Buck’s condo door nudged a stack of boxes when he entered. He’d have to send Alice a thank-you note. He only wished he had time to start arranging his home office, but he had to get going if he hoped to catch Chloe before the meeting.
He arrived at New Hope about half an hour early and saw Rayford’s car parked next to Bruce’s. Good, he thought, everybody’s here. He glanced at his watch. Had he forgotten the time change? Was he late? He hurried into the office and knocked on Bruce’s door as he stepped in. Bruce and Rayford looked up awkwardly. It was just the two of them.
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m a little early.”
“Yeah, Buck,” Bruce said. “We’ll be a little while and we’ll see you at eight, all right?”
“Sure. I’ll just talk with Chloe. She here?”
“She’ll be along a little later,” Rayford said.
“OK, I’ll just wait for her out here.”

“Well, first of all,” Bruce told Rayford, “congratulations. Regardless of what you decide to do, that is a fantastic honor and an accomplishment. I can’t imagine many pilots turning down that offer.”
Rayford sat back. “Truthfully, I haven’t spent much time thinking of it that way. I guess I should be grateful.”
Bruce nodded. “I guess you should. Did you want advice, or just an ear? Obviously, I’ll pray with you about it.”
“I’m open to advice.”
“Well, I feel so inadequate, Rayford. I appreciate that you want to stay here in Chicago, but you also have to consider whether this opportunity is from God. I want to stay around here too, but I feel him leading me to travel, to start more small groups, to visit Israel. I know you’re not staying here just for me, but—”
“That’s part of it, Bruce.”
“And I appreciate that, but who knows how long I’ll be here?”
“We need you, Bruce. I think it’s clear God has you here for a reason.”
“I suppose Chloe told you that I’m looking for more teachers.”
“She did. And she’s excited about it. And I’m willing to learn.”
“Normally a church wouldn’t put brand-new believers in the positions of leaders or teachers, but there’s no alternative now. I’m virtually a new believer myself. I know you’d make a good teacher, Rayford. The problem is, I can’t shake the thought that this opportunity with the president is a unique one you should seriously consider. Imagine the impact you might have on the president of the United States.”
“Oh, I don’t think the president and his pilot interact much, if at all.”
“He doesn’t interview a new pilot?”
“I doubt it.”
“You’d think he’d want to get to know the man who has his life in his hands every time that plane leaves the ground.”
“I’m sure he trusts the people who make that decision.”
“But surely there will be occasions when you might interact.”
Rayford shrugged. “Maybe.”
“President Fitzhugh, strong and independent as he is, must be as personally frightened and searching as any private citizen. Think of the privilege of telling the leader of the free world about Christ.”
“And losing my job over it,” Rayford said.
“You’d have to pick your spots, of course. But the president lost several relatives in the Rapture. What was it he said when asked what he made of it? Something about being sure it wasn’t God’s doing, because he had always believed in God.”
“You’re talking about this as if I’m naturally going to take the job.”
“Rayford, I can’t make your decisions for you, but I need you to remember: Your loyalty now is not to this church or to the Tribulation Force or to me. Your loyalty is to Christ. If you decide not to pursue this opportunity, you had better be dead sure it’s not of God.”
It was just like Bruce, Rayford thought, to put a whole new spin on this. “Do you think I should say anything to Chloe or Buck?”
“We’re all in this together,” Bruce said.
“Meanwhile,” Rayford said, “let me bounce something else off you. How do you feel about romance during this point of history?”
Bruce suddenly looked uncomfortable. “Good question,” he said. “Frankly, I know why you’re asking.” Rayford doubted that. “I know the loneliness you must feel. At least you have Chloe for companionship, but you must have that same aching emptiness that I feel after losing my wife. I’ve thought about whether I’m to go on alone through the next seven or so years. I don’t like the prospect, but I know I’ll be busy. To be very transparent with you, I suppose I harbor some hope that God might bring someone into my life. Right now is too soon, of course. I’ll grieve and mourn my wife for a long time, as if she were dead. I know she’s in heaven, but she’s dead to me. There are days when I feel so alone I can hardly breathe.”
This was as self-revelatory as Bruce had been since telling his own story of having missed the Rapture, and Rayford was stunned that he had been the one to instigate it. He had merely been asking for Chloe’s sake. She had become enamored of Buck, and if that wasn’t going to work out, should she put herself in a situation where someone else might come along, or was that inappropriate, given the few years left before Christ’s return again?
“I’m just curious about the logistics,” Rayford explained. “If two people fell in love, what should they do about it? Does the Bible say anything about marriage during this period?”
“Not specifically,” Bruce said, “as far as I can tell. But it doesn’t prohibit it, either.”
“And kids? Would it be prudent for a couple to bring children in this world now?”
“I haven’t thought about that,” Bruce said. “Would you want another child at your age?”
“Bruce! I’m not looking to marry again. I’m thinking of Chloe. I’m not saying she has any prospects, but if she did . . .”
Bruce squeaked back in his chair. “Imagine having a baby now,” he said. “You wouldn’t have to think about junior high school, let alone high school or college. You would be raising that child, preparing him or her for the return of Christ in just a few years.”
“You’d also be guaranteeing a child a life of fear and danger and a 75 percent chance of dying during the judgments to come.”
Bruce rested his chin in his hand, elbow on the desk. “True enough,” he said. “I’d have to advise a lot of caution, prayer, and soul-searching before considering that.”

Buck had never been good at waiting. He browsed the shelves of the sitting area outside Bruce’s office. Apparently this was where the former pastor had stored his less frequently used reference works. There appeared to be dozens of books on esoteric Old Testament themes. Buck leafed through a few of them, finding them dry.
Then he came across a church photo directory dated two years earlier. There, under the B’s, was a picture of a younger, longer-haired Bruce Barnes. He looked a bit fuller in the face, wore a pasted-on smile, and surrounding him were his wife and children. What a treasure Bruce had lost! His wife was pleasant looking and plump, with a weary but genuine smile.
On the next page was Dr. Vernon Billings, the now-departed senior pastor. He looked at least in his mid-sixties and was shown with his petite wife and three children and their respective spouses. Bruce had already said that the entire family had been raptured. Pastor Billings had a Henry Fonda-ish quality, with deep crow’s feet and a crinkly smile. He looked like a man Buck would have enjoyed knowing.
Buck flipped to the other end of the directory and found the Steeles. There was Rayford in his pilot’s uniform, looking pretty much the same as he did today with perhaps slightly less gray in the hair and a little more definition in his face. And Irene. It was the first picture of her he had seen. She looked bright and cheery, and if you could believe the faddish study of photo-psychology, she appeared more devoted to her husband than he did to her. Her body leaned toward him. He sat rigid, straight up.
Also in the picture was Rayford Junior, identified in the caption as “Raymie, 10.” He and his mother had asterisks by their names. Rayford did not. And neither did Chloe, who was listed as “18, Freshman, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California (not pictured).”
Buck flipped to the legend, which explained that an asterisk indicated a church member. The rest, he assumed, were mere attenders.
Buck looked at his watch. Ten to eight. He peered out the window to the parking lot. The Steeles’ second car was there, next to Rayford’s and Buck’s and Bruce’s. He put his hand on the glass to cut the glare and could make out Chloe behind the wheel. Ten minutes was hardly enough time to talk, but he could at least greet her and walk her inside.
As soon as Buck stepped out the door, Chloe emerged from the car and hurried toward the church. “Hey!” he said.
“Hello, Buck,” she said, clearly without enthusiasm.
“Flowers still in the trash?” he tried, hoping for some clue to what was up with her.
“As a matter of fact they are,” she said, brushing past him and opening the door herself. He followed her up the stairs, through the foyer, and into the offices.
“I don’t think they’re ready for us yet,” he said, as she went directly to Bruce’s door and knocked.
Apparently Bruce told her the same thing, and she backed out with an apology. Obviously Chloe would rather be anywhere but there and looking at anything but him. She had been crying, and her face was red and blotchy. He ached to reconnect with her. Something told him this was not just a mood, a part of her personality he would have to get used to. Something specific was plainly wrong, and Buck was in the middle of it. There was nothing he would rather do right then than get to the bottom of it. But that would have to wait.
Chloe sat with her arms and legs crossed, her top leg swinging.
“Look what I found,” Buck said, thrusting the old church directory under her nose. She didn’t even reach for it.
“Um-hm,” she said.
Buck opened it to the Bs and showed her Bruce’s and Dr. Billings’s families. Suddenly she softened, took the directory, and studied it. “Bruce’s wife,” she said softly. “And look at those children!”
“Your family is in there too,” Buck said.
Chloe took her time getting to the Ss, studying page after page of pictures as if looking for anyone else she recognized. “Went to high school with him,” she said idly. “She and I were in the same fourth grade. Mrs. Schultz was my freshman P.E. teacher.”
When she finally got to her own family she was overcome. Her face contorted and she stared, the tears coming. “Raymie when he was ten,” she managed. Buck instinctively put a hand on her shoulder, and she stiffened. “Please don’t do that.”
“Sorry,” he said, and the office door opened.

“Ready,” Rayford said. He noticed that Buck looked sheepish and Chloe looked terrible. He hoped she hadn’t started in on him already.
“Daddy, look,” she said, standing and handing him the directory.
Rayford’s throat tightened and he sucked in a huge breath when he saw the photo. He sighed painfully. It was almost too much to take.
He closed the directory and handed it to Buck, but at the same time he heard Bruce’s chair squeak. “What’re you guys looking at?”

“Just this,” Buck said, showing him the cover and trying to replace it in the bookshelf. But Bruce reached for it. “It’s a couple of years old,” Buck added.
“About a month after we started coming here,” Rayford said.
Bruce flipped right to the picture of his family, stood studying it for several seconds, and said, “You’re in here, Rayford?”
“Yes,” Rayford said simply, and Buck noticed him trying to get Chloe to move into the office.
Bruce turned to the Steele picture and nodded, smiling. He brought the directory back into the office with him, tucked it under his Bible and notebook, and opened the meeting in prayer.
Bruce started a little emotionally, but he soon warmed to his topic. He was flipping from Revelation to Ezekiel and Daniel and back again, comparing the prophetic passages to what was happening in New York and the rest of the world.
“Any of you hear the news about the two witnesses in Jerusalem today?”
Buck shook his head, and Rayford did the same. Chloe did not respond. She was not taking notes either or asking any questions. “A reporter said that a little band of a half dozen thugs tried to charge the two, but they all wound up burned to death.”
“Burned?” Buck said.
“No one knew where the fire came from,” Bruce said. “But we know, don’t we?”
“Do we?”
“Look at Revelation 11. The angel tells the apostle John, ‘“And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.” These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner.’”
“They breathed fire on them like dragons?”
“It’s right here in the book,” Bruce said.
“I’d like to see that on CNN,” Buck said.
“Keep watching,” Bruce said. “We’ll see more than that.”

Rayford wondered if he would ever get used to the things God was revealing to him. He could hardly fathom how far he’d come, how much he had accepted in less than a month. There was something about the dramatic invasion of God into humankind and into himself specifically that had changed the way he thought. From being a man who had to have everything documented, he suddenly found himself believing without question the most ludicrous news accounts, as long as they were corroborated by Scripture. And the opposite was also true: He believed everything in the Bible. Sooner or later the news would carry the same story.
Bruce turned to Buck. “How did your day go?” To Rayford, it seemed like an inside question.
“More to talk about than I can get into here,” Buck said.
“No kidding,” Chloe snapped. It was the first thing she had said.
Buck glanced at her and said, “I’ll debrief you tomorrow, Bruce, and then we can talk about it here tomorrow night.”
“Oh, let’s talk about it now,” Chloe said. “We’re all friends here.”
Rayford wished he could shush his own daughter, but she was an adult. If she wanted to press an issue, regardless of how she came across, that was her prerogative.
“You don’t even know where I was today,” Buck told her, clearly puzzled.
“But I know who you were with.”
Rayford saw the glance Buck shot at Bruce, but he didn’t understand it. Obviously, something had transpired between the two of them that wasn’t public knowledge yet. Could he have told Chloe that Buck met with Carpathia?
“Did you—?” Bruce shook his head.
“I don’t think you know, Chloe,” Buck said. “Let me discuss it with Bruce tomorrow, and I’ll bring it up for prayer in our meeting tomorrow night.”
“Yeah, sure,” Chloe said. “But I have a question and a prayer request for tonight.”
Bruce looked at his watch. “OK, shoot.”
“I’m wondering what you think about dating relationships during this time.”
“You’re the second person who’s asked me that today,” Bruce said. “We must be lonely people.” Chloe snorted, then scowled at Buck.
She must assume it was Buck who asked Bruce that earlier, Rayford thought.
“Let me make that a topic for one of our sessions,” Bruce said.
“How about the next one?” Chloe pressed.
“All right. We can discuss it tomorrow night.”
“And can you add to it what the rules are for morality for new believers?” Chloe said.
“Excuse me?”
“Talk about how we’re supposed to live, now that we call ourselves followers of Christ. You know, like morals and sex and all of that.”

Buck winced. Chloe didn’t sound like herself. “All right,” Bruce said. “We can cover that. But I don’t think it’ll come as any great shock to you to know that the rules that applied before the Rapture still apply. I mean, this could be a short lesson. We’re called to purity, and I’m sure it won’t surprise you—”
“It might not be so obvious to all of us,” Chloe said.
“We’ll deal with it tomorrow night then,” Bruce said. “Anything else for right now?”
Before anyone said anything or even offered closing prayer requests, Chloe said, “Nope. See you tomorrow night then.” And she left.
The three men prayed, and the meeting ended awkwardly, none of them wanting to talk, as Nicolae Carpathia had put it, about the elephant in the room.
Buck arrived home frustrated. He was not used to being unable to fix something, and most maddening, he didn’t even know what was wrong. He changed out of his traveling clothes and into hiking boots, khakis, denim shirt, and leather jacket. He phoned the Steeles. Rayford answered but after a few minutes came back to the phone to say that Chloe was unavailable. Buck was only guessing, but it sounded as if Rayford was as frustrated with her as he was.
“Rayford, is she standing right there?”
“That’s correct.”
“Do you have any idea what her problem is?”
“Not totally.”
“I want to get to the bottom of it,” Buck said.
“I concur with that.”
“I mean tonight.”
“Affirmative. Absolutely. You can try her again tomorrow.”
“Rayford, are you telling me it’s all right for me to come there right now?”
“Yes, you’re right. I can’t promise she’ll be here, but try again tomorrow.”
“So if I came there right now, I would not be offending you.”
“Not at all. We’ll expect your call tomorrow then.”
“I’m on my way.”
“OK, Buck. Talk to you then.”

Rayford didn’t like deceiving Chloe. It was almost like lying. But he had enjoyed the coded banter with Buck. He remembered a little tiff he’d had when dating Irene years before. She was very upset with him over something and told him she didn’t want him to call her until he heard from her, and she stormed off.
He hadn’t known what to do, but his mother gave him some advice. “You go to her right now, find her, and put the ball in her court. She can walk away from you once, but if she sends you away when you’re coming after her, then you’ll know she’s serious. She may not know her own mind, but down deep, if I know women, I know she’d rather you pursue her than let her run.”
And so, in a way, he had encouraged Buck’s instinct to do the same with Chloe. He knew they weren’t an item yet, but he thought they both wanted it that way. He had no idea what this other woman in Buck’s life was all about, but he was sure that if Buck forced the issue, Chloe would confront him about her and find out. If Buck was living with someone, that was a problem for Rayford and Bruce as well as for Chloe. But Chloe’s evidence seemed thin at best.
“So he’s going to try to call me tomorrow?” Chloe said.
“That’s what I told him.”
“How did he react?”
“He was just clarifying.”
“You sounded pretty clear.”
“I tried to be.”
“I’m going to bed,” she said.
“Why don’t we talk awhile first?”
“I’m tired, Dad. And I’m talked out.” She moved toward the stairs.
Rayford stalled her. “So, will you take his call tomorrow, you think?”
“I doubt it. I want to see how he reacts to Bruce’s teaching tomorrow night.”
“How do you think he’ll react?”
“Dad! How would I know? All I know is what I saw this morning. Now let me go to bed.”
“I just want to hear you out on this, hon. Talk to me.”
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Well, would you stay up and talk to me if I talked about me and my job situation instead of you and Buck?”
“Don’t put me and Buck in the same sentence, Dad. And no, unless you’re getting fired or switching jobs or something, I’d really rather do it another time.”
Rayford knew he could snag her attention with what had happened to him that day, from the note from Hattie to the bogus harassment charge to the meeting with Earl Halliday. But he was more in a mood to talk about all that than she was. “Want to help me tidy up the kitchen?”
“Daddy, the kitchen is spotless. Anything you need done around here I’ll do tomorrow, all right?”
“Coffee timer set for the morning?”
“Programmed since the beginning of time, Dad. What’s with you?”
“I’m just feeling a little lonely. Not ready to turn in yet.”
“If you need me to stay up with you I will, Dad. But why don’t you just watch some TV and relax?”
Rayford couldn’t delay her any longer. “I’ll do that,” he said. “I’ll be right down here in the living room with the TV on, OK?”
She gave him a funny look and matched his tone. “And I’ll be right up in my room at the top of the stairs with my light off, OK?”
He nodded.
She shook her head. “Now that we have both reported in and we know where the other will be and what we’ll be doing, am I excused?”
“You’re excused.”
Rayford waited until Chloe started up the stairs to turn on the front porch light. Buck knew the address and the general area, as he had been there once before.
The news was ending and only talk shows coming on, but Rayford didn’t care. He was sitting there only as a diversion anyway. He glanced through the curtains, looking for Buck’s car. “Dad?” Chloe called down. “Could you turn that down a little? Or watch in your room?”
“I’ll turn it down,” he said, as headlights briefly flooded the living room and came up the drive. Before he adjusted the volume, he hurried to the door and intercepted Buck before he rang the bell. “I’m going upstairs to bed,” he whispered. “Give me a second and then ring the bell. I’ll be in the shower, and she’ll have to answer it.”
Rayford shut and deadbolted the door. He turned the television off and went upstairs.
As he passed Chloe’s room he heard, “Daddy, you didn’t have to turn it off. Just down.”
“It’s all right,” he said. “I’m going to take a shower and get to bed.”
“’Night, Dad.”
“’Night, Chlo’.”
Rayford stood in the shower with the water off and the master bath door open. As soon as he heard the doorbell, he turned on the water. He heard Chloe call, “Dad! Someone’s at the door!”
“I’m in the shower!”
“Oh, Dad!”

This was a great idea! Buck thought, impressed that Rayford Steele trusted him enough to let him talk to his daughter when she obviously had something against him.
He waited a moment and rang the bell again. From inside he heard, “Just a minute, I’m coming!”
Chloe’s face appeared in the tiny window in the middle of the ornate door. She rolled her eyes. “Buck!” she called through the closed door. “Call me tomorrow, will you? I was already in bed!”
“I need to talk to you!” Buck said.
“Not tonight.”
“Yes, tonight,” he said. “I’m not leaving till you talk to me.”
“You’re not?” she said.
“No, I’m not.”
Chloe called his bluff. The porch light went out, and he heard her trotting up the stairs. He couldn’t believe it. She was tougher than he thought. But he had said he wasn’t leaving, and so he could not. If nothing else, Buck was a man of his word. Stubborn was more like it. But that had made him the journalist he was.
He still hadn’t shaken the longing for Chloe that had come over him that afternoon in New York. He’d wait her out, he decided. He’d be on her stoop in the morning when she got up, if that’s what it took.
Buck moved to the step at the edge of the porch and sat with his back to the front door, leaning on one of the stately pillars. He knew she would be able to see him if she came back to check. She’d probably be listening for his car, and she wouldn’t hear a thing.

“Daddy!” Chloe called from Rayford’s bedroom door. “Are you about done?”
“Not really! What’s up?”
“Buck Williams is at the door, and he won’t leave!”
“What do you want me to do about it?”
“Get rid of him!”
“You get rid of him! He’s your problem!”
“You’re my dad! It’s your duty!”
“Did he harm you? Has he threatened you?”
“No! Now, Dad!”
“I don’t want him to leave, Chloe! If you do, you send him away.”
“I’m going to bed!” she said.
“So am I!”
Rayford turned off the shower and heard Chloe slam his bedroom door. Then hers. Would she really go to bed and leave Buck on the porch? Would Buck stay? Rayford tiptoed to his door and opened it far enough to be able to keep tabs on Chloe. Her door was still shut. Rayford slipped into bed and didn’t move, listening. It was all he could do to keep from chuckling aloud. He had been put on the short list of candidates to be the new pilot for the president of the United States, and here he was, eavesdropping on his own daughter. It was the most fun he’d had in weeks.

Buck hadn’t realized how chilly the night was until he had sat next to that cold pillar for a few minutes. His jacket squeaked when he moved, and he raised the fur-lined collar around his neck. The smell reminded him of the many places in the world he had dragged this old bomber jacket. More than once he had thought he’d die in the thing.
Buck stretched his legs in front of him and crossed them at the ankles, suddenly realizing how tired he was. If he had to sleep on this porch, he would.
Then, in the stillness, he heard the faint creaking of the steps inside. Chloe was creeping down to see if he was still there. If it had been Rayford, the steps would have been louder and more sure. Rayford would probably have told him to give it up and go home, that they would try to deal with the problem later. Buck heard the floor near the door creak. Just for effect, he tilted his head toward the pillar and rearranged his posture as if settling in for a snooze.
The footsteps back up the stairs were not so muffled. What now?

Rayford had heard Chloe open her door and make her way down the stairs in the darkness. Now she was on her way back up. She whipped her door open and slapped at the light switch. Rayford leaned so he could see her emerge, which she did a moment later just before she turned out the light. Her hair was pinned atop her head, and she wore her floor-length terry cloth robe. She turned on the light at the top of the stairs and descended with a purpose. If Rayford had to guess, he didn’t think she was running the man off.

Buck saw his shadow on the lawn and knew a light was on behind him, but he didn’t want to appear either overconfident or too eager. He stayed right where he was, as if already asleep. The door was unlocked and opened, but he heard nothing else. He sneaked a peek. That, apparently, was her invitation to come in. I’ve come this far, Buck thought. That’s not good enough. He resumed his position, his back to the door.
Half a minute later he heard Chloe stomping to the door again. She swung open the storm door and said, “What do you want, an engraved invitation?”
“Wha—?” Buck said, pretending to be startled and turning around. “Is it morning already?”
“Very funny. Get in here. You’ve got ten minutes.”
He stood to go in, but Chloe let the storm door slap shut as she went to sit on one end of the couch in the living room. Buck let himself in. “That’s all right,” he said, “I’ll keep my coat.”
“This visit was your idea, not mine,” she said. “Forgive me if I don’t treat you as if you were invited.”
Chloe sat with her feet tucked under her, arms crossed, as if granting him an extremely reluctant audience. Buck draped his jacket across an easy chair and slid the footstool in front of Chloe. He sat there, staring at her, as if trying to think of where to begin.
“I’m hardly dressed for visitors,” she said.
“You look great no matter what you’re wearing.”
“Spare me,” she said. “What do you want?”
“Actually, I wanted to bring you flowers,” he said. “Seeing as how yours are in the trash.”
“Did you think I was kidding?” she said, pointing past him. He turned and looked. Sure enough, a huge bouquet of flowers was jammed in a wastebasket.
“I didn’t think you were kidding,” Buck said. “I just thought you were being figurative, and I hadn’t heard the expression.”
“What are you talking about?”
“When you told me the flowers were in the trash, I thought it was some sort of phrase I’d never heard. It had the flavor of ‘the cat is out of the bag’ or ‘the water is under the bridge.’”
“I said the flowers were in the trash, and that’s what I meant. I mean what I say, Buck.”
Buck was at a loss. They seemed to be on different pages, and he wasn’t even sure it was the same script. “Um, could you tell me why the flowers are in the trash? Maybe that would help clarify things for me.”
“Because I didn’t want them.”
“Oh, silly me. Makes sense. And you didn’t want them because . . .” He stopped and shook his head, as if she should fill in the blank.
“They insult me because of where they came from.”
“And where did they come from?”
“OK, then because of who they came from.”
“And they came from whom?”
“Oh, Buck, really! I don’t have time for this and I’m not in the mood.”
Chloe moved to stand and suddenly Buck was angry. “Chloe, wait just a minute.” She sat back down and folded up again, looking perturbed. “You owe me an explanation.”
“No, you owe me an explanation.”
Buck sighed. “I’ll explain anything you want, Chloe, but no more games. It was clear we were attracted to each other, and I know I gave off some less-than-interested signals Friday night, but today I realized—”
“This morning,” she interrupted, obviously fighting tears, “I discovered why you seemed to have lost interest all of a sudden. You were feeling guilty about not telling me everything, and if you think those flowers fixed anything—”
“Chloe! Let’s talk about real problems! I had nothing to do with those flowers.”
For once, Chloe was silent.