Her: Following two amazing thud-pumping, loin-expanding, heart-pounding hours in the attic, we devoured dinner and retired to our rooms. Occasionally we sleep together, like the last time Samuel crept into my bed when I had passed out after one of his full throttle, stretching sessions. My God it was mind blowing.
I adore waking up to the smell of Samuel but I also love sleeping alone because in sleeping apart, he wants me all the more when he wakes in morning, visiting like a dependable alarm clock. The only thing capable of turning him away would be the disintegration of his desire.
Samuel has not tired of me nor have I of him. Our love and lust continues. Odd, though, I did not mind learning of his surveillance system. I should have minded. I consider myself intelligent and forward thinking, yet even I didn’t comprehend the extent of his lust. A man with good in him also has a tincture of bad. Women are no different and in truth, if Samuel were to seduce a young woman in our house, and I was able to secretly record the event, I would relish in watching the encounter.
(Dream - Tuesday, April 12): Looking at a landscape of tall grass with dandelions and the ocean shore. The water is cold and clear. I'm inside a Japanese-styled home. I hide a scroll of writing, in between small stones on a wall at the back of the house, which a bird immediately discovers.
I put the pen cap on and rolled over. I didn't feel him crawl onto my bed. “Morning gorgeous boy.”
“Morning gorgeous girl.”
“Wasn't that fabulous last night? Sweet Jesus you make me so fucking wet when you spin a horny story. Where do they come from, Samuel?”
“You inspire them, Magdalene. Your body inspires lust.”
“It's the best when I'm in the story, you know. I need to be the fantasy.”
“Yes, that would be a book worth writing, a compilation of fantasies, no holds barred, pouring out all of your sordid thoughts for the whole world,” he said.
“Yeah, it could be called The Fantasy of Rape.”
“Are they truly rape fantasies in the classic understanding of the word?”
“What do you mean?”
“You're being ravaged by men… I'm just assuming those are your fantasies because we've never delved into your twisted little mind, but you're not being raped in the sense of being forced against your will. You're being overpowered and enjoying it, so it shouldn't be called rape fantasy.”
“I didn't create the term. That's how I've understood it all these years. A fantasy about being overpowered is still the same thing as a rape fantasy.”
“Yes, I guess. In a way you need to objectify your fantasy, both the man or men and yourself, in order for the fantasy to work properly.”
“Maybe that's the only place where objectification belongs, in a fantasy.”
“Tell me about yours, Magdalene. Let's talk about them,” he suggested.
“Wouldn't you rather wake up my sweet, smelly girl?” I asked, sliding the blanket down my belly.
“She's not going anywhere. Tell me… I want to know.”
“How about we talk about the last book I just finished.”
“Stop evading…tell me.” Samuel was adamant.
“It would shock you, Samuel. I don't want to shatter your illusions of me.” He lifted up his chin and began laughing in his deep throaty laugh.
“Yes, of course, I hold illusions about purity. No one is pure. There's no such thing as pure thoughts unless you're a child who has yet to develop language or even a sense of what an erogenous zone is. Tell me,” he insisted.
“Ah…there are so many, Samuel. I've changed fantasies over the years, some are bland and others are off the charts.”
“What's the latest you've been using?”
“Oh…often I'm in an alley while men ravage me and other times I'm with Pablo and he's doing things to me and the last really juicy one I had was when I waited for you in the hotel, after you left to collect the sketch.”
“Tell me,” said Samuel.
“Well… I was nailed to a canvas and you were demonstrating to the dealer how I needed to be fucked.”
“Get out of here!” He couldn't stop smiling. “I'm in your fantasies?”
“Of course you are.”
“And what else?”
“That's about it,” I said.
“No it ain't…there's more. Tell me.”
“The dirtiest one, the one I shouldn't reveal to you involves some priests.”
“All aboard!” said Samuel, wiggling under the covers.
“This isn't a bedtime story, Samuel. It's early morning.”
“Go on…don't hold back. I want to hear the whole thing.”
“Oh God…well, I'm thirteen.”
“Yes, yes… sweet and young and full of fun.”
“The priest I'm visiting is providing me with Bible study classes in his private home in his study.”
“Of course, private lessons for a thirteen year old. Makes sense… go on.”
“I come into his home, looking pure and innocent but I'm filled with lust. I'm wearing an orange skirt that is too big for me and it slips down my waist a little.”
“The dirty-eyed priest has spied your tiny waist…go on.”
“He invites me into his study and adamantly tells his housekeeper to refrain from interrupting him to which she nods.”
“Then what happens… skip to the naughty parts?”
“A good fantasy has build-up, Samuel. You want the whole thing or excerpts?”
“The whole ball of wax, you little harlot… thirteen.”
“Stop making fun of it!”
“OK, OK, I'll stop. Please continue.”
“My heart starts to race because I'm anticipating what he wants to do to me.”
“What you want him to do to you.”
“Samuel! Is this my fantasy or yours?”
“Continue,” he said. His hand slipped under the covers, touching and teasing, and rubbing the soft skin above my pubic hairline.
“He seats me on his couch and sits beside.”
“What denomination is he, this horny priest?”
“Naturally,” he said with a smile.
“Maybe this isn't such a good idea, Samuel.” I tried to get up and leave. Samuel pulled me back.
Him: Men would like to believe that women are so unmanly, that their effeminate world is clean and unsoiled in action, deed or thought. If men truly knew the extent of their woman's lurid thoughts they would reevaluate their relationship in a new light.
“Telling me about your fantasy is a marvelous idea and it's better than watching a movie or reading a book, so stop behaving like a cock tease and tell me more.” She pulled up the covers to look.
“You're hard.”
“Yesiree girlie I'm very hard… continue.” She dropped the covers.
“Where was I?”
“You were sitting on the couch with him, you and all your purity.”
“Oh yeah…OK, then he rests his hand on my lap and begins pulling up my skirt. He tells me he has to inspect me before we can begin our Bible lesson.” I laughed, resting my arm behind my head. I was completely hooked on her fantasy, wanting to hear it all, wanting to go into that secret, fantastic world of erotic imagination.
“Go on,” I said.
“He asks if I've ever seen a hard cock and I tell him I saw a cock on TV once but I didn't know if it was hard. Then, he unzips his pants and asks if I want to see him.”
“Of course you answer with a whole-hearted yes.”
“Sure… I'm wet and my heart is madly beating and I want him to take me.”
“Jesus woman… I had no idea of the level of detail involved. When does the sex act actually begin?”
“Build-up, Samuel. It's called build-up.”
“OK, OK…go on.”
“He takes out his cock and I nearly gasp when I see how large it is and I ask him how can that thing fit into a woman and he tells me it could even fit into a girl but that he's not interested in fitting his cock into me. He just wants to lick me.”
“I'm getting ready to fit into you if you drag this out any longer.”
“He asks me to touch him and I do, running my fingers over the tip and I tell him I didn't know cocks were so soft. Then he asks me if he can touch me and I tell him that would be nice.”
“At this point the Bible pops open and he reads you a passage.” She looked at me with an annoyed glare for having interrupted.
“Just shut and listen, horny boy!”
“OK, I promise I will. Don’t stop… go on.”
“He gets up and kneels in front of me, slipping his hands under my skirt, pulling at my panties, pulling them off, smelling. I crinkle my nose because I think I must stink. He slides my skirt hem up to my waist and opens my knees and says nothing. He just looks and I just sit there 'cause I'm waiting for him to lick me.” I kept my mouth shut. She looked at me and began again.
“His hands slowly inch their way up my legs and I feel all tingly and excited. I can't believe I'm with him and I want nothing more than for his tongue to taste me.”
“Jesus, Magdalene…you're playing with yourself the whole time this fantasy is unraveling, yes?”
“Yeah, touching my breasts, my pussy, feeling my body.”
“OK, more…give me more.”
“He lowers his head and sucks my lips and I think my brain is going to explode because I've never felt a tongue down there before and I come like gang busters and he congratulates me for letting go. I ask him to explain what happened to my body and he tells me I had an orgasm.”
“Then what?”
“He stands up and sticks his cock in my face and asks me to return the favour and to suck him, so I do and I tell him liquid is leaking out and he says this is natural.”
“Your fantasies are perverted!”
“Samuel! You see, I knew you’d judge them.”
“I'm not judging, I'm commenting.”
“A fantasy should be fantastic. The more fantastic the more intense the imagery.”
“So what happens after he's licked your sweet, smelly girl?”
“Oh…it gets better. He keeps on licking and I have one orgasm after another and I can't stop. My body convulses and my legs are writhing. He doesn't try to clamp down on me to hold me in place. He just lets me run wild. I pull up my top and ask him to suck my nipples. He leans in and I can see his face is shiny from my fluids. I get turned on even more.”
“Has he kissed you yet?”
“At this point, I could care less. Instead, he asks me to turn around so that he can lick my asshole and I'm practically having a brain hemorrhage I'm so turned on.”
“Have you cum while you're playing with yourself by now?”
“Usually with this potent fantasy I barely make it past the first licking… my heart skips a few beats and I'm gone.”
“Ah…so what keeps you going when you haven't gotten off at this point?”
“If I'm tired or if we haven't had sex during the day, then I go longer and prolong the fantasy until the nasty stuff happens.” I sat upright. She caught my attention.
“Lay it on me, girl. You've been holding out.”
“A few more priests come into the room.”
“Fuck me… how many?”
“At least two more.”
“You realize this fantasy is a red carpet ride to Hell on roller blades?”
“Samuel, I mean it… stop mocking me!” When Magdalene is a tad enraged, I'm ready to throw her over the bathtub railing and apply a bar of soap to her bum.
“I'm not mocking your fantasy, honey, but priests? Why not school teachers or principals or even an artful, skillful lover like Casanova?”
“Simple… I rebelled against religion. I refused to go to confession. Back then I didn't think a teenager should confess sins. I mean come on, how many thirteen year old girls do you know who commit sins?”
“The kind of thirteen year old girls that cultivate perverse fantasies! Doesn’t this qualify as sexual exploitation?”
“You used that term, I didn't! It's not about being taken advantage of at all but about my feelings of wanting to be desired and in a strange way it helps me to remain connected to my youth. It was the exact fantasy I used when I was thirteen as I sat in church watching the gorgeous-looking priest deliver his sermon. In my fantasy, I use my sexuality to exploit his purity, sort of the reason for his fall from grace.”
“You fantasized like that at the age of thirteen?”
“Absolutely! I felt potent doing it, too, you know. I still do when I recall this fantasy. Parents live in a bubble of delusion. They don't want to admit that their offspring are born as sexual beings. You know, even before I had reached puberty I would use a bar of soap in the bathtub to pleasure myself at the age of six!”
“That would explain a lot.”
“Samuel, I mean it…stop it!”
“OK…so, what happens when two more priests show up?”
“You make any more snide comments and I'm stopping.”
“OK, I promise, I won't.”
“OK, well, things get going and they all pull out their cocks and I lick one after another. I feel powerful making them all hard and then the first priest turns my bum to one part of the wall and he tells me a camera is rolling… he wants to record the incident for humanity’s sake and I don't know why he says that but I could care less because all I want from them is to be their dirty girl.”
“Fascinating, absolutely fascinating. Your fantasy is a portrait of highly disturbed imaginings.”
“That's it…I'm stopping.”
“Not a chance…that's not fair! Tell me more!”
“I’m very sorry, sir, the transmission has been temporarily interrupted. Please contact your local Internet service provider for assistance.”
“How could you be so cruel?” I said, fuming.
“What is that expression you're fond of? Oh yes, that's it…waiting is a form of prolonged desire.”
“When did I say that?”
“When you introduced me to our room and the first time we visited La Maison Erotique. You said those words…waiting is a form of prolonged desire.”
“Clearly, I was mistaken in my use of those words.”
“Nice try, baby…you're going to have to wait. Perhaps you'll be happy to know I finished an enlightening book on Iraq by Paul William Roberts, called A War Against Truth…another journalist turned writer who grasps the fine balance between impartiality and advocacy in his writing.”
“Bully for him,” I said as I stepped out of her bed.
“So now you’re sulking and I don't get any morning head.”
“That's right!”
She laughed and grabbed after my ankles as I got up.
Her: I had broken a sacred barrier, the barrier that separates reality from imagination, letting Samuel into my private, fantastic world of fantasy. I wondered if speaking to him about my fantasy would change his story telling in our attic. I loved his yarns. He could make me wet from the sound of his voice alone. The weaving and pitching and dropping of imagery as he concocted scenarios with me as the central character were my cherished extravagance.
“Honey, I'm sorry… please come back. I promise to finish my fantasy… promise.”
“No way, I'm not coming back 'til tonight…you can tell me then,” he yelled from inside the shower stall. I sleep in the master bedroom and Samuel sleeps next door. He installed a shower stall in his room for convenience.“Fine then…you go to work and I'll visit my bookstore.”
Samuel had a sensitive side that I knew was present at all times, yet rarely did he allow me to see it, the side of being hurt. He was accustomed and spoiled with my eagerness to please him, and my never-ending desire to be devoured and mounted by him. Once in a while, though, a woman must say no to her man to keep the balance even. If a woman said yes each and every time he would suffer from that most debilitating of diseases - a swollen head.
I rolled over to my notebook.
(2nd Dream - Tuesday, April 12): I'm lying in bed. Someone reaches from the bottom of the bed and touches me. I reach down and touch underarm hair. It's a beautiful woman who confesses to being a man. She shows me her penis.
I never saw the need or justification for owning a vehicle. I lived downtown because it permitted me with the freedom of walking everywhere, to remain fit, but mostly because I am an observer, a watcher of people, creatures and things. I notice the birds and squirrels. I know the names of the dogs I pass on the street, not their owners, but their wonderfully happy furry friends. I was a carbon copy of my Aunt Aileen, minus the coffin in the living room.
I arrived at my favourite bookstore, an activity I was most fond of, browsing at leisure. But I was completely oblivious. And now that I recall the events and how everything had ended, no imagination could have dreamt it.