About the author

Matt Edmonds has been a lover of games for as long as he can remember, and a professional maker of PC, console, and mobile games since summer 2000. Having graduated with a degree in physics and mathematics, and while doing graduate studies in computer engineering, it became clear all of Matt's free time was going toward learning the technical and creative skills to build amazing 3D games. After making games on his own for around a year, he finally got a break after showing his work making a real-time strategy game in an open source 3D engine with Surreal Software and has never looked back: he now leads teams in creating amazing titles across generations of hardware. With a love of Unreal and 7 years of professional experience with it now, this book is a testament to that passion.

I'd like to thank Stuart Denman for being the leader who gave the young physics graduate just mentioned a chance to prove that he could become a leader of his own in the industry one day. Thanks to my wife and daughter, who have patiently watched weeks go by where for hours on end I was holed-up in a closed room working away at this book. Thanks to my good friend Brandon Mann for help reviewing. And thanks, Mom; you made it all possible… literally!