The woman stepped out of the crappy apartment building and onto the street. The night air was cool and calming. Nearby, the wind rolled an empty wheelchair back and forth against a car, where two young women sat staring at her. The woman smiled and crossed the street.
Everything was in place now. Logan knew what he needed to know, and with any luck, he would come to her. All he had was her name and address on her business card, and he would want to know more. How could he not? The bait was there, no matter how much truth there was to it. The fact was, they needed each other. If there was a way to meet in the middle and form some kind of team, what better way to do it?
Taking one last look at the apartment block, the woman nodded, smiled to herself, then made her way to her place of business. There, she would wait for Logan Fox to arrive and make himself useful. That was the only way this could go down.
The only way to get what she wanted.