When Nashoba reached the den, the wolves came forward to greet him in ranking order: Tonagan, Garby, Nikito, Pildown, and finally Debalt. They approached with tails respectfully low, then pushed their bodies against him with head and muzzle rubbing, as well as licking. While Garby avoided looking at Nashoba directly, Pildown dropped to the ground and whimpered. Debalt, as always, hung back, unsure he would be welcomed.
The two pups burst from the den. They yipped and yapped as they tumbled clumsily toward their father, tails wagging furiously. Though utterly disrespectful, Nashoba met their welcome with pleasure and no discipline, nuzzled them repeatedly, licked their faces, and nipped their soft ears. They responded by mouthing his jaw—again begging for meat—then plopped down, rolled on their backs, paws up, bellies exposed, all the while squealing with joy.
Tonagan looked on with satisfaction.
The wolves waited expectantly. Nashoba, wanting them to wait on him, took so much time that an impatient Garby burst out, “Well! Did you find anything?”
Nashoba looked at him disdainfully. “Of course,” he said.
“Where? What?” asked Nikito with his usual enthusiasm.
Nashoba said, “A small herd of elk.”
“How many?” demanded Garby.
“How far?” Nikito asked.
Nashoba chose to answer Nikito’s question. “Down-valley. About eight miles.”
“Eight?” said Tonagan.
“It will be dark before we reach them,” said Garby.
“The moon will be good enough,” Nashoba replied.
“If the weather holds,” said Garby.
Nashoba ignored the challenge in the young wolf’s remarks. “We’ll go now. Debalt, you stay with the pups.”
Proud to be given an important task, but disappointed not to be included in the hunt, Debalt lowered his head in obedience.
“Garby!” Nashoba commanded.
Garby approached cautiously.
Nashoba lifted his left paw and, in a sign of his authority, touched Garby’s back. “Follow my lead,” the old wolf said.
The young wolf kept his head down but made no response.
Nashoba turned and, despite his fatigue, began to run back the way he had come. Tonagan, as female leader, followed right behind. Garby came next. When the ever-eager Nikito drew too close to him, Garby looked back, showed his teeth, and snarled. Nikito fell back a step.
Hungry and excited, the pack ran in a line. Nashoba had to work hard to keep the lead.