Two weeks later…
Elizabeth pulled into an open spot in the parking garage, leaving the vehicle run while she attempted to gain the courage to go into the office. She didn’t think her first day back would be so difficult. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a moment. Hearing a vehicle pull in next to her, her eyes slowly opened meeting China’s smiling face in the car next to her.
Motioning for Elizabeth to join her, China proceeded to enjoy the remainder of her cigarette. After her friend jumped into the passenger seat and shut the door, she said, “Hey, good morning! Ready for your first day back?”
Pulling the lighter and pack of cigarettes from the console, Elizabeth opened the top and grabbed a smoke from the pack, placing it to her lips to ignite it. As she exhaled and cracked the window, she replied, “I’m just not ready to face everyone fawning over me and asking me how I’m doing.”
Waving her French-manicured fingernails through the air, China told her, “Oh please! You’re a hero around here now, Liz. You did a good thing and that should never go unnoticed. And you studying for the bar is the talk of the office. You should be proud. Everyone else is.” She winked.
A tad embarrassed, Elizabeth said, “Well that didn’t take long.” Shaking her head she took a drag from her cigarette.
“You’ve been gone two weeks! Marilyn actually waited to make the announcement until last Monday. And don’t worry, everyone knows you’re only here until noon today just to get everything in order. Go to your office, shut the door, and no one will bug you, not even Peggy.” She arrogantly cocked her head and batted her eyes as if a battle had been won.
“Wow, I’m impressed!” Elizabeth flung her butt out the two-inch crack and pushed the lever to close the window. “Okay, well, as you always say, let’s get this party started, shall we?”
Reaching the fifth floor they walked to the back door and China punched the code to enter. As soon as Elizabeth walked through the threshold of the main office, there stood the entire office team clapping their hands loudly. Mildred immediately ran to her and embraced her in a hug. “Welcome back,” she screamed.
Elizabeth winced as she said, “Thank you Mildred, but you’re hurting me.”
Backing away she palmed her mouth with her hand. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. Are you still in pain?”
Elizabeth’s eyes were forgiving. “It’s okay, just a little tender yet. But healing nicely.”
Mildred gently cupped Elizabeth’s face with both her hands and said, “You should be proud, Elizabeth.” Shaking her head back and forth as if to keep her from tearing up she said, “You’re so brave and I’m glad your back!” Her smile melted into her rosy cheeks. She stepped back to give Elizabeth some breathing room. “I’m sorry, I’m just so glad to see you!”
Elizabeth grabbed hold of the woman’s hand and said, “Thank you, Mildred.” Quickly letting go she added, “But it’s only for today and then I’ll be gone for a little while. I mean, I’ll pop in here and there to take care of court for a couple victims but…”
Marilyn came towards her with a pleased look on her face. “I think I speak for the entire office when I say, we are very happy to see you and we’re all so very proud of you.” Her eyes twinkled with satisfaction.
Blushing, Elizabeth’s eyes began to well with tears. Taking a breath, she fanned her face with her hand and said, “Okay, that’s really about all I can handle.”
Backing off and turning stern, Marylin said, “Everyone get your coffee and bagels and let’s get be back to work. It’s Friday, but it’s not five o’clock yet!” Nodding at Elizabeth, she turned and marched towards her office, out of sight.
As everyone went about their morning, Peggy walked past Elizabeth. Lacking emotion, she simply said, “Welcome back,” before retreating to her own office.
Catching wind of it, China stared Peggy down as she walked away from them and rolled her eyes at Elizabeth. “Cankles,” she quietly reminded her friend.
Appreciating China’s effort of making Peggy less relevant than she needs to be, Elizabeth slightly giggled, careful not to disturb the stiches in her wound. The expression on her face turned into a thankful pout. “I love you.”
Shrugging her shoulders China instantly responded, “I know.” She winked, flung her hair off her brow, and strutted down the hall.
Having enough of the welcome celebration, Elizabeth grabbed her favorite flavored bagel, loaded it with cream cheese, and poured herself a cup of coffee. Marilyn only approved her to return for half the day and she had much to do.
The time went by much faster than expected. Before she knew it, China was knocking on her door. Peaking her head in, she reminded Elizabeth, “Hey you, it’s almost noon and Marylin will have my ass if I don’t get you out of here when the clock strikes.”
Shuffling the documents in front of her as if she was looking for something particular, she said, “I just need to finish this one thing.”
Opening the door further and taking a step forward, China looked at her in a scolding manner. “Liz…”
Smiling as she looked up from the files, she took a breath and exhaled. She pushed herself from the desk and gave in. “Okay – okay! I’m done.”
“It will all be here when you get back. And it’s not like I can’t call you if I need something,” China toyed.
“I know, I just – I just feel guilty piling all this on you.” She shrugged.
Shaking her head, China walked around the corner of the desk and grabbed Elizabeth’s hand to drag her from the chair. “Nope, nope, nope! We’re not doing this. Come on.”
Like a child being drug from the playground, Elizabeth stood up pointing her finger and promising, “I will be back for the Sara Brewer trial.”
China reached for Elizabeth’s coat and her bag and held them out in front of her. “Of course you will, honey.” Cocking her head, she smiled.
Smirking, Elizabeth took her purse and slung it over her shoulder before wrapping her arms around China’s neck and hugging her. “I love you!”
“I love you!” China exclaimed. Shoving Elizabeth’s coat at her, she said. “Alright, time to go. Don’t even think about this place for a while.”
Walking away from the pile on her desk, she said, “I’m just going to tell everyone good bye and then I’m meeting Angel for lunch.”
Leaning against the wall in the hallway, China crossed her arms in front of her as her eyes followed her friend out. “Perfect. I’ll just be here, picking up your slack.”
Elizabeth turned around with a playful look of offense. “I will talk to you soon…”
Laughing, China waved her hand and headed towards her office. “You better!”
Making her way through to the front, Elizabeth made a point to say something to everyone before she left. Thankfully, Peggy had gone to the courthouse and her snideness was avoided.
Once on the elevator, she leaned against the glass wall and rested her head back, closing her eyes until it reached the first-floor lobby. Her shoes clicked on the floor and as she turned the corner, she saw Danielle rise from the bench near the exit. She looked different than any other time Elizabeth had encountered her. Somewhat surprised, she greeted her. “Danielle? Hello! How are you?”
Embarrassed at her casual look, Danielle smiled and said, “Yeah, it’s my day off. I called earlier in the week. The secretary said you would be in today and I wanted to personally thank you and see how you were.”
Reaching out, Elizabeth gently touched her arm. “Thank you, Danielle. That really means a lot to me. I’m good. Still healing. But I’m good considering. How are you and how is Richard?” She sat down on the bench and motioned for Danielle to join her.
Talking a deep breath and sitting down, she replied, “We’re good. Still healing.” She smiled.
“It’s a process. Not always an enjoyable one, but a process non-the-less.”
Nodding her head, Danielle agreed. “But we’re good. Richard and I actually decided we’re going to start planning the wedding, if that’s any indication.”
“Oh my gosh! How exciting!”
“Yeah, we figured we needed something positive to focus on to get us through. Of course, it won’t happen until we’re absolutely done with Michelle’s case and now, of course, the federal case. But once we have a solid date, we would really like for you to come?”
“I would love that,” she said, blushing slightly. “Speaking of, I hear the AG’s office is sticking to their word and giving you and Richard immunity in exchange for your testimony against Steve?”
She shook her head modestly. “They are. If it weren’t for you and Marilyn, that may not have been possible.” Not trying to show her vulnerability, she quickly changed the subject. “So, when I called the secretary said you were taking time off to study for the bar exam?”
A tad embarrassed Elizabeth replied, “Ah, I am. I’m hoping to expand the victim assistance division to include a victim rights attorney,” she said proudly.
Danielle’s lips fanned across her pale cheeks. “I think you’ll make a great attorney. I’m sure there are a lot of women out there who need someone like you on their side.”
A humble smile formed across Elizabeth’s lips.
Standing from her seat, Danielle said, “Well, hey, I don’t wanna keep you any longer than I should.”
Following Danielle’s lead, Elizabeth stood up and said, “I will be in the office here and there. And you have my number if you need anything or have any questions about what is going on. We can’t talk directly about the cases, but -”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine.” Danielle took Elizabeth’s hand in hers and with sincerity in her voice, she said, “Elizabeth, thank you for everything.”
Elizabeth smiled as Danielle dropped her hand, turned from her, and headed towards the exit. Danielle glanced behind her.
Raising her hand, Elizabeth softly said, “Bye…”

Driving to the other side of town towards her house, Elizabeth headed to Terry’s Tavern to meet Martinez. She was in the best mood she had seen since leaving the hospital. She turned the stereo up, singing along to the music as her thumb drummed the steering wheel.
Approaching the tavern, she slowed down and pulled her vehicle into the gravel parking lot. The air was chilly as the breeze reached her from the lake across the street. With energy in her step, she quickly reached the door and entered. Just inside, Martinez stood from his seat at the bar, flashing his perfect whites as he greeted her.
Kissing her cheek, his voice rang with excitement, “Hola, bella!”
“Hola yourself, handsome!” Looking over at the beer bottle in front of his seat, she flirted, “Starting the weekend early, are we?”
He laughed. “Hey, I took the rest of the day off. So, yes.”
“Not judging. I’m always down for a little day drinking.” She winked.
Elizabeth ordered a drink from the bartender and followed Martinez to a table in the corner with a nice view of the lake. Before she could remove her coat and sit, the bartender placed her beer on the table. She thanked her as she sat down.
Grabbing the menus from between the wall and the condiments and handing one to Elizabeth, Martinez said, “I have our whole weekend planned.”
She graciously accepted the single, laminated page and curiously said, “Is that right? And what might that be, or is it a surprise?”
“Not – at – all. After lunch, we do whatever it is that Elizabeth Strong’s little heart desires.” His eyes teased hers before focusing on the menu.
Scanning the list of entrées, she said, “I think I have some ideas.” She glanced up, coyly, just in time to catch him nod his head approvingly.
“I talked to Chico last night. I guess Johnson is ready to flip on Robinson and the whole outlet. It appears he’s not quite liking the idea of joining several hundred or so inmates that he helped put away over the course of his career.”
Instantly becoming upset, her demeanor became stand-offish. “What the hell does that mean?”
“No se preocupe, hermosa! He’s not getting off on anything. Neither is Steve Robinson. Trust me, between the state and federal charges, Johnson and Robinson will never see freedom as we know it, ever again.” Taking a celebratory swig of his beer, he continued, “I’m sure Johnson is just trying to make sure he's not placed in gen-pop and has a nice, cozy little cell to call home for the next 40-some years.” He gave her a look of indignation.
The bartender interrupted the conversation. “You guys ready to order or do you need some more time?”
Shaking off her insecurity, Elizabeth said, “Yeah, I’ll have the fried shrimp basket and could I get tartar and cocktail sauce, please? Thanks.”
Taking Elizabeth’s menu, Martinez placed them back in their spot against the wall and politely said, “And I will have Terry’s burger, medium, with fries please. Gracias.”
As the girl walked away to place the order with the kitchen, Elizabeth sat back in her chair, her expression became somber as she looked out at the cloudy sky above the choppy water.
Tilting his head, he said, “Hey, everything is gonna work itself out. You know that, right?”
Taking a deep breath, she straightened her posture before nodding her head at him.
Martinez was carful with his approach in asking her, “I’m not sure if I should ask but, have you called Dr. Baker?”
Somewhat sarcastic in her response, she said, “It’s okay. You’ll be happy to know, I have a standing appointment every Monday for the next few weeks.”
“Sorry, I won’t ask again.”
The bartender walked over to the table and placed a red basket full of food in front of each of them.
“Oh, thank God. I am starving!” said Elizabeth, happily embracing the change of topic.
Placing his paper napkin on his lap Martinez chuckled and said, “Well that was a nice segue.”
Dunking a piece of shrimp into the tartar sauce before popping it into her mouth, Elizabeth said, “In other news, Marta and Bill are super excited to have you for Thanksgiving Dinner.”
Having just taken a bite of his burger, he quickly chewed and wiped the ketchup from his mouth. His mouth still half full, he muttered, “They really like me, don’t they?”
Finally, a giggle purred from her throat. “Yes – yes they do.” As she twirled another piece of shrimp in the sauce container, she bravely offered, “So, I have been thinking that maybe after my studying and taking the exam, we could possibly discuss you getting rid of that shitty little apartment of yours?”
The expression of his face turned to stoned amazement. As a smile slowly formed across his lips, he slapped his burger in the basket and jumped from his chair hollering, “¡Ay, caramba!”
Laughter bellowed from her gut and she grabbed her side as she pleaded, “Don’t make me laugh!”
He looked over to the bartender and to the other few patrons in the tavern and said, “Sorry! My apologies!” He sat back down, placed his hand over his heart and begged, “Are you kidding me right now? Elizabeth Strong, please tell me you’re not kidding?”
She took a swig of her beer, licked her lips, and smiled at him as she slowly shook her head in the negative.