Guarino “Willie” Moretti

October 4, 1951

The rat pack pals

Guarino “Willie” Moretti was quite a card. If there was any humour at all in a situation he could find it. He loved a good story and was known to tell quite a few in his time. So when the Kefauver Hearings started in 1950 and suspected Mafia members were called in to testify, Moretti found that he just couldn’t help himself—some stories were just too good to keep under his hat. And that’s when Vito Genovese took it upon himself to cut Moretti off in mid-sentence.

Moretti had long been a member of the Luciano family and was quite a respected “made man”. It’s said he was pals with such luminaries as Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis and Frank Sinatra. In fact the story goes that when Sinatra was trying to break his contract with Tommy Dorsey but the band leader wouldn’t agree, Moretti showed up at Dorsey’s and stuck a gun down his throat to change his mind. Needless to say, Sinatra was released from his contract. No doubt Moretti had a great laugh over that one.

Unfortunately, Moretti liked to have a good time a little too much. Some time during his life, what with all the parties and in general living it up, Moretti had contracted syphilis. For years, though, he was able to keep his illness under control and act as an effective mafioso.

The body of Willie Moretti at “Joe’s Restaurant,” Oct. 4th, 1951. Looking down at the body is Bergen County Attorney General Nelson Stamler, a long-time friend of rackets kingpin Joe Adonis, and his brother, Salvatore, who is Adonis’ lieutenant.

the mercy killing

But by the time the Kefauver Hearings began, Moretti had definitely gone into decline. Syphilis causes mental degeneration and admittedly Moretti’s behaviour was becoming aberrant. He’d started to bet on imaginary horse races and to ramble on endlessly when telling his famous stories. When other mobsters such as Frank Costello and Meyer Lansky were called to testify at the Hearings, each one refused, pleading the Fifth Amendment. Moretti, however, seemed to treat the Kefauver Hearings as a bit of a lark, a chance to show off and have some fun. He had the senators at the hearings in stitches on more than one occasion. Clearly Moretti was starting to falter. Who could say what secrets he might give away?

It was Vito Genovese who went to the Commission for permission to put Moretti down. The argument was bitter, but in the end it was decided—Moretti had to be dealt with and his death would be a mercy killing. But of course Genovese had another motive: with Moretti out of the way, he would be one step closer to total control of the Luciano family.

On October 4, 1951 Willie Moretti met some friends for brunch at Joe’s Elbow Room. He had quite a pleasant day planned and was even expecting to meet up with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis later. However, some time during the course of the meal, when the wait staff were conveniently in the kitchen, Moretti’s companions pulled out their guns and put an end to him. It’s said that he was hit a number of times in the face and that such shots were signs of respect. With friends like that, who needs enemies?