This book simply would not have been finished without the help of two friends, Sharon Black and Eula Monroe. Their feedback and input on each chapter made the book much stronger than it would have been. I appreciate their unique perspectives and finely honed skills as writers. Most important, I admire the daily choices they make to live their beliefs with integrity. They are examples to me and all who know them.

Wendee Wilcox Rosborough and David Wilcox, two of my children, were willing to respond to my rough drafts. I am thankful to have their fingerprints throughout the book. As always, I also appreciate my wife, Debi, for her selfless support and love.

Thanks to Chris Schoebinger, who first approached me with the idea for this book and challenged me to stretch beyond my comfort zone. I admire Emily Watts, who has been my talented editor and faithful friend for many years. Additional thanks to Brett C. Sanders, who always believes in me and gives valuable feedback; Sheryl Dickert Smith, who created the cover; and Richard Erickson, the project’s art director. My life has also been forever enriched by the “Aussie 11” and the Randall family—a wonderful team of friends who have been blessed with the opportunities to create some amazing memories together. I love you all.