Guidelines for Real-Time Systems

Real-time systems are a class of embedded systems where the time of reaction is critical. The consequences of not reacting in time vary between different applications. Based on severity, real-time systems are classified as follows:

Real-time systems are not necessarily required to be super fast. What they need is predictable reaction time. If a system can normally respond to an event within 10 milliseconds, but it often takes much longer, it is not a real-time system. If a system responds within 1 second guaranteed, this constitutes hard real time.

Determinism and predictability are the main traits of real-time systems. In this chapter, we will explore potential sources of unpredictable behavior and ways to mitigate them.

This chapter covers the following topics:

The recipes in this chapter will help you better understand the specifics of real-time systems and learn some best practices of software development for this kind of embedded system.