
Chapter 10


The twelve-year-old boy heard the low flying Fortress B52 before he saw it. He knew it was another bombing run on the hulk of ships in the near harbor. There had been many. All of them were practice bombings by the Americans. Screaming a warning to his parents who had refused to evacuate, he raced toward the cave his father, a radar operator, had prepared. It had a blast door and faced away from the Bikini Lagoon. Mr. Tanaka’s decision to rely on a cave interior and wait out any bombing runs would have serious and fatal repercussions. They had no way of knowing but this test was the biggest ever exploded on the planet surface. It was part of Operation Crossfire, code named Castle Bravo. It was to test the effects on ships in the area, land-based planes, some 150 of them, and many species of animals brought in specially to study the aftermath of a huge detonation.

On March 4, 1954 the explosive force of 1000 Hiroshima sized bombs obliterated the next two islands and carved a massive crater that exists to this day. Yuto Tanaka’s family got to the cave in time, largely because the bomber missed by 4 miles, mistaking a radar tower on Numa for the tower operated by Tanaka, years earlier in World War Two. The huge nuclear explosion not only destroyed the two adjacent islands; it’s force extended to other islands thought to be beyond the blast perimeters and showered a passing fishing vessel with radioactive ash. The ultimate result was the cause of the chief radio operator Alkichi Kuboyama’s death, six months later. Of the forty-six crew members aboard, twenty-three died within three years as a direct, cancer-caused outcome of the test.

Unknown to the Navy Command, the Tanaka family was intimately exposed on nearby Bikini Atoll, the original target. A direct hit would have consumed the island, the Tanaka’s and every record of them. Their failure to leave the island in time was no deterrent to the testing. The government wanted to know the results of the weapon on animals and, unfortunately, found out what it did to humans, also. The excessive victim psychology and anti-American sentiment that followed has not died since. The Bikini fallout did lead the United States military and scientists to take a new look at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. What no one knew was Yuto’s parents died tragic and painful deaths with leukemia-like complications within two years of Bravo—leaving a scarred fourteen-year-old alone on the island.

The son never forgot the terror of being caught in all those nuclear blasts, he never forgot his parents sacrifice to nuclear discovery and he never forgave America or any Western representative. He learned, studied and watched the unfolding of what was known and not known at the time of the tests. Young Yuto was lucky. His DNA had resistance to the ravages of cancer and leukemia. While many of his friends perished, Yuto thrived.

The boy discovered scientists from the Manhattan Project knew the effects on humans but ignored the local people. Maybe the war had desensitized humanity, but the power the USA had invented needed numerous tests to calculate the destructive prowess of each additional megaton. Worrying about a few inhabitants of the Marshall Islands was not a high priority. Yuto watched and researched and learned. He began to think of ways he could make a difference. He knew without money he was just another helpless guinea pig—in the wrong place at the wrong time. His first task was to amass a large amount of money.

After the Cold War, President Bill Clinton declassified a substantial portion of the official documents concerning the test of Bravo and the knowledge people had before the blast. Yuto discovered the United States had known the winds were going to change—they knew surrounding island inhabitants would be impacted with radioactive particles and continued to feed, inject and provide drinks with radioactive material in them. They’d planned beforehand, in Project 4.1, to study the effects of nuclear fallout on humans having been exposed.

He knew surrounding inhabitants of Rongelap and Utrick, the exposed nearby islands, were nothing more than guinea pigs to American aggression. He learned, fed his hatred and plotted his revenge. It was not enough to have them defeat Japan, his mother country, but the horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was still in the air. The war was over but the conquerors were still trying to make a bigger and better bomb. They didn’t want to bomb Nevada or the place in New Mexico anymore; he had read the scientific theories of dangerous fallout and cell mutation probabilities.

Yuto Tanaka’s father and mother had been silent protestors of the Japanese Imperial Army and its attempt to control the Pacific and attack the United States. They were relocated to a radar installation at Bikini Atoll prior to the beginning of hostilities; sort of a banishment in disguise. Yuto was eight years old when Emperor Hirohito attacked the Pearl Harbor Naval base in Hawaii and started a war of death and retribution. In some ways, because of his parent’s protest of the war, he really didn’t blame the Americans for the war effort in the Pacific but to use a new horrible weapon on an already beaten enemy was wrong, he thought. Worse than that, they picked a little atoll in the Marshalls Islands as a place to make the fierce weapon even better; the third nuclear device ever exploded on the planet was dropped on the Atoll in 1946.

After the H-Bomb, the government scientists were urgently working to get a bigger, more destructive and controllable weapon developed. The distrust of communism was in the public conscience. Russia was rattling sabers and the civil war of Korea was polarizing the two super powers that had just stopped Japan, Germany and Italy from global conquest. The islands were part of the United Nations Trust territory under US administration. The temporary agreement to conduct testing turned out to be permanent. One of the islands in the archipelago used for testing was the little island known today as Eniwetok. Testing conducted there would have profound blowback problems. The sensitive earth magnetic grid was unknowingly impacted.

The Marshall Islands and the United States have been at the negotiation table for over sixty years because of radiation damage, the obvious ‘research before treatment’ approach and of, course, the amount of compensation for the inhabitants. The US has paid over 400,000,000.00 in compensation, to say nothing of relocating costs and their feeble attempts at clean up. In 1960, inflationary dollars, that was huge. It dawned on the young entrepreneur, Yuto Tanaka, conning or otherwise collecting most of it from his friends would ensure enough wealth to seek revenge for his parents and dead compatriots.

From 1946 to 1958 the United States conducted sixty-seven nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands. The volume is equivalent to 7,000 Hiroshima sized bombs. Yuto Tanaka survived it all and chronicled all of it. While Americans were oblivious to or not caring about the testing, his real world was trying to get all he could as a victim. The US wanted the world to know what they had accomplished, naturally they were very transparent about the tests. The average American, however, saw it from a different view, with a somewhat of a glib approach. In 1946, the two-piece swimsuit for women was introduced. The interest in the bomb led some journalists to draw the comparison to the tribal swimwear on the Atoll. He surmised the blast had stripped the women of everything but panties and bra, creating another awesome weapon.

Soon the ‘bikini’ was made popular on beaches and around pools the world over. Bob Hope made a crack that the Pacific Ocean countries and islands had been ‘so devastated by the war the military looked for the only place on the earth not damaged and blew the hell out of it.”

About the only thing Americans are aware of is the film Godzilla, a Japanese thriller that blamed the Bravo bomb for awakening the huge reptile. They are not even aware of the compensation settlements. They are certainly unaware the first credible UFO sightings were shortly after 1947. Something had changed in the earth...and that change was identifiable in the galaxy. The harmony that existed in the electromagnetic grids of the earth had been changed; not enough to notice—unless observing the plasma beam energy fields were something people did. No one on the earth thought any damage had been done to the biosphere or the outer layers of the atmosphere by the plethora of South Pacific bombing. They were wrong.

Yuto received a ton of money in compensatory awards and was shrewd enough to separate the money of others from their bank accounts or mattresses to his. By the year 2000, Tanaka Enterprises was one of the leaders of finance on the Pacific Rim. His acumen is rivaled only by Warren Buffet and his vaults match Bill Gates.

He was the new Godzilla and the efforts of MJD to establish energy at a low cost was as vexing to him as tanks and missiles were to the iconic beast. Though the green benefits and the sustainable components were interesting to him, that American interests were promoting it was not acceptable.

The formation of the “black clads” had Yuto’s fingerprints all over it. He had been the main investor in the dams on the interior of China. Especially the huge Three Gorges. He was just starting to recoup some of the initial construction money. He wanted to roll it into the Mekong River dams. The MRC had accepted the loans, spent liberally and was not only determined to build the Xayanburi, they were desperately afraid of not returning the money. Mr. Tanaka had resources tied up in every Asian country’s development, along with several around the world. He had made deals with the last three Presidents of the United States. Between him, the Red government, and a few smaller investors, huge collateral lay before them.

His burning obsession was to rid the world of nuclear fission, whether it was power plants, weapons, or any other research. The lasting effects of radiation waste was his pet peeve, a peeve that was nurtured by the death of friends, his parents, the unfortunate cities of Japan and the unbridled arms race of the Cold War. Chernobyl and the latest Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, with its subsequent poisoning of the oceans only added fuel to the fire burning at the bottom of Yuto’s heart. Godzilla was angry.

The generator device provided by Ho Tanner and his friends was something that stood in the way of realizing his financial returns and was also dissipating the power base he had meticulously put together for decades. He would stop at nothing to push the Americans out of Asia.

Yuto had a list of enemies and used the mighty financial leverage to discourage them; he was not averse to eliminating some of them. He knew who the agitators were. He knew the politics of the Mekong River Commission and had his thumb on the protest. The ‘red shirts’ could never find out the real money power behind the dam projects. They were suspicious of Tanaka Resources because of rumors the huge conglomerate was tied into the Triad and the trafficking of opium, one of the Golden Triangles’ main exports. Only Afghanistan rivals this area with the profitable crop.

Unknown to the world was the existence of an R&D division that had worked on hydrogen projects. The secret wish of Yuto was to have a technology that could control anything by accessing the hydrogen in every molecule. He wanted to control fission, radio transmission, air and water travel, utilities—well, everything.

Yuto’s passion and stubborn obsession with the hydrogen part of the molecule and his fear of the H-bomb, seared into the back of his mind in a traumatic grip, drove him to discover and, ultimately, unleash the static hydrogen in the molecules. His research team learned to crack open the chemistry of H20. Water was everywhere and in everything. It was the building block of life, of the earth, of the body and of the universe.

Using his father’s radar training and equipment, still safe in the cave, he was able to create a molecular jamming disruption of sound and wave patterns. He could even affect the sun’s rays with the jammer. This discovery was only made possible because of the over radiation of the Atoll and proximity. The repeated nuclear blasts had fractured the triangular grid patterns, which exist around the globe. The electromagnetic perfection of the earth, in relation to the universe, was now flawed, because of man’s mad rush to destroy each other. The Manhattan Project had hit puberty, he liked to joke with his scientists. It was not fission—nor was more like confusion, like a hormone in a teenage body. It would do crazy things.

Ho Tanner and Luke had found one of the triangles quite by accident and had stabilized some of the wave patterns into a harmonious band. This powerful force completed the contacts at the earths’ magnetic ‘Polaris’, the underwater pyramid at Bimini where Mother Lode had died, at Sierrita de las Cruces in Ojinaga and on the tepui at Angel Falls. These three points were ‘lit’, for lack of a better term, by the seven sites the Black Mariachi had discovered and regenerated. A sympathetic magnetic power had traversed the earth but was damaged at Bikini Atoll. The seven Cities of Gold were like a transformer, a subterranean station, which activated and magnified the triangles power. Unknown to the inhabitants of earth, the plasma beam was mutated and acted as it had a mind of its own.

The mind of Yuto Tanaka realized refraction of wave function would halt, or jam, the wave consistency, much the same as a radar buster jams up the radar signal, sending false readings back to the radar center. He, with a staff of engineers, learned how to fracture the magnetic wave function with hydrogen agitation. The system would work on anything at which it was aimed. At Yuto’s instruction, a scientific team had aimed the jammer at the Golden Triangle generator in the Tibetan foothills. A boyhood friend of Yuto’s, Alkichi Kuboyama, Jr. had learned it was concealed in the Ta Muen Thom temple ruins and, with Yuto’s new Fragmenting Electro Magnetic Assault invention, shut it down. Ironically, they had nicknamed the hydrogen cannon FEMA for an acronym.

The FEMA gun had caused a ‘brown-out’ but was actually a disruption of wave harmony. All he wanted was the money and the technology to own these generators himself. The fact these American amateurs were providing this fantastic service was particularly galling to Yuto.