—Military Images

“Fleming recreates, in precise detail, not only history, but atmosphere. The story he tells is one that will come as a surprise to many Civil War buffs. His research is so thorough, however, that they can believe what they read. Fascinating, high drama, breath-holding suspense, and memorable characters make this an extraordinary novel I would not hesitate to give to anyone.”
—Morgan Llywelyn, international bestselling author of 1916

Kirkus Reviews

“The Civil War was America’s greatest tragedy, especially in the border states where loyalties were sorely conflicted. When This Cruel War is Over vividly portrays the anguish of the war’s final months, when Americans on both sides were sick of the bloodshed, and chance could tip the scales toward either victory or defeat.”
—Elmer Kelton, author of The Smiling Country

“Moving and memorable.”
Publishers Weekly

“A stunningly powerful novel of love, treachery, and heartrending patriotism. When This Cruel War is Over is a classic in the field of fiction.”
—Michael and Kathleen O’Neal Gear, international bestselling authors of The People Series

“An admirable job of showing the complexities of an era’s issues.”

“Fleming’s When This Cruel War is Over is a heart-wrenching story of love, bravery, and a deep look into the dark soul of terrorism. An intriguing look into one of the secrets of America’s past.”
—Randy Lee Eickhoff, bestselling author of The Fourth Horseman