
Chapter 43: Della


After Gregg was arrested, the calls stopped. To some, that pointed another finger at Gregg, but I still didn’t believe it. More likely the guilty party felt the heat was off.

I kept trying to help Gregg, but he just walked around in a daze, unable to fathom how his life had turned into such a nightmare. I invited him over for dinner so we could talk about a plan of attack. He arrived looking rumpled, as though he’d slept in his clothes. Maybe he had, or maybe I was so accustomed to seeing him in his crisp uniform, the faded flannel shirt and jeans looked odd on him. We each had a beer, and when Gregg asked for another one, I handed it to him and said, “I want you to help me find out what really happened.”

“That would look bad,” he said, taking a long pull. I didn’t follow his logic, and told him so. “Dammit, Della, I can’t go around the county quizzing people and acting like a law officer. Besides, everyone is looking at me like I’m some mad rapist and murderer. I appreciate what you’re doing, Della. I really do. But if you want to be effective, you don’t want me along.” He rubbed his face; the three-day growth probably itched like crazy.

“Okay, so maybe you don’t go up to the door, but you could go along. Keep me safe.” I was trying every angle I could think of.

“You’ll be safer without me. All those Green Treatise idiots have poisoned everyone against me.” Before I’d found Lucy’s body in that cove, what felt like years ago, I’d never heard Gregg swear beyond the occasional hell or damn. His nerves were shot. I decided to let my idea drop.

We managed to enjoy the rest of the evening, talking about his extended family and my store. I even successfully grilled steaks outside—with perfect char marks and juicy pink interiors. I didn’t know much about grilling meats, but Gregg advised, and we polished them off.

Of course, word got out that I was “entertaining” Gregg, as though I had to be more than just a friend helping another friend. (I didn’t understand why most people limited their circle of friends to those they’d never go to bed with.) Anyway, we shared a chaste evening, with Gregg leaving about eleven o’clock.

The next day, after I’d closed the store, I stopped to chat with Abit. Given my busy schedule lately, we hadn’t had much time to talk. We caught up on how well the rolling store was doing, and I thanked him for being such a good employee. He gave me that crooked smile again. When he shared some ideas he had for managing the inventory based on what people bought, I realized he had the makings of an entrepreneur. He saw trends I hadn’t seen, and, even with more time on my hands, likely wouldn’t have noticed. We talked for a while longer, and then I remembered I needed to run by the hardware before it closed.

“I’ll take care of Jake for you—no charge!” Abit said.

“Thanks, Mister. I won’t be gone long.” 

When I drove back, I parked the truck and I headed upstairs, so ready for my day off tomorrow.  I imagined a quiet evening with a long soak in my claw-foot tub, but when I unlocked the door, Jake didn’t greet me.