PTP Book Division
Path to Publication Group, Inc.
Copyright © 2018 JM Williams
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PTP Book Division
Path to Publication Group, Inc.
16845 E. Avenue of the Fountains #325
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ISBN: 978-1724412287
Library of Congress Cataloging Number
LCCN: 2018952725
Printed in the United States of America
Second Edition
They who seek not the past, nor contemplate the future, remain children still
Readers of the first book in the mirrored constellation trilogy, Black Mariachi, are familiar with the idea behind the Jupiter alignment that indicated the end of the Mayan long count calendar. Prior to the end of 2012, there was some concern and panic at predictions about the end of time or end of days. The ancient stone star map, or calendar, turned out to represent the Solstice at the end of the Pisces Age. The danger to living beings was only because of the disruption of magnetic energy, which caused a rip in the protective shield around the earth. As a result, super charged ions from the Sun and other explosive fusion type stars were able to load up the molecules of the atmosphere, bringing cataclysmic destruction with them in the form of storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, and plate distortions in the earth crust. Finding the magnetic stabilizer, which had been built using the North Star, (Polaris in the Pleiades cluster) as a beginning point, then recreating a literal diagram of Ursa Major on the Western Hemisphere; thereby reintroducing the harmonious energy patterns from ages long past, was all that saved the earth in January 2013.
In the few years that have transpired since that prediction, the public has taken a jaded and fatalistic attitude about the possibility of earth’s destruction by rampant galactic activity. Recently the government has released some guarded material gathered by NASA during the summer and fall of 2012:
(Washington AFP):
Back in 2012, few Earthlings had any idea what was actually going on. The sun had earlier erupted with a powerful solar storm that just missed the Earth, which was big enough to “knock modern civilization back to the 18th century.” NASA said. The extreme space weather that disrupted Earth’s upper orbit on July 23, 2012, was the most powerful event in 150 years, according to a statement posted on the US Space Agency website Wednesday.
This admission was published two years after the horrific and unthinkable solar storm nearly made the Mayan Prophecy a reality.
“If the eruption had occurred only one week earlier, Earth would have been in the line of fire,” said Daniel Baker, professor of atmospheric and space physics at the University of Colorado. Instead, the close miss blasted the STERO-A spacecraft, a solar observatory that is “almost ideally equipped to measure the parameters of such an event,” NASA revealed. Scientists have since analyzed the data; a trove of information collected by the study satellite and concluded that it would have been at least twice as bad as the largest known space storm in 1859 that tore through Quebec Province in eastern Canada, known as the Carrington event.
A mass of swirling plasma had risen up above the Sun, twisted and turned for almost a day, then broke away and swept toward our planet.
“I have come away from our studies more convinced than ever that Earth and its inhabitants were incredibly fortunate that the 2012 eruption happened when it did,” said Baker. The National Academy of Sciences has said the economic impact of such a storm could cost trillions of dollars and cause damage that would take many years to repair.
These storms begin with an explosion on the Sun’s surface, known as a solar flare, sending X-rays and extreme UV radiation toward Earth at light speed. Hours later, energetic particles follow and these electrons and protons can electrify satellites and damage most electronics. Next are the coronal mass ejections, billion-ton clouds of magnetized plasma that take a day or more to cross the Sun-Earth divide. They are often deflected by the Earth’s magnetic shield, but a direct hit, or a separated shield, could be devastating.
“This is a sobering figure,” claims physicist Pete Riley, who published a paper in the journal Space Weather earlier this year on the topic, ‘there is a 12 percent chance of a super solar storm the size of the Carrington Event hitting Earth in the next ten years.”
In writing the inaugural novel, I imagined the possibilities and declared that only magnetic stabilization would save the earth. Never, in my most creative moments, did I think that such a thing nearly happened. It reminds me that in many ways, “facts are stranger than fiction.” The focus of this, the second novel of the trilogy, is centered in the foothills of Southeast Asia, in the area known as the Golden Circle, along the Mekong River in upper Thailand and also in parts of the South Pacific. The idea of stabilizing the Earth’s magnetics by balancing the exact opposite point through the Earth’s mass has dictated the direction of this story.
Students of sacred geometry recognize the importance of triangular design; this system of triangular energy points control pulsar and magnetic energy, as well as elements of gravity. One of the oldest and now misunderstood designs was the Mer-ka-ba base—a system of triangular congruency that has elemental presence in everything. The “vehicle of light” is the center of atoms, of molecules, of humans, of structures, and even the basic design of planets, galaxies, and indeed, the entire universe. From the smallest adamantine particle yet discovered to the largest mass known or imaginable, this basic energy pattern holds sway. (see the famous graphic illustration of chakra energy surrounding each person).
These exist around us and in every organized shape or collected organized particle of matter. Physicists have defined the things around us with this eye-opening statement:
Matter is energy divided by the speed of light. Therefore, energy and matter are not two separate things—but are two different manifestations of the same thing.
Many elements of the speed of objects, of time, and the interaction of pulsar and magnetic energy are fundamental issues confronted in this novel, the second of the trilogy. I was intrigued, not only with the other side of the world, the area directly through the circumference of the earth, but with the magnetic influence it had in relation to the Caribbean. My studies alerted me to some of the energy problems facing Asian countries, especially China. The issues at the heart of hydro-power, of the bottling up the rivers, and of the costs of providing industrial power, became some of the motivations used in this novel.
The Three Gorges Dam is an engineering marvel. It has been under planning and construction for over ninety years. A huge crane is functional this year, making the colossal bypass lock system even more efficient. Huge ocean-going ships are now hoisted from the water level below the dam to as much as 500 feet up and forward a quarter mile. This technology doesn’t need to wait for the pumps to simulate the upper water level as is currently the case in lock canal systems throughout the world. In a matter of minutes, a 10,000-ton freighter can be sent on its journey up the Yangtze River and into the interior of China another 500 miles, mostly because of the increased depth of the river above the dam. 2014 brought the last piece of the incredible construction into service.
This engineering monstrosity was first conceived in 1910. It was to be the biggest project built in China since the Great Wall. The reasons for planning and eventually building this huge dam and reservoir were to devise a clean and sustainable electrical power system for the burgeoning industrial giant that China is becoming globally. The increased river traffic of large ships was the other concept. Bringing materials into the heart of China and exporting goods was a high priority.
Mao Tse Tung envisioned the project to be a symbol of Red China’s might, vision, and vitality as a nation. It has detractors; many of whom address it as the “River Dragon”, because of the pollution that is trapped, along with continual silt. The century’s long outlet to the sea is now a ribbon of poison.
It now is at maximum capacity as a hydro-electric center, churning out the equivalent of eighteen nuclear power plants, but still only providing a tenth of the power demand needed by China’s vast Provinces. Other huge dams are being planned upriver, and along many of China’s other Rivers, such as the Yellow, the Ganges and the Mekong. China still burns over 60,000,000,000 tons of coal a day to provide for the electrical needs of the rest of the country. This dam has helped in the elimination of a significant amount of greenhouse gases, pleasing global warming proponents from the UN to Al Gore.
This same dynamic exists with regard to the open stretches of the Mekong River—energy and transportation needs are in conflict with the history and humanity of thousands of years.