Collected here for you, a sampler of stories & poems set in or related to the “Cthulhu Mythos,” as conceived by H.P, Lovecraft, expanded on by the “Lovecraft Circle” and endlessly expanded on by current writers up to the current day!

So as not to replicate material available in The H.P. Lovecraft MEGAPACK® and The Cthulhu Mythos MEGAPACK®, we start with a range of Lovecraft pieces he “fixed up” for other authors, and a round-robin story he contributed to with a variety of other pulp authors of the time (“The Challenge From Beyond”). Then, after a slight detour into a historically interesting predecessor of Lovecraft’s Innsmouth folk (“Fishhead”), it’s on into a sampling of tales and poems from Lovecraft’s peers and followers that either reference or resonate with his concepts.

Cthulhu Fhtagn!

—Shawn M. Garrett

Editor, Wildside Press