As always, a huge thank you goes out to this fabulous team of people who support me through each and every book and keep me grounded in so many ways: -
My agent, Tanera Simons and all the crew at Darley Anderson. You really are a team of amazing professionals!
Hannah Smith, Vicky Joss, Rhea Kurien, Nikky Ward, Laura Palmer and everyone at Aria Fiction and Head of Zeus. I cannot tell you how special it is to work with such a proactive, forward-thinking team.
My best writing buddies – Sue Fortin, Zara Stoneley, Rachel Lyndhurst. Where would we be every day without iMessage and Messenger…
My street team – The Bagg Ladies. My most trusted supporters who advise me on all sorts of writing malarkey and are the first to get to social media with my news! Thank you for being there for me!
My Mandy Baggot Book Club members – we have such fun in the Facebook group, especially on a Friday! Keep sharing the reading love!
My friends in Corfu – every moment I spend on this beautiful Greek island sharing amazing times with you is a gift. Particular thanks in this book goes to the team at Tavernaki, Kassiopi, who have provided me with the most amazing food for the past few years and are always fantastic supporters of my novels. I hope my characters Elias and Becky dining at your taverna in My Greek Island Summer, brings you even more customers this season and beyond!
And, as always, a big shout out to my husband, Mr Big and my girls, Amber and Ruby. Another book for me to go on about to you! I love you so much and I’m looking forward to all the Greek research we are going to do this summer ready for 2021!
Finally, wow, my 20th novel! It doesn’t seem real. It especially doesn’t seem real when it’s actually 20 books in 12 years! THANK YOU to everyone who has bought, read and reviewed my books over the past 12 years. I appreciate every turn of the page and I hope to bring you many, many more!