Xiao Yen—X—generally pronounced shee, so it’s Sheeou Yen
Bei Xi, Master Wei. Mei-Mei—ei—generally pronounced with a long a sound, like in way, so it’s Bay Shee, Master Way
Fu Be Be—e—generally pronounced eh, so it’s Foo Beh Beh
Gan Ou—a as in ah, ou as in ow (ouch), so it’s Gahn Ow
Jrh Bei—jrh—generally pronounced like the ‘s’ in measure, so it’s Zhr Bay
Udo—long u, long o, Uudoo
Tuo Nu—t like the ts in cats, long u, long o, run together, so it’s Tsuuoo New
Zhang Gua Lao—z like the s in measure, ua is run together, like in guava, ao like in ow (ouch)