arigatō gozaimasu thank you very much
bonsho bronze bell
bunraku traditional puppet theatre
butsudan household shrine
chashitsu tea room
furu metal brazier
fusuma sliding wood panels that can act as doors
geisha Japanese female entertainers practised in the traditional performing arts
gomen nasai I am truly sorry; my deepest apologies
han lunch-serving group
hitodama balls of fire that float, thought to be souls of the dead in Japanese folklore
ihai ancestral spirit tablets
ikebana art of Japanese flower arrangement
jīchan grandfather
jigoku hell
ji shin earthquake
jūshoku chief of Buddhist temple
kamishibai form of theatre and storytelling
kanetsukidō bell house
kappa mythical creature said to be responsible for luring children into water
Kashima god who tries to restrain Namazu in Japanese mythology
kendōka one who practises the Japanese martial art kendo
kiai battle cry
kimono wide-sleeved, full-length robe; traditional Japanese garment
kitsune fox
konnichiwa good day; a standard greeting
kotatsu low table that is heated from underneath; a blanket is placed under the table top
kote long padded gloves
kumi-daiko ensemble taiko drumming
kuso damn
miso soybean paste
Namazu giant catfish who causes earthquakes in Japanese mythology
nante kotta what the hell
natto fermented soybeans
nigete run, get away
nori sheets of dried edible seaweed
obaba wise old woman
ohayō gozaimasu good morning
ojīsan honourable grandfather
okāsan mother
onegai shimasu a request, used when someone is doing something for you or you are asking them to do something
Oniwaka warrior who kills demons
owashi great or large eagle
rōka narrow hallway around the outside of a house
sabani fishing or sailing boat
samurai warriors in feudal Japan
san honorific used after a person’s name
sensei teacher
shinai bamboo sword
shu-moku log, used to strike a bell
tasukete help me
tatami straw matting used for flooring in traditional Japanese-style rooms
torī huge gate into a sacred area
uguisu bush warbler
wagashi traditional Japanese sweet
wakaino young man
yakuza Japanese criminal organisation; a member of this organisation
yokai monster, demon or spirit in Japanese folklore
yukata summerweight garment similar to a kimono
zabuton floor cushion