I wish my husband had never given me her number. He should have known I would use it to torture myself, that I couldn’t resist calling her. And now they will find the call I made to her, and slowly it’s all going to unravel, just like I want it to.
That’s the part of all this my husband doesn’t understand. Why I am sabotaging my own life to be rid of hers. But it’s more that he doesn’t want to see it. His fear of losing me, of not having me in his life, makes him blind, but even he would acknowledge this is no way to live a life. Constantly fighting to be rid of Eve, to battle every day the demons of our past. No, better to be gone from here, for good this time, than continue as we are.
So I made the call. Right before I killed O’Brian. I feel no guilt for that; the man showed no compassion towards his child, so why should I to him? And I wanted to warn her she might end up the same way if she gets in the way.
But what I found out from that call was her desire to be rid of Eve matches my own. Her determination to get to the truth as insistent as mine is to hide it, because Aoife’s blood runs through her: wilful, powerful, beautiful Aoife. So as we both race to the finish line, it’s up for grabs who’ll get there first, but either way it’s Eve who will be the final prize.