As an author, I like to use authentic slang and phrases typical of the story setting and to suit the voices of my characters.
I’m Australian, and I’ve used some Aussie spelling and language in this book. These are not mistakes, just differences in local language. You little ripper!
big ask – a big favour or request
car park – parking lot
crack-up – to laugh, or an amusing person
divvy van – divisional van or police car, usually from the local police station
dead-set – for certain
dobbing – telling tales or reporting someone to authorities
goodies – treats or sweets
nong – a fool
Pavlova/Pav – popular meringue dessert topped with whipped cream and fruit
shopping centre – an indoor mall
spunk – a handsome man, worth having a crush on
If there are any more phrases in Heart Note you find baffling, drop me an email at and I’ll try to explain!