Richard stared fiercely at Danielle. “I’m waiting.”
Danielle turned away from him and went to the bar. She normally drank wine but this called for something stronger. Her hands shook as she grabbed the bourbon decanter and poured herself a healthy shot into a rocks glass, taking a large gulp before facing him again. Leaning against the bar she took a deep breath. “Steve contacted me as soon as he got out of prison. Actually, he showed up here the very day he was released. He needed my help and said he would make it worth my while.”
He stood there in awe. “And you thought, ‘What the hell, let me help out the man who helped screw up my life years ago, so much so, I changed my name?’”
Her teal green eyes shot him a look of disgust as she replied, “Don’t you understand? When Steve Robinson asks for something, telling him no isn’t an option.”
“What did he ask for, Danielle and where did the money come from?”
Taking another sip from her glass, she mustered up more courage. “He sent in a man with a large amount of money to exchange for chips. He would then play the tables, win and lose some, and cash in when he was finished. Steve then gave me a cut. I didn’t think it was a big deal at the time. I thought we could make a little extra cash on the side and keep Steve off my ass. But one time turned into two and -”
There was no hiding his fury. “Money laundering, Danielle? Are – you – kidding – me!” He swiped his arm across the corner of the executive desk. Paperclips, pens, invoices and other papers went flying across the room along with the apparatuses that organized them. She shut her eyes as her body shuddered from the sound. “What the hell were you thinking? I can’t - I just can’t even begin to process this!” He paced back and forth shoving his hands through his perfect hair.
Placing her glass on the bar she ran to his side. “I’m sorry, Richard! I thought I could handle it!”
Growing more frustrated by the minute, Richard yelled, “Really, Danielle, and how the hell did you think that?”
She was instantly offended at his holier-than-thou attitude. “Oh, I don’t know, Richard, the same way you thought you could handle your wife who tried to frame you for murder!”
“That is not fair!” He faced her, forcefully grabbed her shoulders and gritted his teeth as he assured her, “I could lose everything because of this!”
Her red bangs fluttered against her brows as he shook her. Her vulnerability was peaking as her eyes begged for a chance at forgiveness. “I can fix it, Richard. Please let me fix this!”
Letting go of her, he paced back and forth before asking, “Something just isn’t sitting well with me, Danielle. Why would Steve Robinson contact you? The one guy – this one guy who you managed to ‘escape’ from years ago. The man you claim is the reason you changed your name. He just decides to contact you, of all people?” He paced some more and scratched his head. “On the very day he gets out of prison?”
Her body froze and a tear streamed down her cheek as she exhaled from her open lips.
Richard walked around the side of the desk and kicked the supplies lying on the ground, some of them pinging off of the two-way mirror. He sat down in the chair solemnly, thoughts racing through his head. “I think you’ve done quite enough,” he said before calling for Smalls to join them again.
Walking back into the suite Tom glanced at the floor, then at his boss. He looked at Danielle, who turned away from him and walked over to the sofa and sat down, covering her face with her hands. Tom crossed his arms on his bulging chest and faced Richard. “Boss, what’s goin’ on?”
Richard was smug. “What’s going on?” He laughed as he folded his hands together under his chin and tilted his head at Danielle. “Would you like to tell him, Pumpkin, or shall I?” His lips turned into a malicious grin.
Turning away, she began shaking her head back and forth before wiping the tears from her face and attempting to gain some composure. She stood up and walked back up to the bar. Her back to both of them, she picked up her drink and finished it off, immediately pouring herself another.
“I guess I’ll tell him. Danielle, here, thought she would take over daily operations for me and now we have ourselves a serious problem, isn’t that right, love?” He paused for a reaction from her. He shook his head. “No, nothing? So, Tom, the suspicions you had on security footage you called me down for have merit. Someone came in here with a briefcase full of money and exchanged them for my chips. And within a couple hours, changed it all back in. Best part is, that wasn’t the first time!”
Tom pulled his chin back to his thick neck and raised an eyebrow, too startled to respond or inquire further.
Continuing with further disgust, Richard said, “That’s right my dear-old-friend, the woman I trusted, brought into my business and my bed, has allowed a convicted felon into our sacred space.”
Knowing he couldn’t say ‘I told you so’ he was forced to hold back a laugh. Annoyance shadowed his boss’ face. Clearing his throat and changing his amused expression he said, “Sorry, Boss. So, what do we do now?”
“I don’t know Tom, maybe our new director of operations has some ideas on how to handle this very sensitive issue.” His sarcasm was piercing.
Danielle sat back down on the sofa staring into the bottom of her glass, terrified to respond.
Deciding to break the tension, Tom spoke up. “What about that new guy, the one from SPD? Lucas, George Lucas.”
Breaking her silence, she snidely said, “Seriously? The newbie? What if he was planted here? What if Steve has him in his pocket?”
Tom replied with heavy irony, “Oh, you mean like you?”
Her words struck him like venom, “He threatened me you asshole! Steve Robinson follows through with his threats!”
“Sure thing, Princess. He threatened you with stacks of money?”
Their bickering only made Richard angrier than he already was. “That’s enough!” Centering himself, he continued, “Although hesitant, I actually agree with Danielle on this. We keep this internal for now and as far away from SPD as possible.”
“I actually didn’t say that. I think we should involve the police. Don’t be a fool and think you can handle him like I did, Richard. Please, I’m begging you?”
“I still find it rather peculiar how he came to contact you.” He threw her a cross look.
Closing her eyes, she inhaled heavily. She knew it had to come out. Pursing her lips she answered, “Johnnie Warren.”
The two men looked at each other and then back to Danielle. Both were confused and waiting for elaboration.
“A few months ago, Johnnie Warren, the guy we hired and I had to bail out of jail?” She sighed as if they should know immediately who and what she was talking about. “The kid who was arrested for stalking the victim advocate, Elizabeth Strong. Steve asked me to hire him.”
Slamming his hands on the desk he declared, “Jesus, Danielle! This just keeps getting better and better. That’s why the detective thought it was me the whole time. Entering my place of business and invading my personal space. Constantly questioning me as if I did something criminal and you never said anything!” His hands wrapped around his neck as his head shook in disbelief.
Attempting to explain further, she said, “I thought -”
A single fist hit the desk causing her to twitch. “Nobody pays you to think! Just sit there and look pretty from here on out, okay? First, you’re going to give me Steve’s phone number and then you’re going to vow not to answer his calls or speak with him in any manner what-so-ever from this point forward. Understood?”
When she didn’t respond Richard became more assertive. “Un-der-stood!” As she nodded yes, he calmy stated, “Good. Smalls, get three of your most trusted, experienced guys together. It’s time for a meeting of the minds.”

Walking back to her office, Elizabeth could hardly contain her excitement. She stopped at China’s door ready to tell her everything but she was on a phone call. She glanced up at Elizabeth with the phone resting between her shoulder and her ear and raised her forefinger asking for a second before returning to the file in front of her to write down some notes.
China giggled at the person on the other end of the line. “Alright, then. I look forward to it.” Her face was gleaming with joy. “I’ll talk to you soon. Mm, by-ee!” She hung up the receiver feeling a warm glow flow through her. Laying her head on the back of chair, she shook her hair and with an expression of pure pleasure on her face, she took a deep breath before slowly letting it out. She turned to Elizabeth with a smile from ear to ear.
Sliding into the chair nestled in the corner of the room, with dazzling determination Elizabeth asked, “Who was that?”
Batting her eyes, she replied in a sexy voice, “That was Mr. Patrick Tate and we are meeting for cocktails this weekend at that new little speakeasy bar they just opened.” She fluttered her eyelashes at her.
“Speakeasy? Well, well, well. Doesn’t that sound right up your alley. I heard it used to be an old winery and before that it was a brothel.” Her eyebrows arched seductively.
Throwing back her head, China’s laughter rippled through the air. “Oh, now that will make for quite the conversation starter!”
Elizabeth brought her hand up to stifle her giggles.
China’s amusement turned to slight confusion. “Soooo, what’s got you in such a good mood? Didn’t you just meet with Marilyn and Peggy?”
Shushing her quickly, she whispered, “That’s why I’m in such a good mood!”
“Oh, really? Do tell!”
“Not here.” She glanced at the clock on the wall. “It’s time to eat. Grab your coat and let’s walk down to The Dinner. I’m in the mood for breakfast!” She jumped up from the chair, went to her office, and grabbed her things meeting China back in the hall before they walked to the front desk to tell Andrea they were heading out for lunch.
As they got into the elevator China asked, “So what happened?”
Still shaking from her exhilaration, she replied, “Oh my God, I still can’t believe what I just did. Pulling her stretchy gloves out of her coat pocket, she gently pulled them on.
“God, Liz, your hands are shaking!”
Speaking rapidly, she explained, “Peggy just totally threw me under the bus in front of Marilyn. She actually said I was a ‘loose cannon’ and basically said my personal life was affecting my work.” She pursed her lips and tilted her head offensively.
“Holy shit! Are you serious?”
“Oh yeah,” she said nodding her head frantically. The door to the elevator rang and opened for them to exit. She lifted her hand, “It gets so much better!” Her voice echoed through the main floor so she waited until they walked outside before continuing.
China used her back to open the glass doors leading to Columbus Avenue. Not allowing the cool rush of air to stop them, they headed to the next block where The Dinner and Jared’s Java House were located. China’s astonished face locked on Elizabeth, anxious to hear the rest of the story. “What did you say,” she asked as she pulled out a cigarette, offering one to Elizabeth, which she accepted.
Stopping for a moment to put fire to the nicotine, she inhaled and blew out the smoke, relaxing momentarily. “I fought back! I argued that I had more education than her and we had been doing just fine before she came.”
Her mouth dropping to the ground, she was amazed. “Shut the front door!” Grabbing Elizabeth’s arm, she stopped before they crossed the street and a deep laugh came from her belly. “Oh my God! That. Is. Awesome!”
“Then Marilyn stepped in and kinda ended that.” After catching her breath, she continued, “Well, that’s not the end of it.”
“What more could there possibly be,” China asked with a slight giggle in her throat.
As they stood outside the restaurant to finish their smokes, Elizabeth told her about her idea on taking the bar and becoming the office attorney for victims. “I mean, I just blurted it out. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Wow. That’s a brilliant freaking idea, Liz. I can’t believe you didn’t think of it sooner. Maybe you would be running the department instead of Cankles!”
“I wouldn’t go that far. Marilyn loved the idea and told me to draft my proposal. But if Peggy didn’t hate me before, she sure does now and is probably going to make my life a living hell.”
Flicking her cigarette butt in the street, China grabbed the door handle and reassured her, “Screw Peggy! She’s given us nothing but grief since she got here.”
Walking over to an available table against the wall, they took off their coats, sat down, and flipped over their coffee cups.
“It’s not that I want her to lose her job; less relevant and kicked off her high horse? Maybe.”
The waitress came over, introduced herself, and filled their coffee cups. “I’ll be right back over to get your order, okay?”
They both thanked her.
“It certainly wouldn’t hurt my feelings to see that bitch leave,” China said as she stirred some sugar in her cup before taking a sip.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I still have to pass the bar. The earliest I could take it is in December if they grant my late application, which isn’t good for you because I’ll be MIA after the holiday to study.” Her face was apologetic, “Sorry!”
Abruptly stopping her cup from reaching her mouth she sighed and set it on the table. “Seriously? You’re going to leave me alone with her! Ugh.” After thinking about it for a brief second, she said, “I guess it would be worth it though.” Taking a sip, she said, “Go on.”
“I wouldn’t even get the results until February. Then I have to wait until May to be sworn in, as long as I pass. We’re talking at least six months. And contrary to what Peggy said, that is plenty of time to get funds together.” She was proud, but she wanted to change the subject. She coyly asked, “So, who is this Patrick Tate guy?”
“Ladies, are we ready to order,” the waitress politely interrupted.
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll just have the breakfast special, please. Wheat toast.” She was desperate to hear about China’s newest potential conquest.
“I’ll take the Western omelet, wheat toast as well. Thank you.” Turning back to the conversation, she said, “My victim from earlier today. I called him to let him know how things went at court and he asked me out for a drink.” She arched her brows seductively.
Pushing her hair back from her shoulder she leaned forward asking, “Uh, the guy you haven’t even put your eyes on because he wasn’t in court? The one who, literally, just broke up with his girlfriend? And with the way she acted in court, seemed like your run-of-the-mill psycho?”
Rolling her eyes, she waved her hand in the air. “Whatever. Besides, I looked him up. He’s pretty damn sexy - dark hair, muscular from what I can tell, nice lines in his face, and a killer smile.”
“Where did you find him, social media?”
“Of course! And he is on a banking website. He’s a financial advisor.” She winked.
“Okay. Bonus. But still, please be careful? Remember, he’s gone and pissed off some crazy girl.”
“Pu-lease, I am not worried about some inexperienced, little girl.”
“But still.” She gave her a concerned look. “Anyway, do you have plans for Thanksgiving? Marta and Bill are having a bunch of people over and I’d really like you to come.”
The waitress set their meals in front of them and made sure they didn’t need anything else.
“Thank you!” Placing a paper napkin in her lap, Elizabeth reached for the salt and pepper and said, “They put on a huge spread. Maybe bring a bottle of wine?”
“That sounds great! So, I take it Martinez had other lunch plans?”
Shaking her head and sighing Elizabeth responded, “I guess. I text him and he said he would be tied up with an investigation. He didn’t really give me any more details.” She perked up, “That just gives me more time with you! Actually, I was hoping we could get together this weekend and have a hot tub/wine night? Tonight, I figured I would go home and celebrate with Angel, if he’s available, and then I’m not going to be doing much of anything else but studying after the holiday.”
“Of course we could! I can’t do Friday because that’s my date with Patrick.” There was excitement in her voice, “I know, depending how well things go this weekend, we could plan a double date!”
Trying not to be cynical, Elizabeth replied, “We’ll see how it goes.”