Martinez sat at his desk cupping his chin with his thumb and forefinger. Upon hearing Chief John Holden’s heavy footsteps in the hallway, He jumped out of his chair and headed in his direction. “Morning, Chief!”
“Christ, Martinez!” A couple drops of coffee spilled over from his cup onto his hand. “Son of a -”
Opening the door for Holden and allowing him to enter, Martinez quickly snagged a tissue from the desk and handed it to him. “Damn, sorry about that.”
Holden grunted as he accepted the tissue, wiping off his hand and the bottom of his cup. “What’s got you so fired up this morning,” he asked as he took a seat behind his desk in the large leather chair. His hooded eyes looked over his black-framed glasses at Martinez while he sipped his coffee.
Leaning forward there was a critical tone to his voice. “I think Robinson is on his way to getting back in the game, if he’s not already there. More importantly, he appears to be flexing his muscles at Liz and it causes me some concern.”
Pushing the center of his glasses up the bridge of his nose, he gave Martinez his undivided attention. “Okay, what do you got?”
“Well, my CI has been working with me the past few months on some other things involving Robinson. That may take a little time but we’ll see how that plays out. I’m sure given enough rope he’ll hang himself. What concerns me is his anger for Liz could cloud his thinking. I already have reason to believe he violated the protection order yesterday.”
“How so?”
“She received a pretty ominous bouquet of flowers at her house. You familiar with the black dahlia?”
“You mean the Elizabeth Short murder?”
“Well, yes and no. I mean the actual flower.”
“I’m not really a flower kind of guy, Martinez,” he said mockingly.
“Look, I know this is a stretch, but I’m positive Robinson sent her the flowers as a threat. The type of flower alone coupled with no note in the card. I’m sure it was him. He wants to rattle her.”
Holden shook his head. “I’m afraid that’s a long stretch. Even if you had a note signed by him, maybe just a hint inferring it was from him, can we even label that as a violation?”
Excitement grew in his voice. “Of course we can. No contact means no contact.”
“You have a point but I think you’re reaching.”
“Come on, let me at least look into it?”
Contemplating, he took a sip of his coffee. “Check out the flower shop that delivered them. If you don’t find anything solid, let this one slide.”
Giving him a thankful nod as he rose from the chair he said, “That’s all I need.”
Turning to his computer to open the news on the Internet, Holden’s voice became stern. “One last thing -”
Martinez stopped just before shutting the door. “Yeah?”
Not looking away from the screen, he said, “- don’t bother me again first thing in the morning before I have a full cup of coffee.”
He grinned. “Sure thing, Chief.” After shutting the door, he returned to his desk down the hall. Detective Shawn Johnson was standing at the kitchenette pouring himself a cup of morning elixir. “Yo, what’s up, Johnson?”
Shawn took a sip of his coffee and looked at Martinez over the top of his cup. His eyes looked heavy and tired. Raising his cup, he didn’t say anything as he sat down at his desk.
“Damn, dude, you look like shit. Burning the candle at both ends or what?”
Reaching in his desk drawer he pulled out some eye drops and squeezed a drop in each eye. “I guess you could say that.” He blinked his eyes a few times and wiped the run-off from his cheeks.
Giving him a look of concern, Martinez asked, “You alright? What’s going on?”
He scratched his head beneath his short, salt and pepper hair. “Nah, man, I’m good. Just had a late night is all. Event security.”
His look turned from concerned to surprised. “Really? How long have you been doing that? I didn’t take you for a moonlighting kind of guy.”
“Yeah, me neither but early retirement comes at a cost.”
“Huh. More power to ya, I guess,” he said shaking his head in disagreement. “Hey, how long’s it been since you paid a visit to our friend Robinson?”
Grabbing his forehead and giving it a rub, he said, “Shit, I don’t know. I’d have to look at the file. Been a little while. Maybe a couple weeks, I suppose. Why what’s up?”
“Well, I was hoping to tag along. I need to make my presence known, give him a little reminder.”
“You think that’s a wise idea? Holden’s been a little testy lately.”
“Good looking out but let me worry about Holden. Think you can set something up for the end of the week?”
Sighing deeply, Shawn said, “Awe come on, man. Seriously?
Taken aback by his reaction and growing a tad perturbed, Martinez reminded him, “Dude, you told me before he even got out you would let me ride along and keep it under the radar from Holden. It’s been almost three months since his release and you haven’t shared any information or even hinted as to when you’re going to meet his PO for a random search. What’s up with you?”
Stretching his neck from side to side he caved. “You’re killing me, man.” He pulled up his calendar for the week and skimmed over it. “What do you have goin’ on this afternoon?”
Raising his eyebrow he said, “I’m guessing I’m going with you to Robinson’s?”
“Let me get a hold of his PO and we’ll head over there around noon. If anything changes, I’ll let you know.”
Martinez looked at his watch. It was just after nine o’clock and the flower shop would be open. He stood up and grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair. “Fantastic! I gotta run.” As he walked out the door he said, “I owe you one!”
“That line is getting really old!” Shawn hollered after him.
Without looking back, he swiftly made his way down the stairs and out into the police station lobby. His sedan was parked right outside the door. He drove to the edge of town to Rose’s Garden Shop, parking close to the entrance. As he opened the door the floral fragrances overwhelmed his senses. An attractive middle-aged woman was standing behind the front counter at a long table trimming leaves from flower stems and arranging them in a large crystal vase. She looked up at him with a peaceful smile. “Well good morning, sir. Looking for anything particular?”
Approaching the counter, he returned the salutation. “Good morning! Would you happen to be Rose?”
She continued trimming as she spoke. “At your service. What can I help you with?”
“Rose, I’m Detective Angel Martinez with SPD.” He pushed his jacket to the side revealing the badge clipped to his belt. “I was hoping you could answer a few questions for me about a recent order you fulfilled.”
Glancing up at him she curled her lips in and pushed them together. “Hmm, let me guess, would this order involve a bouquet of black dahlias by any chance?”
His eyebrows lifted with excitement. “Indeed, it would.” Squinting his eyes, he asked, “How’d you guess?”
Almost offended by his question, yet amused at the same time she replied, “Detective, I’ve been in this business a long time. I’ve come to know just about every flower there is along with its symbolism. It’s not everyday someone calls to send out black dahlias. Seemed really strange to me.”
Embarrassed, he hung his head. “My apologies. I didn’t mean -”
She waved her hand at him signaling him not to worry and set her trimmers on the table. Taking off her gloves, she circled around to the counter by the cash register. “You would not believe how many women want to sprinkle their wedding bouquets with the black dahlia. It’s the perfect fall and winter color scheme, but little do they realize the negative connotations and emotion surrounding it. But hey, what do I know?”
“I hear ya. So, the order was placed by phone?”
“I’m afraid so. But I do have the credit card receipt.”
“I wouldn’t get too excited. There’s no name on the card. She used a pre-paid.”
Perplexed, he repeated her words. “She used a pre-paid?”
“That’s right. It was a woman. She sounded rather young. Of course, I could be way off. I can’t tell anymore these days.”
The wheels in his head were churning. “Do you mind if I take a picture of that receipt if you still have it?”
“Not at all.” She opened the cash drawer and lifted the till, pulling the receipt from beneath it.
He cocked his head and looked at her curiously as she handed the piece of paper to him.
“It’s all yours. Customer copy.” Shrugging her shoulders, she grinned. “Like I said, seemed weird to me.”
“Rose, you’re amazing.” He waved the receipt at her. “I can get more than you think from this.” His eyes scanned the shop. “Hey, can I ask you something? How soon is too soon to give someone daisies?”
The laugh lines in her face were now showing due to her big smile. She tilted her head in a motherly fashion. “Detective, I don’t believe it’s ever too soon for anything.” She slowly nodded as she looked directly into his deep brown eyes, looking for his understanding. “However, it most certainly can, be too late.”
Nodding back, he blinked his eyes once as a grateful gesture before turning to head out.
She smiled at him again. “Best of luck to you!”

On the drive from Dr. Baker’s office to municipal court, Elizabeth felt minimal relief. The holiday season was extremely difficult for her. But, as Dr. Baker recommended, she needed to remind herself of everything she was grateful for. She was missing her parents but she had many people in her life that cared about her; Marta and Bill, China, and Angel. Her heart fluttered at the thought of him. He - was - a - godsend.
Pulling into the parking lot just after 9 am, she was happy to find it rather empty. That meant a relatively slow day, for the most part. The lobby was quiet with the exception of her shoes quickly clicking across the floor. She slowly opened the large wooden door separating the clerk’s office from the courtroom. Taking her seat at the table in front of the bench, she tried not to interrupt the conversation between China and the judge.
Turning from the young, attractive girl in front of him he addressed China. “Miss Lee, I understand your victim is not here today. Have you spoke with him?”
“I have your Honor. I called him earlier and he was unable to come to court today due to work. He said it was necessary for him to go to his office since the defendant took his laptop and he’s unable to work from home.”
“I see. And where does Mr. Tate stand with all of this, do we know?”
“Frankly, he just wants his stuff back. He’s willing to drop the charges if she returns his laptop and the phone that she has in her possession.”
The young girl turned to China with disgust. “That’s my phone. I am not giving him my phone!”
Refusing to turn her gaze from Judge Bennett, China continued, “Judge, the police report is clear. She entered his house without permission with the extra key that he asked for at the time of their breakup. I mean, she wasn’t even living with him. And that technically isn’t her phone. He advised me her phone is on his plan, which he is currently paying for.”
“Is this true Miss Sawyer?”
The girl huffed and crossed her arms. “He bought the phone for me.”
Giggling, China said, “Your Honor, Patrick informed me that at the time of the breakup, she relinquished the phone. Then when she broke in -”
Quickly interjecting, the Judge said, “Allegedly.”
“When she allegedly broke into his apartment, she allegedly stole the phone back along with his laptop. It’s all in the report.”
Growing frustrated with the back and forth, the judge reviewed the report one more time. Taking off his glasses, he set them in front of him. “Okay, this has already taken too much time from my docket. This is what we’re going to do; Miss Lee, you’re going to get with Mr. Tate and have him provide proof of ownership on the laptop and phone.” He turned to the defendant. “Miss Sawyer, we’re going to schedule a preliminary hearing. On the day of that hearing, I expect you to be here having the laptop and the phone with you. If you do not bring the items to court, we will proceed with the two felony charges of theft. Any questions?”
China nodded her head and took a seat at the table next to Elizabeth. The bailiff directed the girl out of the courtroom. “This way, ma’am.”
Flinging her long hair behind her shoulder the girl yelled, “This is utter bullshit!”
Not amused, Judge Bennett warned, “If you don’t agree with those arrangements, Miss Sawyer, I would be happy to proceed today with the charges and add three days jail time for contempt.” He mocked her with a snide grin before she huffed and followed the bailiff through the door to the clerk’s office.
China whispered to Elizabeth, “If you ever needed a reason to be single.”
Elizabeth’s phone vibrated. It was a text from Martinez. Smiling, she flashed the screen at her and said, “If I ever needed a reason not to be.”
Slightly rolling her eyes, China sighed. “Touché.”
“I need to see if these victims are here and maybe make a couple phone calls. Are you going to be here much longer?”
“I’ve got a couple more cases coming up but I should be back at the office before eleven. Why, you wanna grab some lunch?”
“Possibly. I’d like to see what Angel is doing first.”
Annoyed China stated, “Of course you would.” She grabbed her docket and tried to end the conversation.
Picking up on the tone, Elizabeth coyly asked, “Well, Mia Lee, do I sense a hint of jealousy?”
Titling her chin up and lifting a shoulder she replied, “Maybe?”
“Oh my gosh! Seriously?” she asked frowning.
“I don’t know. You’ve just been spending a lot of time with him. I mean, I get it but I miss our girl time.” Brushing off her feelings she flipped her bangs out of her eyes.
Before Elizabeth could respond to China’s immaturity, Judge Bennett intervened. “Excuse me, ladies, should we clear the courtroom so you can settle your dispute?”
Embarrassed, they glanced at each other before apologizing to him.
“Miss Strong, can you tell me what state created the NFL?” He grinned with excitement awaiting her answer.
Befuddled, trying desperately not to appear irritated, she looked to China for assistance but she refused to look her way. “Uh, I have no idea, your Honor.”
“Miss Lee, would you like to take a stab at it?”
Looking as confused as Elizabeth she muttered, “Um, O-hio?”
“That is correct! The National Football League was originally created as the American Professional Football Association in 1920 before officially becoming the NFL a couple years later. Do you happen to know where they’re headquartered?”
“If I had to guess I would say Canton, Ohio, but I’m not positive.”
Impressed, he said, “Close but no. Elizabeth?”
Looking around the courtroom as if she didn’t hear her name, she turned to him and shrugged. “I have no idea, your Honor. Can you tell I’m a fan?”
He smiled at her sarcasm. “It’s in Columbus. However,” he said looking at China, “the Pro Football Hall of Fame resides in Canton, so that was a good guess.” Turning his attention to his clerk sitting next to him, he continued with the docket. “Okay, what do we have next, Karen?”
As soon as he was finished making them feel awkward, they quietly continued with their prior conversation. Elizabeth turned to her friend. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was giving you the shaft. What are you doing tonight? There’s so much going on right now and I could really use a girl’s night; wine, hot tub, and your brutal honesty.” She winked.
Jokingly, she responded, “Oh, so now you just use me for the hot tub.”
Elizabeth retorted, “No more than you use me for the private beach!”
She was proud. “Daaamn! Girl is quick with the wit today. I’ve taught you well.”
The judge shot them a disapproving glance before China took her fingers to her lips and pretended to lock them shut as Elizabeth ducked into chambers to complete her phone calls.
Looking back to the task at hand, Judge Bennett continued with his daily docket. “Mr. Smith, you’re charged with one misdemeanor count of assault…”