Arriving at the station before Holden, Martinez walked into the bureau and hung his jacket on the back of his chair. With the phone stuck to his ear, Shawn raised his chin to greet him. “That sounds good. I can be there around 11:30,” Shawn said finishing up his conversation.
Nodding back, Martinez sat at his desk and logged in to his computer. Pulling a piece of paper out of his coat pocket, he typed the URL into the search box taking him to the SPD personnel website allowing him access to Lucas’ file.
Shawn hung up the phone. “What’s up, Martinez? Any idea where Holden is?”
Coy in his response he said, “Naw, man. He’s not here yet?”
He shrugged. “Haven’t seen ‘im.”
Going back to his computer screen, Martinez didn’t offer more. Changing the subject, he asked, “You’ve known Lucas for a while, right?”
“Lucas? I guess so. Why?”
“No reason, really. I just heard a rumor he signed up for the detective exam.”
“Actually, I think I did hear that. That guy’s got grit. I believe I heard a while back his goal was to create a position for a computer crimes detective, or some shit. He doesn’t make great material for a street cop but he’s a wiz with computers so, he might be on to something.”
“Didn’t he start out at the drug task force?” He continued reading the file in front of him already knowing the answer to the question.
“Yeah. He was literally just a kid when he started. Good kid. He did a little of everything. Worked in the office quite a bit. He even transported prisoners here and there. Like I said, not really street cop quality. He just did what the rest of us did when they shut us down, take the next best thing. So, what do you got shakin’ today?”
“Not a whole lot, man. Catch up on some paperwork. I’ll be in and out though. I have some personal appointments throughout the day, Chief’s aware.” He kept his eyes on the screen trying not to make eye contact.
Standing up and sliding his arms into his coat, Shawn said, “Cool. Welp, I got some people to see. These cases don’t make themselves.”
Martinez minimized the window on his screen and pulled up a report he was working on before Shawn walked around the divider.
As he was leaving, Shawn offered, “It’s wing night at Jimmy’s. You down?”
“I don’t know. One of my appointments today is the dentist. Guess that depends on how that goes, if you know what I mean.”
“No worries. I totally understand. We can catch a burger this weekend.”
“Awe, dude, I’d love to but I promised Liz the weekend. But I’ll get with you soon. You have my word.”
As he headed towards the door, Shawn said, “Alright, man.” He tapped Martinez on the shoulder on his way out. “You know, you really shouldn’t give a woman that much power.” Smirking, he added, “But hey, whatever floats your boat.”
Relieved to have the room to himself he went back to Lucas’ personnel file, soaking in as much information as he could, considering Holden only permitted a 12-hour access code. After reviewing everything, he grabbed his cell phone and scrolled through his contacts. Stopping at Chico’s number, he hit send. It only rang a couple times before receiving an answer.
Chico’s voice permeated with excitement upon answering the call. “Como estas, hermano?”
“Que pasa, hermano! I have something you’re going to be interested in. How soon do think we can put together a team?”

Sitting at her desk after a full morning of chaos, Elizabeth sorted through her new cases from court. Her mind elsewhere, she didn’t see Peggy standing in her door way until her knuckle knocked on the metal frame.
With her nose in the air and arms crossed, she said, “I tried to catch you this morning.”
Rubbing her neck, she replied, “I had a meeting with Marylin first thing. Sorry I missed you.”
“We really need to discuss some things. Mainly, the time you’ve been disappearing from work. It’s seems like it’s becoming a bad habit.”
Looking down at the papers on her desk, Elizabeth sighed. “I’ve cleared everything with Marylin, Peggy. I’m not sure what else you want me to say. Maybe you should take your issues up with her?”
Not getting the response she wanted, she continued to pry. “I’ve also been thinking about this proposal of yours regarding the creation of a victim services attorney. Have you started a draft?”
Not trying to hide her irritation, she smirked and set her pen down. “I have not, Peggy. I’m really in the middle of something more important at this moment in time, while trying to keep up with my other cases. However, when I do have it ready, I will hand it over to Marylin and she can decide when to share it with you.”
Pursing her lips, her voice became more dominant. “Considering I’m the Director of Victim Services, and it would essentially affect my department, I would like to be the first one to have a look at it. That way, I can let you know if there needs to be any changes or additions before you present it to her.”
Even more amazed at her audacity, Elizabeth said, “Considering this is my proposal and it happens to be a position that I will literally be creating and stepping into myself, I don’t think I need your help. But thanks for offering.”
“I’m sure it will come across my desk at some point for approval. Keep that in mind.” She flicked her hair off her shoulder as she turned and walked down the hall.
Shaking off her bewilderment, Elizabeth turned her attention to the text message that popped up on her phone.
“Things are moving quickly. Wanna meet me at Jared’s for lunch?”
“PLEASE!” she responded.
“Give me ten minutes. Order me that fancy chicken wrap if you get there before me?”
Wasting no time, Elizabeth straightened out her desk, threw on her coat and snatched her bag. Stopping at China’s office on her way out, she peaked in. “Hey, I’m meeting Angel at the coffee house. Want me to bring you back anything?”
Her mouth slanted to match her eyes. “No thanks. I’m actually heading out myself. When we get back, I can tell you all about my meeting with Peggy.” She batted her lashes sarcastically.
“That’s okay, did you just hear everything she said to me?”
China shook her head no. “I did not, I was a on call.”
“Oh, just wait! Right now, I need a break,” she said before waving her hand and hustling out the door.
Reaching the corner of the block, she waited for the light to turn red, allowing her to cross. The sun had managed to add some warmth to the damp air. She closed her eyes for a moment and lifted her chin to soak in a bit of much needed Vitamin D.
Giving her the energy boost she needed, she hurried to Jared’s and secured a table nestled in the corner away from other patrons. By the time the waitress delivered their coffee, Martinez came through the entrance. Spotting her, he walked over and sat in the seat next to her. “Hola, mi belleza blanca.”
Smiling she responded, “Hello yourself, handsome. You’re in a good mood.” She poured sugar into her cup and stirred it.
Raising his cup to his lips, he savored the dark Columbian blend. “It’s a good day. The sun is shining, I got my badge back, and Chico and I are rolling out what might be one of the largest take-down operations seen at SPD in years.”
“So, they’re going to work with you guys on this?”
“So far. He spoke to his superior and they’re taking it to the Deputy Director. Marylin will hopefully get a call from him before the end of the day. You manage to get a hold of DuPont?”
Before she could respond, their plates were delivered. “Just holler if you need anything else, said the waitress.
Thanking her, Elizabeth waited until she was out of earshot before continuing. “I spoke with her right after our meeting. She was going to Richard with the information and said she would get back to me. I guess this all hangs on them. I know Marylin promised immunity, but if the feds don’t give them the same courtesy, I don’t see it happening. Then what?”
“Is that doubt I hear in your voice, Elizabeth Strong?”
Questionably raising her eyebrows, she reminded him, “Richard Gardner may not be a sociopath, but he does have narcissistic qualities. He might not be as easy to convince as you think.”
He nodded at her concern. “I get that. Honestly, I don’t see there being a problem. Chico seems pretty confident. Plus, the fact that DuPont was forced into it by threat and the fact Gardner wasn’t aware until recently, I have faith the feds will play nice to get what they want. Public corruption takes a front seat and if Gardner wants to save his business reputation, he’ll concede.”
Slouching in her chair, she placed her sandwich on the plate and wiped the crumbs from her mouth. “I have to ask, how exactly did Steve provoke you? I mean, you didn’t really share any details.”
Washing down a bite of his food with his coffee, he said bluntly, “He brought up my father.”
A tad shocked she asked, “How on earth would he know anything about that?”
“Prisoners talk. My dad had quite the reputation in Mansfield before he went to maximum security. I’m sure after the first time I visited Robinson before he got out, he had me looked into. Husband murders wife, and kid grows up to be a cop; makes for an interesting story in the yard.”
“I guess,” she said as shook her head and popped a potato chip in her mouth.
“He caught me by surprise is all. Moment of weakness.” Sitting back in his chair and tossing his napkin on his plate he added, “Believe me when I say, it won’t happen again.”
Her eyes locked with his, feeling confidence in his words.

Richard walked into the casino suite finding it quiet and empty. The dinner crowd would be coming through the doors soon. He looked around curiously and threw his keys on the desk, moving towards the door of the bedroom, which was ajar. Leaning inside, he saw Danielle half covered under the blankets. Her red hair and pale skin shimmered against the white bed clothes like she was tucked into the clouds.
Concern weighed heavy on him as he pushed aside her naked leg and sat on the side of the bed. “Hey you, you’re usually up by now. You, okay?”
Her eyes refused to connect with his. Her voice more innocent than usual, she said, “Elizabeth Strong called this morning. They talked with the prosecutor and want to set up a meeting with all of us. She offered immunity for our cooperation.”
A silent sigh of relief escaped him. “Well, that’s a good thing, right?”
A tear rolled across her nose and onto the pillow. “None of this is good Richard. I’m so sorry,” she exclaimed before burying her face.
He gently rubbed her shoulder. “Come on now, Danielle. This is not the time to lose control.”
Wiping her face as she sat up, her eyes met his with sincerity. “I – am – sorry. I’m sorry for allowing him to pry his way back into my life, I’m sorry for not coming to you and not trusting you - You just had so much going on with Michelle and Cody and I didn’t want to screw things up even more. I really thought I could handle it, Richard.”
He swept his hand through his hair and forced a smile. “We’ve been through worse, right?”
She shrugged her shoulders and sniffled. “I thought I got rid of him. I thought after Johnny was gone, I didn’t have to worry anymore. I should have known better.” Her head shook in disbelief. “I changed my name for God’s sake. Created a whole new identity for myself. Only for him to bully his way back into my life after I finally felt like I became something. After I met you, I didn’t think he could get to me anymore. But that’s what I get, I guess.”
Confused but empathetic he replied, “Danielle, I’ve had some time to think about all of this. Although I’m still upset you didn’t come to me, none of us deserve to be used and abused and taken for granted. God knows I haven’t always treated people the best but I certainly didn’t deserve what Michelle did to me. And I’m sorry I didn’t realize it before, but babe, you don’t deserve any of what that asshole did to you back then; you don’t deserve it now. While I’m not sure how I feel about Elizabeth Strong, she doesn’t deserve any of this either.”
Her eyes fixated with conviction, “I’m going to make this right.”
Squeezing her chin in a loving manner with his thumb and forefinger, he promised, “We are going to make it right. Michelle didn’t get her way and I’ll be damned if Steve Robinson is going to get his. Call Miss Strong. Let her know we’re ready to meet with them.”