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ABFGX cipher 129–30
acrostic codes 48–9
ADFGVX cipher 131
Alberti, Leon Battista 102, 107–8
Alice and Bob 150, 151–2
alphabet, expanding 103–5
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 144, 146, 148, 149
Army of Portugal code 101
Atbash 78–9
Bacon, Francis 145
Baudot, Emile 144, 147
Bazières cylinder 134
bifid cipher 120–1
bilateral cipher 145
binary code 143–6, 147
black chambers 160–5
Blencowe, William 161
Bletchley Park 137, 142, 165
block cipher 149
book code 60
books, codes in 58
Braille 27–9
Caesar shift 72
Cardano grille 50–2
Central Security Service (CSS) 164
Chappe, Claude and René 25
checkerboard ciphers 118–26
Chinese, ancient 39
cipher definition 54
cipher disc 108
ciphers 128–9
combining 107–8
Cockney rhyming slang 45–6
code chronology 167–70
code definition 54
codes 128–9
Cold War 39
columnar transposition 68–9
common letters 91–3
computer encryption 143–9
cowboy branding 17, 18
cribs 131–3, 174
cuneiform writing 15–16
Data Encryption Standard (DES) cipher 156
date shift ciphers 112
decryption, history of 178
Delastelle, Felix 121
dictionary code 56–9
Diffie–Hellman–Merkle key exchange 152
digital writing, invisible 41–2
digraphs 93–5
dot cipher 61–2
double transposition 70–1
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 90
en clair 102
Enigma 135–8, 164
field ciphers 129–31
field codes and ciphers 127–33
films, codes in 70
frequency analysis 89–95, 105, 174–7
beating 97–106
frequency tables 92, 94
Friedman, William 140–1
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) 165
great Paris cipher 101–2
Greek scytale 63–4
Greek square 81–2, 97–102, 118
Hellman, Martin 151–2
Herodotus 37
hieroglyphs 11–13
Histiaeus 38
hobos, 17
inks, for invisible writing 40–1, 43, 47
international signal flags 22–3
invisible writing 40–3
Jefferson wheel 133–4, 135
Jefferson, Thomas 133
JN-25 141–2
key distribution 149–53
key stream sequence 147
keyword identification 175–7
keywords 108–9
using 76–78
King Charlemagne cipher 82, 83
‘Kryptos’ 96
leet 34–5
line cipher 62
Marryat, Captain 19
Mary, Queen of Scots 88–9, 161
Mauborgne, Joseph 117
MI-8 164
modular arithmetic 151–2
monoalphabetic cipher 72
Morse code 30–3, 92, 131, 144
music, codes in 158
National Security Agency (NSA), 164
nomenclator 88
null cipher 48, 97
nulls 66
number ciphers 79–80
number keys see word keys
one-time pad 117
Opish 44
optical telegraph 24–5
Painvin, Georges 131
password attacks 155–6
password sniffing 155
passwords 153–6
Personal Identification Number (PIN) 156
Pig Latin 43
pigpen cipher 85–6
Playfair cipher 118–19
Pliny 40
polyalphabetic cipher 72, 98, 112–13
Polybius square 81–2, 118, 122
Porta, Giavanni 38
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) 152–3
public key enciphering 150
PURPLE code 140–1
quantum cryptography 157
quantum mechanics 157
rail fence cipher 64–6
Romanji 140
Room 40 165
Rosicrucian cipher, 86, 87
running key 116–17
Scovell, George 101
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 153
semaphore 19–21
Shepherd’s Monument 124
shift ciphers 71–3
sign language 25–7
Signals Intelligence Service (SIS) 140
slide rule cipher 73
space code 53–5
spoken codes 43–7
St Cyr cipher 72–3
steganography 39, 40
stencil code 50
straddling checkerboard 125–6
stream cipher 147–8
sub rosa codes 56
substitution ciphers 71–89
symbols, using 82–3
Tacitus 39
texting 35–6
The Shadow magazine 74–5
transmission security 39
Transport Layer Security (TLS) 153
transposition ciphers 55, 63–71
transposition with a key 67
transposition, double 70–1
trifid cipher 122–3
Turing, Alan 137
typewriter cipher 77–8
Vernam cipher 117
Vernam, Gilbert 117, 147
Vigenère square 110–16
Wallis, John 161
wax tablets 38–9
Wheatstone, Charles 119
word breaks 112–13
word frequency 95
word keys 68–71
World War I codes 127–33
World War II codes 132, 133–39, 140–2, 164
World War II films and codes 139
XOR operation 147
Zimmerman, Phil 152
Zip’s law 95