The Daniel Cure. The Daniel Fast Way to Vibrant Health. Susan Gregory, Author of Bestselling The Daniel Fast, and Richard J. Bloomer. Though most people begin the Daniel Fast for a spiritual purpose, many are amazed by the physical transformation that takes place, such as a drop in cholesterol, healthy weight loss, a sense of well-being, and increased energy. Recently published scientific studies of the Daniel Fast documented many of the same findings, as well as a reduction in systemic inflammation and blood pressure, and improved antioxidant defenses. The Daniel Cure helps readers take the next step by focusing on the health benefits of the Daniel Fast. Following the advice in this book, readers will convert the Daniel Fast from a once-a-year spiritual discipline into a new way of life. Includes a 21-Day Daniel Cure Devotional, frequently asked questions, ten chapters of recipes, a recipe index, and an appendix detailing “The Science behind the Daniel Fast.”