It was raining gently but steadily as Casey rushed into his house, through the hall, and into the kitchen. He left the bow and arrows on the kitchen table, then pulled open the fridge door, saw a package of sausages, and yanked it out. He also grabbed a plastic bottle of water and a shallow bowl from a cupboard. From the kitchen he went to the bathroom and opened the cabinet over the sink, scanned the cabinet, and pulled out a tube of ointment, something his mother put on his small cuts and bruises. Hands full, pockets stuffed, telling himself he’d need to clean up his muddy footsteps when he got back, he ran outside. Next second he rushed back to the kitchen. A note pad and pencil were stuck to the fridge door with a magnet. He scribbled:
Walking in forest. Back soon. C
Outside again he raced for the trees. Rain was falling more heavily. The snow was melting.
Just as Casey reached the trees, he was struck with a completely new thought: What if that dog is the wolf Mr. Souza saw?
Excited, he ran forward.