Ember, Hacking


Ember Niamh

I have video of you.


I will release video of you.


No. I mean I have bad video of you.

Yeah. I know. Got it.

We can come to deal.

And then I will not release video.

Idngaf go ahead and post the video wherever.

It is bad video.

Bad pictures.

Everyone will see.

We can come to deal.

Not too much money.

Very bad pictures.

Are they as bad as this one?

A picture of a man appeared on the phone screen.

Behind him, a blue dresser stood against a sunny wall.

The man’s black hair was a dark splotch against the white ceiling.

How you get that?

How you get picture of me now?


Never pretend to hack a hacker, dorkfish.

Reporting and blocking you.

Ember Niamh performed a complex maneuver with her fingers, summoning a compounded silicon-earth/electric-fire elemental back out of her phone and sending it into small vial. “Thank you, Elsi.”

A lone, golden spark drifted up from the neck of the tiny vial.

“You doing okay in there?” she asked.

One more fiery mote escaped the bottle, ending in a tiny firework.

Ember waved her fingers over the bottle. Vibrant sparks sprinkled over the glass.

The bottle quivered, giggling.

Ember stoppered the bottle and smiled.

That blackmailer wouldn’t be so quick to try his dirty tricks again, and she’d make sure his account got zucc’d, too. That would stop him from trying to con anyone else.

Ladies of Magic, bad video of her. That was laughable.

Ember had never done anything that anyone could blackmail her for.

She should change that.