What Happened and When

1857 :

The Great Uprising

1885 :

The Indian National Congress is founded.

1905 :

Lord Curzon partitions Bengal. Widespread protests follow

1905 :

Swadeshi Movement and boycott of foreign goods

1907 :

Split in the Congress between Moderates and Extremists

1909 :

Minto–Morley Reforms. Separate Hindu and Muslim electorates for elections to the legislative councils of the provinces

1914 :

First World War

1914 :

Ghadar Movement led by Lala Hardayal

1916 :

Lucknow Pact between the Congress and the Muslim League

1916 :

Home Rule Leagues of Annie Besant and Bal Gangadhar Tilak

1919 :

The Rowlatt Act allows the government to arrest and imprison people without showing the cause

1919 :

The massacre at Jallianwalla Bagh, Amritsar

1919 :

Montagu–Chelmsford Reforms. A few unimportant ministries are transferred to Indian ministers in the provinces. The real power remains with the governor.

1920 :

The Khilafat Movement. Protest by Muslims against the treatment of the Caliph of the Ottoman Empire of Turkey after the Allies defeat Turkey in the First World War

1921 :

Non-cooperation Movement. First mass campaign against British rule, led by the Indian National Congress

1922 :

In Chauri Chaura, a town near Gorakhpur in the United Provinces, policemen attack members of a passing nationalist demonstration picketing a liquor shop. The demonstrators chase the policemen, torch the police chowki, killing twenty-two policemen. Gandhi calls off the Non-cooperation Movement.

1928 :

Congress boycotts the Simon Commission.

1930 :

The Dandi March starts the Civil Disobedience movement.

1931 :

Gandhi–Irwin Pact

1931 :

Gandhi goes to London to attend the Round Table Conference.

1935 :

Government of India Act allows elections to be held for provincial governments. Separate electorates for Muslims; very few people get the right to vote

1937 :

Elections to provincial legislatures. Congress sweeps the polls and forms governments in seven provinces.

1939 :

The Second World War

1939 :

Congress ministries resign after the viceroy includes India in the war. Jinnah declares ‘Day of Deliverance’.

1940 :

Muslim League adopts the ‘Pakistan Resolution’; demands a separate state for Muslims

1941 :

Individual satyagrahas by Congress leaders

1942 :

Quit India movement. All Congress leaders are arrested.

1942 :

Cripps Mission arrives. Offers Dominion Status that the Congress rejects, demanding independence

1944 :

Gandhi–Jinnah talks fail.

1946 :

Elections to the Constituent Assembly. Nehru forms government with the Muslim League.

1946 :

‘Direct Action Day’ declared by Muslim League. Communal riots start in Bengal and Bihar. Mahatma Gandhi goes to Noakhali and Calcutta to establish peace.

1947 :

Mountbatten concedes demand for Pakistan.

1947 :

Independence and Partition of India