“What the hell is going on here?”

Logan froze, as did the bouncers in front of him. All heads turned toward the stunning redhead in the business suit. The young adults around them all stepped back, many of them young women screaming obscenities. The bouncers ignored them, giving all their attention to their boss, who was now storming down the outside red carpet.

“This guy was causing trouble,” one of the bouncers said.

“My question was rhetorical.” Helen pointed up at the camera. “And I know you’re lying.”

Logan found it best to keep his mouth shut. He relaxed a little, knowing there was no longer a fight to come. But that didn’t keep his adrenaline from spiking. There was already a complicated concoction of emotions flowing through him. The last thing he needed was anger.

“Are you all right?” Helen asked, turning her attention to him.

“I’m fine, but your dogs need training.”

Laughter sounded from the youths around him. The black bouncer snarled at him but didn’t argue. How could they, when their authoritative boss was standing nearby. The boss who – surprisingly enough – smiled at the comment.

“Boys, stand down. This is PI Logan Fox. Remember his face, because he can come and go as he pleases. If I hear there’s any kind of resistance to that, you can start looking for a new job. Are we clear on that?”

The men nodded and mumbled, picking up their clipboards from the ground.

Helen waved Logan inside, and he followed without hesitation. He rose above a sly grin at the bouncers as he passed, following this mysterious woman. Who was she, and why did she want him?

As she led him through the smoky club, showing off a little sway in her hips with each step she took, Logan began to remember his younger years. It seemed like only yesterday that a place like this would have appealed to him. Now, the music was too loud, the air was too polluted, and the overpowering cocktail of sweat and alcohol made him wrinkle his nose.

She took him up a large, winding staircase and through to the back, stopping beside a door with a keypad. Logan politely turned around while she fingered the digits, opened the door, and waved him inside.

Logan hesitated. “What am I doing here?” he asked, taking careful precautions.

“You wanted to hear about your daughter, didn’t you?”

“Of course.”

“Then come in. Let’s talk.”

She led the way, leaving Logan with very little choice but to follow.

He closed the door behind him.