To build an Android app using nk, there are some additional steps required. Development of mobile apps is out of scope for this book but, for the curious, these steps are included to get you started. First, you must have the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) and Native Development Kit (NDK ) installed. The easiest way may be to install Android Studio (available from and use the built-in SDK Manager (under SDK Tools) to install the NDK packages as well:

The following steps will be needed to complete the nk-android build, which should result in a complete development environment. Building the toolchain requires ANDROID_HOME and NDK environment variables to be set and your PATH to be updated correctly. You may not need to set up all of these environment variables as they may already be configured if you've completed previous Android projects. Further documentation is available at

This should prepare your desktop for Android development using nk and Go. The rest of this chapter focuses on desktop development, but if the tools are working correctly, you should be able to adapt the instructions to Android NDK-based deployment.
Now that the prerequisites for your platform are complete, let's set up nk and run our first example application.