, and I'm unsure how I feel about that. Happy, sad, god knows, but now I'm here with god knows who and what and why so I won’t be staying thank you I’ll be going home to my shit pit as you call it and trying to figure what the fuck I’m to do next because for what feels like forever I haven’t be able to breath of even think without the voice stirring me into a crazed state. Placing my hands on my hips I stomp my foot.
“Got it?” I ask resting bitch face in place, Lilly brings her hand up to her mouth laughing.
“Well Ghost you just got told,” shaking his head with what I'm not sure could be anger, amusement or what washing over his stone cold I'm killer features which at this stage in time I surely would have passed out but I'm so sick of being weak and scared alone and fucked up. “What” I snap at him.
“Me” pointing to himself,
“Yes you” I answer back with as much false bravo as I can muster Lilly’s hand holding onto my hand the support from her gives me a strength I didn’t know I could possess,
“Nothing Poppet, just you’re cute when you’re trying to be mad” leaning down he scoops me up over his shoulder, a screech escapes me as I look over to Lilly she’s laughing.
“Have fun Tim” winking “He’s a good guy” she says like it should mean that he won’t try to knock me off for sassing him, just then he slaps my ass
“Home with you Poppet, my place, my bed oh and we will talk about that snake eyed comment also but not right now” letting out a huffy breath I slap my hand down his hard back bouncing right off he chuckles taking the hall and steps like it’s nothing before I know it we are in the great big room filled with smoke, women eyeing me and men wolf whistling as Ghost pipes up “What the fuck ya’ll are looking at?” to the looks of death I'm receiving the worst coming from the girl yup it’s the same chick that was shooting me daggers earlier I sense I'm stepping on toes but the way I feel right now this new found me I don’t give a fuck, giggling at the use of the cuss word I just said inside my head I like the way it sounds coming off my tongue, maybe this is the new me bad sassy Timberly, hum I like the thought of that. Ha silly girl you will bow out. Dark angel spits at me Hey Nice angel I yell inside my head Grow a pair and bitch slap her will ya! We walk from the club and the smoke, smell, heat out into the night pitch black still the stars bright dancing in the sky happy and high I feel them feel the same way right now.
Ghost plonks me down on my feet the cool inky night’s air wraps around my body. Goosebumps pop up all over my arms the warmth of him gone and my body misses it instantly waning it back, looking up at him he just stands there leaning against his bike looking all gruff and sexy, blinking up at him he smiles “What” I pipe out stepping into him and placing my hands on his rock hard chest sliding them down the side under his heavy leather cut the cool of it grazes over my fingers.
“Oh Poppet nothing just you finding a voice” smiling down at me as he pulls a smoke from the packet he has inside his jacket his hand touches mine electricity zaps through me I feel it pooling in my thighs a feeling unfamiliar and it shocks me. “Hop on” he says stepping away from the bike breaking the touch my eyes find his searching them for anything but the hurt I see in them.
Reaching mu hands up I wrap them around his face and pull his face down into mine his eyes boring into mine my lips dangerously close to his “It’s not your fault, you know, I’m sorry for what I said.”
I breathe out into him mere inches from his lips. “But you see Poppet that’s where you’re wrong, it’s all me.” He says his voice pained, hurt, sadness lacing his tone. “Hop on the bike Poppet I’m taking you away from here.”
Hiking up my leg. I step over onto his bike skimming my butt back as he hops on, lights his smoke and sucks in deep, blowing out the smoke it swirls around me as I relax into him this time and enjoy the ride the air whipping at my skin, his hoodie I'm wearing billows up around me. A giggle bubbles up in me for the first time in like ever I feel free.
Heading down the bumpy gravel road leading us out to the darkness night time sounds ring out around us over the hum of his bike's engine vibrating between my thighs sending out the nicest feeling between them. Over the bridge we go as street lights pass us by the town falling around us the concrete jungle in her finest tonight we are in the heart of NYC.
He brings the bike to a stop outside a Hotel killing the engine kicking the stand out he leans her over I hop of and look up in awe this building stretches up all the way to the stars a door man walks over “Mr. Morrow” he greets nodding. “Neil” Ghost says, “Staying Mr. Morrow?” Neil asks he is a kind looking old man wearing a tailored suit with a name tag.
Neil Preston
Invictus Hotel
His eyes are kind his features warm but laced with the lines of age and wisdom.
“Yes Neil.” Ghost says. “Get Pete to put my bike in the garage will you.” He says pulling me into him and walking away. Neil nods at Ghost his eyes smile at me “Yes Sir.” He says as he opens the door to the Hotel and we enter warmth black marble floors cold under my bare feet wrapping my arm around my body Ghost walks on over to the front desk, where a massive black marled top vase filled with white Rose and purple Irises decorate the top my favorite flowers. Tip toeing over to a table that is solid white marble in the middle of this massive entrance leaning into the crystal vase that is filled with red roses so deep in hue that they are just about black the sweet notes of the silky soft petal hit my nose and I close my eyes blowing out super slowly am I in a dream. Ghost hands wrap around scooping me up my head rests on his shoulder my eyes find a shining black chandelier that hangs above us. Walking past the front desk and a stunning woman her lips painted in a killer red her stare is scary cold my skin prickles.
“Saskia.” Ghost growls out low and fill of warning her eyes snap from mine to his
“Sir” she coos out and I just about throw up in my mouth yes love I know he’s hot and ha like the bitch before you he’s mine I think to myself.
“Ring Century 21 and Calvin Klein and have them bring everything in size Four.” Picking up my foot he looks at it blisters and scraps.
“Seven I’m a size Seven.’ I murmur into his chest embarrassed that this is happening and I’m on show.
“Shoe size seven will need a pair of everything they have including a pair of Ugg boots in black and also grey.” He snaps not even waiting for her to reply we hit the sliver doors of an elevator and a small young scared looking boy holds the doors open “
Sir” he greets Ghost.
“Zane, get the chef to bring up a sample of the whole fucking menu and Jager and Fejoia juice.”
“Yes sir” his voice shaky like Ghost scares him and how come he barks all these orders and they all jump they all know his name.
“Poppet your thoughts are loud.” He says to me kissing the top of my head and stepping into the elevator “This place before you.” He says turning as we enter my eyes falling over Zane, and Saskia their eyes burning into me “This is my empire baby, I’m not just a biker or a tattooist I’m also the king of Invictus Hotel.” His tone fill of power as a new feeling washes over me. “And Poppet this is your new life.” He says as I swallow the lump in my throat what I have got into.