- ableism
- accusation
- anonymous
- anti-male bias
- credibility
- false
- law
- media
- sexual violence
- silencing
- skepticism
- accusers
- discrediting
- Central Park case
- credibility
- law
- media
- memory
- Trump
- Ackerly, B.
- activism
- anti-rape
- art
- global
- social
- Adam, S.
- Adams, C.
- affirmative consent
- affordances
- Al-Saji, A.
- Alexander, M.J.
- Allen, W.
- Allison, D.
- Angelides, S.
- anger
- Appiah, K. A.
- Armstrong, L.
- Augustin, L. M.
- Baker, B. M.
- Balzac, H. de
- Banks, R.
- Barry, K.
- Bartky, S.L.
- Bass, E.
- Basson, R.
- Beauvoir, S. de
- Beichner, D.
- Bell, V.
- Bellamy, F.
- Bellil, S.
- Bernstein, J.
- Best, J.
- blame
- misplaced
- self-blame
- victim
- women
- Bourke, J.
- Brandom, R.
- Brenner, Y.
- Brett, N.
- Brison, S.
- Bromley, N. B.
- Brownmiller, S.
- Burgess-Jackson, K.
- Burton, S.
- Bush, G. W.
- Butler, J.
- Cahill, A.
- Califia, P.
- Campbell, S.
- care of the self
- celebrities
- Central Park case
- Chakravarti, U.
- Chamallas, M.
- Chammah, M.
- Chase, T.
- children
- agency of
- and consent
- credibility of
- and epistemic injustice
- Foucault on
- freedom
- irrationality
- law
- and memory
- mothers
- obligations to
- sexual abuse
- sexual desire
- sexual narratives
- sexual violence
- sexuality of
- taboo
- Christianity
- Church
- Code, L.
- cognitive disability
- Cohen, D.
- Collins, G.
- colonialism
- global North
- intersectionality
- power
- confessionals
- Central Park case
- Foucault
- religious
- speaking out
- television
- consent
- affirmative consent
- and children
- communicated
- definition
- Foucault
- law
- reliance on
- violations of
- Conte, J. R.
- contextualism
- of agency
- of concepts
- of meaning
- contract
- consent
- model
- prostitution
- rape
- sex
- Cosby, B.
- Coulter, C.
- credibility
- of accusers
- art
- children
- deficit
- epistemic
- Foucault
- and identity
- memory
- norms of
- presumed
- professional
- and the rich
- speech
- victims
- Crenshaw, K.
- cross-generational sex
- Culp-Ressler, T.
- culpability
- conceptual
- Foucault
- individual
- moral
- sexual violence
- victims
- Daly, M.
- Dalmiya, V.
- Danet, J.
- Danica, E.
- Dargis, M.
- date rape
- Davidson, K.A.
- Davis, A.
- Davis, L.
- decolonial
- Deleuze, G.
- Derrida, J.
- desire
- and consent
- and Foucault
- and norms
- and rape
- social construction of
- women's
- Dewey, J.
- Díaz, J.
- Dinsmore, C.
- discourse
- definition of
- effects of
- and experience
- and power
- and rape
- and sex
- as site of struggle
- and truth
- Doane, J
- Dobash, R. E.
- Dobash, R. P.
- Dodds, W.
- domination
- cultural
- Foucault
- pleasure
- sexual
- social
- of women
- Donahue, P.
- Dotson, K.
- Dowd Hall, J.
- Dworkin, A.
- Eaton-Pollard, K.
- Ebbitt, K.
- echoing
- concept
- sexual violations
- Eisenstein, H.
- Elgin, C.
- Eltahawy, M.
- embodiment
- feminine
- intersubjectivity
- materiality
- meaning
- Merleau-Ponty
- epistemic friction
- epistemic injustice
- epistemology of rape
- Estrich, S.
- Evans, A. D.
- experience
- bodily
- Foucault on
- interpretation
- and know-how
- and language
- and meaning
- as mediated
- and value
- Fahim, K.
- Fay, J.
- feminism
- definition
- Foucault
- historical context
- libertarian
- radical
- victim
- Ferguson, A.
- Feuereisen. P.
- Fields, T.
- Fine, C.
- Fleming, D.
- Foa, P.
- Foucault, M.
- on care of the self
- on experience
- on norms
- on rape
- on sex
- on speech
- on technologies of the self
- Francis, L.
- Francisco, P. W.
- free will
- Freedman, E.
- Freedman, K. L.
- freedom
- and the body
- and Foucault
- negative
- sexual
- Freeman, J.
- Freeman, P.
- Freitag, M.
- Fricker, M.
- Gaitskill, M.
- Gallagher, S. V.
- Gamble, N.
- Garfield, G.
- Gauthier, J.
- Gavey, N.
- Geimer, S.
- Gendler, T.
- Gibson, J.
- global North
- individual agency
- culture
- imperialism
- media reports
- Goddard, A.
- Goodman, A.
- Gray-Rosendale, L.
- Grewal, K. K.
- Grimes, D. R.
- guilt
- Habermas, J.
- Hacking, I.
- Hale, M.
- Hamilton, A.
- Harding, K.
- Harris, D.
- Hasinoff, A.
- Heberle, R.
- Hegel, G. W. F.
- Heinamaa, S.
- Heller, V.
- Hengehold, L.
- Herman, J.
- heterosexism
- heterosexuality
- Hocquenghem, G.
- Hodges, D.
- homophobia
- homosexuality
- honor
- honor crime
- hooks, b.
- Hossain, S.
- Hurston, Z. N.
- Husserl, E.
- ideology
- capitalism
- colonial
- definition
- gender
- liberal
- patriarchy
- James, W.
- Janack, M.
- Javaid, A.
- Jim Crow
- Jolly, M.
- Jordan-Young, R.
- Jouy, C.
- July, M.
- Kannabiran, K.
- Kant, I.
- Kapur, R.
- Katayama, L.
- Kazan, P.
- Kelly, L.
- Kempadoo, K.
- Kimmel, M.
- Kipnis, L.
- Kogan, D. C.
- Krakauer, J.
- Kuninobu, J.
- language
- Laplanche, J.
- law
- Lawrence, S. E.-L.
- Leo, J.
- Levinas, E.
- Levy, A.
- libertarianism
- Lloyd, E.
- Lloyd, R.
- Loftus, E.
- Logan, L.
- Loury, G.
- Lubiano, W.
- Lyon, T. D.
- MacKinnon, C.
- Madigan, L.
- Mahdavi, P.
- manipulation
- consent
- non-violent
- organized
- pleasure
- sexual
- violent
- Marcus, S.
- marriage
- masculinity
- conventions of
- normative
- violence
- May, L.
- McGuire, D. L.
- McNaron, T.
- media
- Medina, J.
- memory
- Merleau-Ponty, M.
- meta-lucidity
- concept
- definition
- epistemic friction
- sexual violation
- #metoo
- Meyers, D.
- Mikaere, A.
- military
- imperialism
- institutional
- intervention
- Latin American
- US
- Miller, S.
- Mills, C.
- Mohanty, C. T.
- Mohanty, S.
- Molyneaux, M.
- morality
- Moran, M.
- Moreton-Robinson, A.
- Morgan, M.
- Morgan, Y.
- Morrison, T.
- Moya, P. M. L.
- Murray, A.
- Myrdal, G.
- Narayan, U.
- Newton, P.
- Noack, R.
- normal
- normativity
- Foucault
- oppression
- sexual
- types of
- Ohlendorf, K.
- Okin, S.
- O’Leary, T.
- Oliver, K.
- Onal, A.
- oppression
- conditions
- definition
- epistemic
- Foucault
- gender
- internalized
- norms of
- sexual
- systemic
- Ottenweller, J.
- Oyewumi, O
- Palmer, C. T.
- panic
- Parks, R.
- Pateman, C.
- Patterson, O.
- pedophiles
- category
- persecution
- victims
- perpetrators
- alleged
- category
- consent
- identity
- media
- protection of
- sexual violence
- silencing
- truth
- victims
- phenomenology
- consent
- embodiment
- feminism
- and meaning
- sexual violation
- tradition of
- victim
- Pineau, L.
- Pinker, S.
- Pipe, M. E.
- Plante, R.
- Plaza, M.
- pleasure
- Polanski, R.
- Polese, C.
- pornography
- power
- Foucault
- frameworks
- knowledge
- legal
- male
- memory
- narratives
- norms
- sexual violation
- sexuality
- social
- state
- victim
- Presland, E.
- Primoratz, I.
- prisons
- prostitution
- race
- Merleau-Ponty
- rape
- victims
- violence
- racism
- and anti-rape efforts
- and credibility
- Radford, J.
- rape
- culture
- definition
- effects on men
- gray rape
- statutory
- within institutions
- rape camps
- rape culture
- Raphael, S. J.
- Razack, S.
- Redecker, E. V.
- Reed, E.
- Regan, L.
- repression
- resistance
- compromised
- epistemic
- Foucault on
- new forms of
- responsibility
- assessment
- avoiding
- contract model
- rape
- victimization
- rhetorical self
- Rich, A.
- Ricoeur, P.
- Riegel, D. L.
- Rivera, G.
- Roberts, M. L.
- Robnett, B.
- Rodemeyer, L.
- Roiphe, K.
- Rose, T.
- Rousseau, J.-J.
- Rubin, G.
- Rush, F.
- Russell, G.
- sado-masochism
- Sanday, P. R.
- Sanford, L. T.
- Sartre, J.-P.
- Savile, J.
- Sawicki, J.
- Schopenhauer, A.
- Scott, J.
- Scott, A. O.
- scripts
- concept
- gender
- identity
- oppression
- rape
- sexual
- victim
- Seidman, S.
- Seralgedin, S.
- sex-positive
- sex work
- sexism
- sexting
- sexual acts
- sexual agency
- sexual assault
- sexual coercion
- sexual harassment
- sexual practices
- and care of the self
- and norms
- social construction of
- sexual slavery
- sexual subjectivity
- and prison
- and self-making
- and sexual violation
- sexual violation
- shame
- definition
- Foucault
- group
- normalizing
- survivors
- victims
- Shapin, S.
- Sher, J.
- silence
- breaking one's
- homosexuality
- Jim Crow
- media
- sexual violation
- stigma
- victims
- Silver, L.
- slavery
- experience of
- historical
- rape
- sexual
- Smart, C.
- Smith, V.
- social media
- anonymity
- silencing
- use of
- sodomy
- Soliman, N.
- Sorbera, L.
- Spohn, C.
- speaking out
- Foucault
- media
- pressure to
- resistance
- risks of
- survivors
- victims
- Springer, J.
- Spurgas, A. K.
- St. Aubyn, E.
- statistics
- Steele, C.
- Stiglmayer, A.
- Strauss-Kahn, D.
- Strikwerda, R.
- subjectivity
- first-person
- forms of
- Foucault
- sexual
- speech acts
- victim
- Sudbury, J.
- Superson, A.
- survivors
- agency
- anonymity
- authority
- coming forward
- definition
- experience
- knowledge of
- listening to
- meaning-making
- respect
- speech
- support
- Take Back the Night
- therapy
- Taha, R. M.
- Tax, M.
- Taylor, C.
- Taylor, R.
- technologies of the self
- television
- Tellis, K.
- testimony
- children
- doubt
- expert
- legal
- victim
- women's
- Theoharis, J.
- Thevenot, B.
- Thornhill, R.
- Thornton, L.
- Ticktin, M.
- Toobin, J.
- Torrey, M.
- touch
- trauma
- definition
- emotional
- experience of
- pleasure
- rape
- self-making
- signs of
- silence
- speaking out
- studies
- transfer of
- variability of
- victims
- Tremain, S.
- Trump, D.
- Trump, M.
- truth
- and ambiguity
- and discourse
- and the law
- and sex
- and trauma
- Valenti, J.
- Valian, V.
- “victimism”
- Wagner, T.
- Waites, E.
- Wallace, M.
- war
- civil
- imperial
- Merleau-Ponty
- World War II
- Warshaw, R.
- Weeks, J.
- Weinstein, H.
- Welchman, L.
- West, T.
- Wharton, E.
- White, H.
- Whittier, N.
- Wiegman, R.
- will
- effects of rape on
- weakness of
- will to power
- Williams, Bernard
- Wilson, E. A.
- Wilson, M.
- Winfrey, O.
- Wolf, N.
- Zarkov, D.
- Ziegenmeyer, N.
- Zola, É.