Abraham, 370–371
abstract expressionism, 330
Abyssinian Baptist Church, 324
Adam, 352–359
Addams, Jane, 86–87
Adorno, Theodor, 227
Adventures in Marxism (Berman), 2
Afrocentrism, mystique of, 327
Age of Revolution, 343
Ahearn, Charles, 139
Ahearn, John, 139–143
Alamo, 324
Alexander, Michael, 296n16
Jazz Age Jews, 296
Alexander the Great, 342–343
alienation, 34–38
All That Is Solid Melts Into Air (Berman), 1–2, 5–6, 263–265, 272, 275, 312, 370
deindustrialization of, 315–316
demographics of, 157
rap in, 132–134m 154–155, 310–331, 372, 373
social justice in, 310–331
suburbanization of, 87–89
violence in, 324–325
American Humor: A Study of National Character (Rourke), 288n1
American Splendor (comic book), 278–285
Amerika (Kafka), 138–139
An American Procession: The Major American Writers From 1830 to 1930: The Crucial Years (Kazin), 244
An Essay on Liberation (Marcuse), 41
Anderson, Perry
on All That Is Solid Melts Into Air (Berman), 6, 263–265
on The Politics of Authenticity (Berman), 274–275
angels. See Benjamin, Walter
Antigone (Sophocles), 339–340
The Anxiety of Influence (Bloom), 166
Arendt, Hannah, 189
Aristotle, 326
Politics, 340
Arrested Development, 328–329
Arson Task Force, 129, 152, 374
Auerbach, Erich, 206
Confessions, 197
authenticity, politics of, 31–33
auto-da-fé, 80
1920 Diary, 235–239
Red Cavalry, 232–235
Back to School, 140
Bakunin, Mikhail, 61–62
barbarians. See Nietzsche, Friedrich
Basehead, 328–329
Basquiat, Jean-Michelle, 139, 153
Bastille Prison, 347
Baudelaire, Charles, 2, 89, 172, 312
“The Eyes of the Poor,” 82, 85
“The Heroism of Modern Life,” 265
“The Loss of a Halo,” 274
Beame, Abe, 150–151
Beastie Boys, 320
“Beat Street Breakdown” (rap song), 313
Bellow, Saul, 277
Benjamin, Emil, 187
Benjamin, Walter, 184–192
“The Concept of Criticism in German Romanticism,” 190
“Paris, Capital of the Nineteenth Century,” 192
Selected Writings, 190
“Theses on the Philosophy of History,” 185
“The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” 189, 192
Benjamin’s Crossing (Parini), 191
Bergman, Ingrid, 348
Berlin, Isaiah, 1, 301n23, 310
Berlin Free Students’ Union, 188
Berman, Marshall
Adventures in Marxism, 2
All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, 1–2, 5–6, 263–265, 272, 275, 312, 370
on Anderson’s review of All That Is Solid, 6–7
on art initiatives in the Bronx, 138–139
on Babel, 231–232
on Benjamin, 190–192
on Benjamin’s Crossing (Parini), 191
Beyond Zuccotti Park: Freedom of Assembly and the Occupation of Public Space, 337
career of, 26
“City and Self: Ancient Athens and Jerusalem, Modern Paris and New York,” 336–337
Cross-Bronx Expressway, 365
on culture, 158–159
education of, 17, 26, 310–311, 365
on environmental art, 268–269
on failure of modern capitalism, 3
father’s death, 365
on To the Finland Station (Wilson), 178–183
“Freedom and Individuality in the Thought of Karl Marx,” 310
on growing up in the Bronx, 127–130
on History and Class Consciousness (Lukács), 198–207
influence of Moses on, 95–97
on The Jazz Singer, 286–309
job at CCNY, 367
on Jolson, 286–309
on Kafka, 219–229
on Kazin, 241–242
on A Lifetime Burning in Every Moment (Kazin), 244–246
on love, 4–5
on Lukács, 193–215
on Marxist humanism, 26, 27–28
on On Native Grounds (Kazin), 243–244
on New York, 147–159
on Nietzsche, 230–240
on In the Night Kitchen (Sendak), 242–243
on occupational hazards for intellectuals, 275–276
on open space, 75
on open-minded space, 89–91
on Pamuk, 250–260
on Pekar, 277–285
on the people on his horizon, 273–274
on photographers, 137–138
on Plaza Mayor (Madrid), 79–81
on politics as dancing, 163–177
The Politics of Authenticity, 1, 2, 7–8, 25n5, 274–275
on rap, 132–134, 154–155, 329–331
relationship with Moses, 93–94
relationship with Taubes, 17–18
“The Romance of Public Space,” 338–349
on Romanticism, 264
on Schneeman, 270–271
started re-reading the Bible, 369–370
on the strengths of Jewish-American writing, 277
on Times Square, 335
On the Town: One Hundred Years of Spectacle in Times Square, 335–336
on tributes, 241
on urban life, 2
on urban poor, 81–87
on urbicide, 129, 148, 364, 370
visits to the Bronx by, 271–273
on visual art, 134–136
on A Walker in the City (Kazin), 243, 244
Berman, Murray, 13–15, 16–17, 364, 365
“Betmar Tag and Label Company,” 15–16
Beyond Zuccotti Park: Freedom of Assembly and the Occupation of Public Space (Berman), 337
Bill of Rights, 342
Billy the Kid, 325
Bircher, John, 43
Birth of a Nation (movie), 304, 325
“Black Power,” 315
blackface, 288–289, 292n11, 293–298
Bloom, Harold
The Anxiety of Influence, 166
A Map of Misreading, 166
body art, 270–271
Bogart, Humphrey, 348
Bolaño, Roberto, 250
Bolshevik Revolution, 239
“Bolshevism as a Moral Problem” (Lukács), 208–209, 208n7
Bonnie and Clyde, 325
Book of Kings, 343–345
Book of Lamentations, 369–370
Boone, Daniel, 324
Boone, Mary, 139
bourgeois society
The Communist Manifesto on, 114–115
Bourne, Randolph, 8
“Trans-National America,” 304–305
Brando, Marlon, 327
British Labour government, 367
Brodersen, Momme, 184–192
art initiatives in the, 138–139
Berman on growing up in the, 127–130
population in the, 129
rebuilding of the, 144
relationship to Manhattan, 127
suspicious fires in the, 128–129, 148–152, 315–316, 364, 368, 374
visits by Berman to the, 271–273
Bronx Zoo, 156
Brown, Kevin, 278
Brown, Rap, 325
Bruce, Lenny, 277
Buber, Martin, 220
Buchanan, Patrick, 368
Budgett, Greg, 281
Buffalo Bill, 325
buildings, 92–93, 121–122, 365–366
Butts, Calvin, 324
Camus, Albert, 320
Capa, Robert, 137
Capital (Marx), 21–22, 24n4, 65, 173–177
in The Communist Manifesto, 65
problems with, 65
capitalist development, Marx on, 63–64
Capone, Al, 325
Caro, Robert
interview with Moses, 115
lack of perspective of, 119–120
on Moses, 97–103, 107–114, 111n4, 116–119
on neighborhoods, 119–121
The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York, 97–101, 119
Carson, Kit, 324
Carter, Jimmy, 136–137
Carter Community Employment and Training Act program, 130
Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 137
Cassirer, Ernst, 206
catalogues, 62
Cavey, Sue, 283–284
CB4 (movie), 328
CCNY (City College of New York), 132, 367, 372
Central Park, 109–110
Christian God, 345
Christianity, 346
cinema, Lukács on, 212–213
“City and Self: Ancient Athens and Jerusalem, Modern Paris and New York” (Berman), 336–337
City College of New York (CCNY), 132, 367, 372
civil rights movement, 40–41
Cobb, Lee J., 16–17
Cohen, Jerry, 301n23
Cohn, Alfred, 295
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” 315
collective learning, 376
“common property,” culture as, 64–65
Moses on, 96n1
Communist International, 195–196
The Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels)
about, 21–22, 24, 24n4, 31–32, 59–60, 172
on bourgeois society, 100, 114–115
capitalism in, 65
free development in, 79
global economy in, 63–64
innate dynamism in, 61
material construction in, 61
moral vision in, 69
Morgenthau on, 59
world culture in, 64
community activism, 366
“The Concept of Criticism in German Romanticism” (Benjamin), 190
Confessions (Augustine), 197
conflict, in public space, 73–91
Conrad, Joseph, 112
consciousness, Rousseau on, 55–56
Convergence Theory, 96n1
Cosell, Howard, 128–129
“counter-culture,” 121
Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky), 210n8, 277
Crockett, Davy, 324
Cross-Bronx Expressway, 1, 94, 115–116, 130, 315, 363, 365
as “common property,” 64–65
Lukács on, 201
in New York, 158–159
Custerism, 324
dancing, Berman on politics as, 163–177
Dave (business partner of Murray Berman), 14–15
“The Day of Atonement” (Raphaelson), 302
Daze, 132
de Beauvoir, Simone, 26
De La Soul, 328–329
Dean, James, 327
Death of a Salesman (Miller), 16, 16n1, 67
death rates, 375
Dedalus, Stephen, 312
Degeneration (Nordau), 223
deindustrialization, of America, 315–316
Deleuze, Gilles, 228
beginning of, 371
Marx on, 21
demographics, of America, 157
Dempsey, Jack, 307–308, 309n32
Deutscher, Isaac, 97
deviants, Walzer on, 84–85
Dewey, John, 304–305
Dibbell, Carola, 282
Dickens, Charles, 21, 24n4, 62, 98
Dickstein, Morris, 220
Diderot, Denis, 330
Digable Planets, 328–329
Dillinger, John, 325
Dinkins, David, 374
Discourse on the Origins of Inequality (Rousseau), 24–25, 25n5
Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, 328–329
Do The Right Thing (movie), 141, 320
Dockstader, Lew, 292–293, 292n11
Dollard, John, 323
Donne, John, 258, 357–358, 358n2
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 21, 24n4, 69, 207, 210n8, 277, 312
Double Dutch, 140
Dreiser, Theodore, 98
Dreyfus Affair, 225
drugs, 315–316
Dumm, Gary, 281
Durkheim, Émile, 110n3
Dylan, Bob, 277, 289n4, 296, 306–308, 307n30, 320
Dynamics of Power, 94–95
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 (Marx), 18–28, 20n3, 163–164
The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (Marx), 173
Eins, Stephen, 136
electronic mass media, 348
Eliot, George, 21
Ellison, Ralph, 8
Invisible Man, 86
“Empire State of Mind,” 375
Engels, Friedrich, 2. See also The Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels)
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, 25n5
environmental art, 268–269
Eörsi, István, 214
Erikson, Erik, 170, 293, 293n12
Trojan Women, 370
“The Eyes of the Poor” (Baudelaire), 82, 85
fascism, 43
Fashion Moda, 136
Faulkner, William, 323
Feiffer, Jules, 277
Fekner, John, 136
“Fetishism of Commodities,” 198
Fittko, Lisa, 185
Fitzgerald, Scott, 104
Foreign Languages Publishing House, 18–19
Forster, E.M., 232
Four Continents Book Store, 18–19
France, political conflict in, 347
Franz Kafka: The Jewish Patient (Gilman), 221, 222
free development, Marx on, 69, 79
Free Speech Movement, 121
freedom, 34–38
“Freedom and Individuality in the Thought of Karl Marx” (Berman), 310
“free-floating,” 311
French Revolution, 347
Freud, Race and Gender (Gilman), 221
Fussell, Paul
The Great War and Modern Memory, 234
Gabor, Pal, 212n10
gangster rap, 321–322, 325–326, 328
“The Gangster as Tragic Hero” (Warshow), 325–326
Garden of Eden, 350–351
Garfield, John, 151
Gatsby, Jay, 104
Gay, Peter, 1
Weimar Culture, 3
Genesis, 350–351
genocide, 258–259
German humanism, 24–25
German Idealism, Marx on, 170, 171
German Youth Movement, 188
German-French Yearbooks, 24n4
Gershwins, George and Ira, 296
Gilman, Sander
on the Dreyfus Affair, 225
Franz Kafka: The Jewish Patient, 221, 222
Freud, Race and Gender, 221
on the German language, 226
Jewish Self-Hatred, 221
on the Jew’s allegedly stolen language, 225–226
The Jew’s Body, 221
on Kafka, 221–222, 224, 226–228
on Kafka’s modernism, 228–229
on plasticity of anti-Semitism, 223
Ginsberg, Allen
Howl, 93–94
“Girls Just Want to Have Fun” (song), 77–79, 79n3
global economy, in The Communist Manifesto, 63–64
Goats, 328–329
God, 343–345, 350–359, 370–371, 376
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 24–25, 95–96, 107–108
Goethe and His Age (Lukács), 205
Goetz, Bernhard, 85
Gold, Mike, 282
Gold, Ted, 43
Goldberg, Molly, 120
Goodman, Benny, 296
Goodman, Dean
The Republic of Letters: A Cultural History of the French Enlightenment, 347n4
Goodman, Paul, 8, 97, 111, 241
Goodman, Percival, 97
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 27
Gorz, André, 26
Gospel of Matthew, 344
graffiti, 130–132, 153–154, 371–372
Gramsci, Antonio, on “organic intellectual,” 311, 319
The Great Gatsby, 96–97
“The Great Migration,” 301–302
The Great War and Modern Memory (Fussell), 234
Greenberg, Clement, 330
“Grub Street, U.S.A.” (Pekar), 284–285
Guattari, Felix, 228
Gun Crazy, 325
Gunfighter Nation, 325
Guthrie, Woody, 110n3
Hammond, John, 308
Hapgood, Hutchins, 86–87
Haring, Keith, 153
Harriman, William Averell, 94
Hauser, Arnold, 206
Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, 95
Hazlitt, William, 330
Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 111–112
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 31, 154–155, 166–167, 300, 363, 373–374
Heinle, Fritz, 188
Heinle, Wolf, 188
heroes, of the New Left, 98–99
“The Heroism of Modern Life” (Baudelaire), 265
Herzen, Alexander, 172
Hine, Lewis, 128
Hippodamus’ model, 340
The Historical Novel (Lukács), 205
History and Class Consciousness (Lukács), 193, 196–207
History of France (Michelet), 179–180
Hobsbawm, Eric, 59
Horkheimer, Max, 186
Howells, William Dean, 86–87
Howl (Ginsberg), 93–94
human emancipation, 73
human expansion, 357–358
humanism, German, 24–25
Humboldt, Alexander von, 24–25
Hungarian Communist Party, 195, 212
Hunts Point Multi-Service Center, 144
Ice Cube, 323
“The Ideology of Modernism” (Lukács), 203–204
imperialism, 42–43
In the Night Kitchen (Sendak), 242–243
incarnation, Lukács on, 202
individualism, modern, 76–81
injustice, 314–315
innate dynamism, in The Communist Manifesto, 61
intellectuals, Marx on, 67–68
Invisible Man (Ellison), 86
Israel, 343–345
Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 233
James, Jesse, 325
James, William, 8
Jansco, Miklos, 212n10
Jay-Z, 375
Jazz Age Jews (Alexander), 296
The Jazz Singer (movie), 286–309, 288n2
Jerusalem, 343–345, 363, 369–370, 375, 376
Jesenská, Milena, 227
Jesus, 344–345
Jewish God, 345
Jewish Self-Hatred (Gilman), 221
“The Jewish Patient,” 224
Jews, Moses on, 97n2
The Jew’s Body (Gilman), 221
Joll, James, 310
Jolson, Al, 286–309, 290n5, 292n11
Joyce, James, 21
Ulysses, 312
justice, 314–315
Kafka, Franz
about, 21
Amerika, 138–139
Berman on, 219–229
eating disorders of, 224
Gilman on, 221–222, 224, 226–228
Gilman on modernism of, 228–229
on his language, 226
on his own body, 223–224
Lukács on, 204
on open public space, 91
Karl, Frederick, 225
Kazin, Alfred
about, 241–242
An American Procession: The Major American Writers From 1830 to 1930: The Crucial Years, 244
criticisms of, 243–244
A Lifetime Burning in Every Moment, 244–246
On Native Grounds, 243–244, 246
New York Jew, 244
Starting Out in the Thirties, 244
A Walker in the City, 243, 244
Keats, John, 254
Kellner, Dora, 189
Kelly, Gene, 192
Kern, Jerome, 296
Kids of Survival (K.O.S.), 138–139
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 346
King, Rodney, 323–324
Klein, Calvin, 223
Koch, Ed, 144
Koestler, Arthur, 186
Kol Nidre prayer, 297–298, 301, 304
Korsch, Karl, 173
K.O.S. (Kids Of Survival), 138–139
Kossuth, Joseph, 139
Kramer, Jane, 141–143
Whose Art is It?, 141
Kraus, Karl, 226
Kroeber, A.L., 101
KRS-1, 328–329
Krushchev, Nikita, 206
Ku Klux Klan, 325
Kun, Béla, 212
labor unions, Marx on, 21
Lacis, Asja, 189
Lamb, Charles, 330
Lansky, Meyer, 325
Larry (CUNY student), 266
Lawrence, D.H., 21, 232, 250, 282
leap of faith, 359
“Lebanon” (Schneeman), 271
Lefebvre, Henri, 26
legitimate theatre, 292n11
Lena (CUNY student), 269–270
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 68
A Lifetime Burning in Every Moment (Kazin), 244–246
Lippmann, Walter, 101
Lloyd’s of London, 129
Blake on, 35–37
suburbanization of, 87
Wordsworth on, 35–36
Long, Huey, 95
“The Loss of a Halo” (Baudelaire), 274
Lott, Eric, 289
love, Berman on, 4–5
Lower Manhattan Expressway, 117, 119
Lubitsch, Ernst, 302
Lukács, Georg
about, 2, 3, 18n2, 173, 193–215
“Bolshevism as a Moral Problem,” 208–209, 208n7
on cinema, 212–213
as a communist, 208
on culture, 201
Goethe and His Age, 205
The Historical Novel, 205
History and Class Consciousness, 193, 196–207
“The Ideology of Modernism,” 203–204
on Krushchev, 206
on Marx, 195
on Marxist ideas, 198–201
on Marxist Orthodoxy, 203
moral and political thinking of, 211
Record of a Life, 213–214
religious and moral hopes of, 211
on socialism, 214
on socialist realism, 205
Studies in European Realism, 205
Theory of the Novel, 193, 207–208
The Young Hegel, 205
lynch mobs, 325
Lyte, M.C., 328–329
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 320
Madison Square Garden, 308n31
Madrid, 79–81
The Magic Mountain (Mann), 204–205
Mahabarata, 324
Makk, Karoly, 212n10
Malamud, Bernard, 277
MAM (modernist anti-modernism), 254–255
Manhattan, 126–127
Mann, Thomas
The Magic Mountain, 204–205
Manneheim, Karl, 311
A Map of Misreading (Bloom), 166
March, Fredric, 16–17
Marcuse, Herbert
An Essay on Liberation, 41
One-Dimensional Man, 39–41
Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory, 18n2
Marx, Karl, 2, 3. See also The Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels)
after 1917, 60–61
on bourgeois society, 25, 100, 115, 180
Capital, 21–22, 24n4, 65, 173–177
on capitalism, 21, 62, 163–164
on capitalist development, 63–64
defeats of 1848-51, 172–173
on democracy, 21
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, 18–28, 20n3, 163–164
The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, 173
“Fetishism of Commodities,” 198
health of, 173–174
honeymoon of, 22
on intellectuals, 67–68
on labor unions, 21
on the Left, 22–23
Lukács on, 195
on mass media, 64
on materialism, 173
on modern capitalism, 63
on modern life, 27
on modern love, 22
on modern working class, 66–68
“On the Jewish Question,” 73
on political emancipation, 73
“Private Property and Communism,” 23–24
prose style of, 62
on public space, 73
relationship with Hegel, 166–167
relationship with his father, 167–169
on Revolution, 69
Seigel on, 165–166, 170, 173–177
studies on the life of, 164–165
“Theses on Feuerbach,” 170
Marx-Engels Institute, 18n2
Marx-Engels Reader, 2nd Edition (Tucker), 20n3
Marxism, Berman on, 7–8, 13–14
“Marxism with soul,” 8
Marxist humanism, Berman on, 26, 27–28
Marxist Orthodoxy, Lukács on, 203
Marx’s Fate: The Shape of a Life (Seigel), 165–170, 174–177
mass media, Marx on, 64
master builder, Moses as, 109–111
material construction, in The Communist Manifesto, 61
materialism, Marx on, 170, 171–172
Mayer, Arno, 263
Mayor’s Task Force Against Arson, 129, 152, 374
Mel, Melle, 133, 313–314, 372–373
“The Message” (rap song), 133–134, 139, 154, 317–318, 324, 372, 373
“The Metropolis and Mental Life” (Simmel), 37
Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), 131–132
Mezaros, Marta, 212n10
Miami Vice, 325
Michelet, Jules
History of France, 179–180
Mill, John Stuart, 69–70
Miller, Arthur
Death of a Salesman, 16, 16n1, 67
Milligan, Martin, 18–19
Milton, John, 358
modern capitalism
Berman on failure of, 3
Marx on, 63
modern individualism, 76–81
modern life, Rousseau on, 58
modern love, Marx on, 22
modern working class, Marx on, 66–68
prime enemy of, 254
Rousseau on, 48–50
traditions of, 265
modernist anti-modernism (MAM), 254–255
Enlightenment and, 346–349
Saint-Preux on, 48–50
The Persian Letters, 346–347
moral authority, 323
moral vision, in The Communist Manifesto, 69
Morgenthau, Hans, on The Communist Manifesto, 59
Moscow, 18n2
Moses, Robert
about, 1–2
archetypes of, 96–97
building of public works by, 104–105
Caro on, 97–103, 107–114, 111n4, 116–118
on communism, 96n1
Cross-Bronx Expressway, 116, 315
on the Dynamics of Power, 94–95
extravagance of, 123–124
as head of State Reconstruction Commission, 102–103
on his opponents, 118
influence on Berman of, 95–97
interview with Caro, 115
on Jews, 97n2
life story of, 101–103, 116–117
manipulation of the law by, 107
as master builder, 109–111
movements arose against, 366
Murray Berman on, 364
New York Times on, 116
New Yorkers on, 116
parkways of, 108–109
power of, 106–109
public authority and, 113–114
public works taken from, 117
relationship with Berman, 93–94
response to The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York, 119
suburbanization by, 113–114
Triborough Project, 110
victims of, 365
MTA (Metropolitan Transit Authority), 131–132
Murder Inc., 325
Murdoch, Iris, 310
Nagy, Imré, 197
narrow open spaces, 87–89
neighborhoods, 119–121, 126, 364
New Deal, 94, 109–110, 111, 112, 120
New Jack City (movie), 323, 326
New Left, 26, 32, 39–58, 98, 121, 122, 122n7, 124, 198
Berman on, 147–159
Bronx Zoo, 156
culture in, 158–159
current status of, 155–156
‘disintegration of,’ 148–149
downtown, 156–157
Fashion Moda, 136
Manhattan, 126–127
near bankruptcy of, 150–151, 369
rap in, 132–134, 154–155, 310–331, 372, 373
self-destructive tendencies of, 1
suspicious fires, 128–129, 148–152, 315, 316, 364, 368, 374
visual art in, 134–136
New York Jew (Kazin), 244
New York Jewish Intellectual (NYJI), 241–242
New York Times
on Moses, 116
Ruins Section, 128
suspicious fires, 149
The New Eloise (Rousseau), 46–48, 51–53
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 69, 230–240, 320
The Nightmare of Reason: A Life of Franz Kafka (Pawel), 220–221
1920 Diary (Babel), 235–239
Nixon, Richard, 367–368
Nordau, Max
Degeneration, 223
Novalis, 31
NYJI (New York Jewish Intellectual), 241–242
Nyro, Laura, 296
O.K. Corral, 325
Old Left, 122n7
On Native Grounds (Kazin), 243–244, 246
“On the Jewish Question” (Marx), 73
On the Town: One Hundred Years of Spectacle in Times Square (Berman), 335–336
One-Dimensional Man (Marcuse), 39–41
open space
Berman on, 75
Kafka on, 91
Montesquieu on, 75
narrow, 87–89
open-minded space
Berman on, 89–91
Walzer on, 75
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 101
Order of Nature, 36n2
“organic intellectual,” 311, 319
Orozco, Jose Clemente, 140
Orthodox Marxism, 196
Owen, Robert, 62
Oxford, 366–367
Ozymandias, 95
Paley, Grace, 241
“Somewhere Else,” 130
Pamuk, Orhan
Panofsky, Erwin, 206
Paradise Lost (poem), 358
paranoia, romance of, 221–222
Parini, Jay, 186
Benjamin’s Crossing, 191
“Paris, Capital of the Nineteenth Century” (Benjamin), 192
parkways, 108–109
Pavlov, Ivan, 204
Pawel, Ernst
on Kafka’s eating disorders, 224
The Nightmare of Reason: A Life of Franz Kafka, 220–221
Pekar, Harvey, 277–285
“Grub Street, U.S.A.,” 284–285
The Peloponnesian War (Thucydides), 341
Peretz, I.L., 279
perfectibility, Rousseau on, 57
“Pericles’ Funeral Oration,” 341
Perkins, Frances, 111–112
The Persian Letters (Montesquieu), 346–347
photographers, 137–138
Plamenatz, John, 310
“Planned Shrinkage,” 368–369
Republic, 341–342
Plaza Mayor (Madrid), 79–81
P.M. Dawn, 328–329
political emancipation, Marx on, 73
of authenticity, 31–33
as dancing (Berman), 163–177
Politics (Aristotle), 340
The Politics of Authenticity (Berman), 1, 2, 7–8, 25n5, 274–275
Pomus, Doc, 296
Port Huron Statement of 1962, 58
poverty, 315–316
The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (Caro), 97–101, 119
The Prelude (Williams), 35
Price, John Richard, 296
Prince Be, 329
Prishchepa, 237–239
“Private Property and Communism” (Marx), 23–24
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 61–62
public authority, Moses and, 113–114
public space
and the Bible, 350–359
conflict and community in, 73–91
romance of, 338–349
Pushkin, Alexander, 95
“Putting Blackface in Its Place” (Slobin), 288n2
Quinones, Lee, 131
Quinton, Anthony, 310
race, 41–43
rack, 21–22
radicalism, 57–58
rap, 132–134, 154–155, 310–331, 372, 373
Raphaelson, Samson, 299n21
“The Day of Atonement,” 302
R&B, 301–302
Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory (Marcuse), 18n2
Record of a Life (Lukács), 193–194, 213–214
Red Army, 231
Red Cavalry (Babel), 232–235
Regeneration Through Violence, 325
religious language, in History and Class Consciousness (Lukács), 202
Rembrandt, 140
Republic (Plato), 326, 341–342
The Republic of Letters: A Cultural History of the French Enlightenment (Goodman), 347n4
Marx on, 69
Wilson on, 179
Riis, Jacob, 128
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (Coleridge), 315
The Robbers (play), 326–327
Robin, Corey, 2
Rohatyn, Felix, 151
Rollins, Tim, 138–139
of paranoia, 221–222
of public space, 338–349
“The Romance of Public Space” (Berman), 338–349
Romantic Age, 31
Romantic poetry, 330
Benjamin on, 190–191
Berman on, 264
Romeo and Juliet (play), 357–358
A Room of One’s Own (Woolf), 301
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 94
Roosevelt, F.D., Jr., 365
Roosevelt, Theodore, 325
Rosenblatt, Josef, 292n10
Rosenthal, Mel, 137
Roth, Philip, 220
Rough Riders, 325
Rourke, Constance
American Humor: A Study of National Character, 288n1
Rouse Corporation, 87
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
on consciousness, 55–56
death wish of, 53
Discourse on the Origins of Inequality, 24–25, 25n5
on modern life, 58
on modernity, 48–50
on Paris, 45–47
on perfectibility, 57
on rural societies, 50–51
on sensibility, 54–55
on Upper Valais, 51–53
Rubin, Jerry, 124
Rubin, Rick, 296
ruins, emerging from the, 363–377
Run-DMC, 2
rural societies, Rousseau on, 50–51
Saatchi, Charles, 139
Saint-Preux, Ovince, 47, 48–50
Saint-Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de, 62
Salt-n-Pepa, 328–329
Scarlet Letter, 138–139
Schiller, Friedrich, 24–25, 31, 166, 326
Schmitt, Carl, 314
Schneeman, Carolee, 270–271
“Lebanon,” 271
Schwarz, Delmore, 241
Sclan, Shellie, 335–337
Second Isaiah, 371
Seger, Bob, 266–267
Seidler, Ernö, 212
Seigel, Jerrold
on Marx, 170, 173–174, 174–177
Marx’s Fate: The Shape of a Life, 165–170, 174–177
on materialism of Marx, 172
on the sexual love of Marx, 171
Selected Writings (Benjamin), 190
Seligson, Rika, 188
Seligson, Traute, 188
Sendak, Maurice
In the Night Kitchen, 242–243
Where the Wild Things Are, 242
sensibility, Rousseau on, 54–55
Sermon on the Mount, 344
sexual awakening, 375–376
sexual love, Marx and, 171
Shakespeare, William, 320, 357–358
Shamray, Gerry, 281
Shaw, Artie, 296
Shawn, Wallace, 284–285
Siegel, Bugsy, 95
“The Metropolis and Mental Life,” 37
Simon, Kate, 241
Simon, Paul, 245
Simon, Stanley, 130
Singer, I.J., 98
“single-minded space,” Walzer on, 75
Siqueiros, David Alfaro, 140
Slightly Used New Left, 99–100
Slobin, Mark
“Putting Blackface in Its Place,” 288n2
Slotkin, Richard, 325
Smith, Al, 102–103, 106–107, 111–112
Snoop Doggy Dog, 328
Social Contract (Rousseau), 49, 53
social justice, in America, 310–331
socialism, Lukács on, 214
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (Engels), 25n5
socialist realism, Lukács on, 205
“Somewhere Else” (Paley), 130
Sontag, Susan, 8
Antigone, 339–340
Sorel, George, 325
Sorel, Julien, 179
South Bronx Hall of Fame, 140–141
Soviet Survey (Watnick), 196
Spector, Phil, 296
Spillane, Mickey, 327
Spitzer School of Architecture, 336
Spock, Benjamin, 345n2
Springsteen, Bruce, 282
Starr, Roger, 368–369
Starting Out in the Thirties (Kazin), 244
state conservation act (1884), 106
State Reconstruction Commission, 102–103
Steiner, George, 227
Stendhal, 31
Stevenson, Adlai, 94
Stewart, Michael, 85n4
Stoicism, 346
Stop the Machine, 121–122
Studies in European Realism (Lukács), 205
of American society, 87–89
Baudelaire on, 89
by Moses, 113–114
Superfly, 325
suspicious fires, 128–129, 148–152, 315–316, 364, 368, 374
symbols, 122n7
Szabo, Istvan, 212n10
“Take the A Train” (song), 330
terrorist attacks, 148
Theory of the Novel (Lukács), 193, 207–208
“Theses on Feuerbach” (Marx), 170
“Theses on the Philosophy of History” (Benjamin), 185
3rd Bass, 320
Thrasymachus, 314
The Peloponnesian War, 341
Times Square, 335. See also The Jazz Singer (movie)
Tintoretto, 140
To the Finland Station: A Study in the Writing and Acting of History (Wilson), 164–165, 178–183
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 172
Tolstoy, Leo, 207
Torres, Rigoberto, 136, 140, 141
“Trans-National America” (Bourne), 304–305
tributes, Berman on, 241
Trojan Women (Euripedes), 370
Tucker, Robert C.
Marx-Engels Reader, 2nd Edition, 20n3
Ulysses (Joyce), 312
Union for Radical Political Economics (U.R.P.E.), 163
Upper Valais, 51–53
urban life, Berman on, 2
urban poor, 81–87
Urban Renewal, 116
U.R.P.E. (Union for Radical Political Economics), 163
Used Left, 26
Van Gogh, Vincent, 140
Velez, Raymond, 144
Vergara, Camilo Jose, 137–138
visual art, 134–136
von Westphalen, Jenny, 22
Wagner, Robert F., Jr., 94, 115
A Walker in the City (Kazin), 243, 244
Walzer, Michael
on deviants, 84–85
on the dualism of “ordinary men and women,” 84
on fear of the underclass, 83
on modern individualism, 76–81
on “single-minded” and “open-minded” space, 75
War and Peace (Tolstoy), 176n1, 179
Warshow, Robert
“The Gangster as Tragic Hero,” 325–326
Watnick, Morris
Soviet Survey, 196
Waugh, Evelyn, 311
We Are Family, 140
Weathermen, 41–44
Weil, Simone, 247
Weimar Culture (Gay), 3
Where the Wild Things Are (Sendak), 242
Whose Art is It? (Kramer), 141
Wiesel, Elie, 227
The Wild Bunch, 325
Williams, Bert, 288–290
Williams, Raymond, 34–38
The Prelude, 35
Willis, Ellen, 8
Wilson, Edmund
To the Finland Station: A Study in the Writing and Acting of History, 164–165, 178–183
on Lenin, 181
on Michelet, 179–180
Wolff, Charlotte, 189
Women’s Wear Daily, 13–14
Woolf, Virginia
A Room of One’s Own, 301
Wordsworth, William
on freedom, 38
on London, 35–36
working class, Marx on, 66–68
“The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” (Benjamin), 189, 192
world culture, in The Communist Manifesto, 64
Wyneken, Gustav, 188
The Young Hegel (Lukács), 205
Ziegfeld Follies, 288–289